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Staff Survey 'Temperature Check'. Background National staff survey run annually Results made available 6 months after survey sent out Current climate.

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1 Staff Survey 'Temperature Check'

2 Background National staff survey run annually Results made available 6 months after survey sent out Current climate requires ongoing monitoring of staff moral 4 questions asked 4-6 weekly to gauge staff feeling-temperature check

3 Questions How strongly would you recommend Hinchingbrooke as a place to work to family and friends (5 strongly agree - 1 strongly disagree) As an employer what do you think we do well? As an employer what do you think we could do better? How strongly would you recommend Hinchingbrooke as a hospital to family and friends (5 strongly agree - 1 strongly disagree

4 Responses 143 responses 69 in first 24 hours 14 by paper based version

5 Question 1 - results

6 Question 4 - results

7 What does this tell us? People are generally happy to recommend Hinchingbrooke as a place to be treated. 82% rated 3 or above As expected with major change, staff may not feel it is a place to recommend to work. 28% either disagree or strongly disagree

8 Question 2 - what we do well

9 Question 2 - what this tells us Hinchingbrooke maintains a friendly supportive Trust Staff are beginning to feel involved in decision making process - strong negative theme in partnership sessions in November. Staff believe external media communications to be good- strong negative theme in partnership sessions in November

10 Question 3 - what we could do better

11 Question 3 - what this tells us Strong feeling around not feeling valued and supported Strong feeling of issues around internal communication with staff Perception of effective leadership requires improvement

12 Recommendations Acknowledge the way staff are feeling about not feeling valued and supported - through Boards and clinical units Inform people of recent Communications appointment Facilitate regular contact between staff and senior leadership team Run survey again in October with additional question - clinical or non clinical

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