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Depressants By James O’Saile. What are depressants? Depressants are substances that depress the activity of the central nervous system Depressants are.

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Presentation on theme: "Depressants By James O’Saile. What are depressants? Depressants are substances that depress the activity of the central nervous system Depressants are."— Presentation transcript:

1 Depressants By James O’Saile

2 What are depressants? Depressants are substances that depress the activity of the central nervous system Depressants are substances that depress the activity of the central nervous system Are often referred to as “downers” because of their sedative, hypnotic, and tranquilizing effects Are often referred to as “downers” because of their sedative, hypnotic, and tranquilizing effects

3 What do they do? Depressants have various modes of action and effects. Depressants have various modes of action and effects. They are used to: They are used to: Induce sleep Induce sleep Relieve emotion stress Relieve emotion stress Ease anxiety and tension Ease anxiety and tension Relieve pain Relieve pain

4 Trade Names Some commonly used Medications are: Some commonly used Medications are: Lexapro Lexapro Prozac Prozac Celexa Celexa

5 Pros and Cons Pros: Pros: They are fast acting They are fast acting Can treat the sufferer to alternative treatments such as exercise, diet, and therapy Can treat the sufferer to alternative treatments such as exercise, diet, and therapy Cons: Cons: Trial and error of fiding a medication that works Trial and error of fiding a medication that works Unwanted side effects Unwanted side effects

6 Side Effects Short term effects: Short term effects: Reduced pain and anxiety Reduced pain and anxiety Feeling of well-being Feeling of well-being Lowered inhibitions Lowered inhibitions Slowed pulse and breathing Slowed pulse and breathing Lowered blood pressure Lowered blood pressure Poor concentration Poor concentration Long term effects: Long term effects: Confusion Confusion Fatigue Fatigue Impaired coordination Impaired coordination Respiratory depression and arrest Respiratory depression and arrest Addiction Addiction

7 Interactions Alcohol; using depressants with alcohol can slow both the heart and breathing and may lead to death. When combined with alcohol, the effects of depressant drugs are seriously increased Alcohol; using depressants with alcohol can slow both the heart and breathing and may lead to death. When combined with alcohol, the effects of depressant drugs are seriously increased Other drugs; Depressants should not be used with over the counter drugs or any other substance that causes central nervous system depression. Other drugs; Depressants should not be used with over the counter drugs or any other substance that causes central nervous system depression.

8 How is it administered? Depressants are taken orally. For example one pill is taken after a meal or a dr. prescribes the pill to be taken twice a day Depressants are taken orally. For example one pill is taken after a meal or a dr. prescribes the pill to be taken twice a day

9 Five Rights Right patient Right patient Right Time Right Time Right dosage Right dosage Right drug Right drug Right route of admin. Right route of admin. Right documentation Right documentation

10 Facts Depressants are used more often as drug to get a “high” from rather than treating depression. Depressants are used more often as drug to get a “high” from rather than treating depression.

11 Sources x x x x cations cations cations cations

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