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The learning of the qualitative and quantitative competences for the Specialized and Competitive human capital using the EDUC platform: iMACALIT Model.

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Presentation on theme: "The learning of the qualitative and quantitative competences for the Specialized and Competitive human capital using the EDUC platform: iMACALIT Model."— Presentation transcript:

1 The learning of the qualitative and quantitative competences for the Specialized and Competitive human capital using the EDUC platform: iMACALIT Model D en C Irma Magaña Carrillo M en C Salvador Cortés García University of Colima. Faculty of Tourism Colima, Colima, México

2 2 Introduction The purpose of this project is to work on the mental structure of the student (first as a human being) seeking to involve their body as well, in order to influence their behavior and in this sense, obtain results through actions, in accordance with what is required from a professional within the tourist activities to satisfy the tourist-client.

3 Introduction The University of Colima has developed a technological base in several areas. In 2005, it was proposed to the Faculty of Tourism, campus Villa de Alvarez, that it work its Study Program, using the Distance Education Platform, known as EDUC. 3

4 Introduction The goal of this presentation is to offer a real case study of the experience of teaching subjects in institutions of tourist education whose methodology is based on the Total Quality Model. 4

5 EDUC Platform Specific goals: –Qualitative and quantitative competences. Competences such as: –The self – Personal commitment –Following instructions –Being precise –Being opportune 5

6 Model iMACALIT –The student to discover their talents, put them into practice and convert them into competences. 6

7 Model iMACALIT 7 Source: Magaña, 2009 Figure 1. Graphic representation of the iMACALIT Model of learning based on the Model of Total Quality.

8 The technological platform EDUC and the iMACALIT Model. 8 EDUC PlatformQualitative competence s DescriptionHabits-disciplineBehavior Be registered in the participating group of the term in question Committme nt  The self  To express themselves orally and through writing in first person  Be and Do Committment Managing emotions  The self-the other( client- external based)  Introspection  Be and Do  acceptance From the themes established in accordance with the EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM registered in the platform and presented as the OPERATIVE PLANNING Servucting with Total Quality  Tangibilizi ng the intangible of the what and the how.  Making of the qualitative, quantitative  Be and Do In the qualitative- quantitative context DIDACTIC MATERIAL Tangibilizin g  Servuction of qualitative and quantitative learning from the knowledge based perspective  At the end of each session, construct the quantitative and qualitative learning from a knowledge based persepective. Hand in via the EDUC platform.  Do and Be. Servuction with Total Quality.

9 The technological platform EDUC and the iMACALIT Model. 9 Material for the EDUC Platform DISCUSSION FORUMS Folders for everyone Promotionals/ Ads Following instructions  Following of formal processes ( in writing)  Consulting the operative planning  Be and Do, translating and interpreting. Material for the EDUC Platform Folders for everyone Promotionals/ Ads Being opportune  Thinking ahead  Selecting and analyzinfg info.  Identifying knowledge  Exercise: decisión vs intention  Be and Do: knowledge  Be and Do: time  Be and Do: Place EDUC PLATFORM: DISCUSSION FORUMS Folders for everyone Promotionals/ AdsTeam work  Servuction of products according to the requirements and expectations.  Improve requirements  Innovate requirements  Knowledge  Interrelation  Position  Acceptance  Integration  Be and Do:Responsability  Be and Do: Acceptance  Be and Do: Participation  Be and Do: Committment  Be and Do: creativity  Be and Do: innovation Source: self elaboration, 2011.

10 Conclusions In this XXI century, it is time to be and to act in accordance with the turbulent context that is present, especially since the future is no different. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the institutions of higher education to carefully and permanently tend to society in general, and in particular case, to he tourist sector, through a sense of commitment and responsibility on behalf of the academy. 10

11 Conclusions With the Model of Learning, the teacher is forced to be a facilitator, designing and defining his/her work towards the ability of interpreting and constructing a proposal to promote learning in the participating students. The Model has permitted a constantly working toward the elimination of visible and non visible costs, time, information, direction of the learning, and precision towards the gaining of productive qualitative and quantitative learning. 11

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