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Reid K. Hester, Ph.D. Director, Research Division Behavior Therapy Associates, LLC Tel. 505.345.6100.

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Presentation on theme: "Reid K. Hester, Ph.D. Director, Research Division Behavior Therapy Associates, LLC Tel. 505.345.6100."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reid K. Hester, Ph.D. Director, Research Division Behavior Therapy Associates, LLC Tel. 505.345.6100

2 ASAM Disclosure of Relevant Financial Relationships Content of Activity: 2013 State of the Art Course in Addiction Medicine NameCommercial Interests Relevant Financial Relationships: What Was Received Relevant Financial Relationships: For What Role No Relevant Financial Relationships with Any Commercial Interests Reid K Hester, Ph.D. DCUOwns copyright CDCUOwns copyright, patent pend. ModerateDrinking app Owns copyright Overcoming Addictions app Owns copyright Checkup & Choices app Owns copyright, patent pending

3  NIAAA for funding  Research staff (RAs, T. Haney, H. Delaney, Bo & Bill Miller, consultants)  Study participants

4  Problem drinkers: The big picture  Stages of Change & matched interventions  Stepped care: only as much as needed  BMIs  Action-oriented protocols  Management issues

5 Consumption & alcohol related problems None Mild Moderate Substantial Severe Alcohol Problems None Mild Moderate Substantial Severe Consumption IOM, 1990

6 None Mild Moderate Threshold for action Brief intervention, moderation training Abstinence focused treatment Substantial Severe Alcohol Problems

7 Precontemplation Permanent exit

8  Using the minimal amount of intervention needed to resolve problems (Sobell & Sobell, 2000).  Screening (1 question)  BMIs  Action-oriented protocols  Moderation programs  Abstinence programs

9  Screen as integral part of lifestyle assessment  Consider drinking from health standpoint, not disease standpoint



12  Assess extent of drinking & for heavy drinkers answer question, “Should I change my drinking?”  BMIs  The Drinker’s Check-up (25+ y/o)  The College Drinker’s Check-up (<25 y/o)

13  Web version  Randomized clinical trial: moderate drinking outcomes far more common than abstinence (10%) (Hester et al., 2005).


15  Cut back or abstain  Natural recovery literature (Sobell et al.)  Most people w/alcohol problems reduce their drinking w/o any professional or self-help  Tend to be the less dependent drinkers  Relationship of hx. alcohol problems & success in reducing alcohol problems w/moderation (Miller et al., 1992)

16  Prevalence is increasing (NIAAA, 2004)  Tend to not seek abstinence-oriented treatment.  Constitute the majority of those who recover w/o formal treatment (i.e. natural recovery)  At same time they have long histories of alcohol- related problems.

17  Outcome summary from Hester & Miller (2003)  More controlled clinical trials of BSCT than any other treatment until recently  Variety of ways to provide the tx. (face-to-face, bibliotherapy, web app.)

18  2-3 Std drinks for men, 1-2 for women  3-4 days/wk  Peak BACs <.055  Maximum limits 3/7 day/week women, 4/14 day/week men (<65 y/o)

19  Moderation Management (  Moderation training protocols (e.g.,

20  80 heavy drinkers randomly assigned to: a) MD + MM or b) MM alone  Follow-ups at 3, 6, & 12 mo.  73% had outcome data at all 3 f-up points

21 Group MD +MMMM only Age48.752.1 Education in Years15.715.1 MAST score14.113.2 Drinks (SECs)/Week33.035.4 Percent Days Abstinent (PDA)16.316.2 Mean Drinks per Drinking Day 5.5 6.1

22 Group MD +MMMM only Mean Peak BAC per Drinking Day 111mg%119mg% Hours BAC > 80 mg% (in prior week, descending curve) 21.926.1 DrInC Recent Total score24.321.3 AUDIT score17.718.3




26  AUDIT score over 8  MAST score under 20  Medical hx to screen for contraindications  Clients with less severe alcohol-related problems  Clients who refuse abstinence without first trying moderation

27  Moderation achievable by many, but not all  Predictors of success not perfect  Lack of success by 6-8 weeks not good sign for chances of long term success in moderation

28  Share info about likelihood of success with moderating drinking  (Miller, et al., 1992)  Discourage abstinent alcoholics from trying moderation  Urge "vacation" from drinking  Agree to moderation trial w/contract to abstain if unsuccessful

29  Most significantly dependent clients won't opt for moderation, especially once it is explained to them  Clients will always choose their own goal (see Sanchez-Craig's BSCT study w/abstinence & moderation gps)

30  Overcoming Addictions, A SMART Recovery web application (  A 4-step, CB-T & MET protocol  Build, maintain motivation  Dealing w/urges, cravings  Managing thoughts, feelings, actions  Lifestyle balance for relapse prevention

31   1,000+ face-to-face meetings  30 Online meetings/week  Forum for support  Manuals, etc. on their web site

32 VariableOverall Group SRSR + OAOA (n = 86)(n = 83)(n = 19) Female n (%)114 (60.6%)52 (61%)50 (60%)12 (63%) Age M (SD)44.3 (10.9)43.4 (10.6)44.6 (11.1)48.3 (8.4) Ethnicity n (%) White170 (90.4%)76 (88.4%)77 (92.8%)17 (89.5%) Hispanic 5 (2.7%) 3 (3.5%) 1 (1.2%) 1 (5.3%) Other 7 (6.9%) 7 (8.1%) 5 (6.0%) 1 (5.3%) Education M (SD) 16.1 (2.4)15.93 (2.5)16.0 (2.3)17.3 (2.1) AUDIT M (SD) a 24.7 (8.1)24.8 (8.1)23.95 (8.2)27.4 (7.2) BSI M (SD) b 17.4 (12.9)19.35 (12.5)15.95 (13.6)14.8 (11.0) InDUC M (SD) c 41.4 (17.9)42.2 (19.0)40.6 (17.5)40.8 (15.6) Baseline characteristics




36  Our newest web app integrates:  DCU, CDCU, MD, & OA  Designed for use with patients in primary care  Screens for heavy drinking, drug use  Provides BMI  Segues to MD & OA

37  For many problem drinkers, BMI is sufficient  Some will benefit from moderation protocols, some will need abstinence-oriented protocols  Brief follow-ups key to knowing how much has been enough

38  Hester, R.K., Delaney, H.D., & Campbell, W. (2012). The College Drinker’s Check-up: Outcomes of two randomized clinical trials of a computer-based brief motivational intervention. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors,  Hester, R.K., Delaney, H.D., & Campbell, W., (2011). and Moderation Management: 12-month outcomes of a randomized clinical trial. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 79, 215-224. Abstract at  Hester, R.K., Delaney, H.D., Campbell, W., & Handmaker, N.(2009). A web application for moderation training: Initial results of a randomized clinical trial. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 37(3), 266-276.

39  Hester, R.K., Lenberg, K.L., Campbell, W., & Delaney, H.D.D. (2013). Overcoming Addictions, a web-based application, and SMART Recovery, an online and in-person mutual help group for problem drinkers Part 1: Three-Month Outcomes of a Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 15(7):e134.  Hester, R.K., Squires, D.D., & Delaney, H.D. (2005). The Computer- based Drinker’s Check-up: 12 month outcomes of a controlled clinical trial with problem drinkers. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 28(2), 159-169.

40  Miller, W. R., Leckman, A. L., Delaney, H. D., & Tinkcom, M. (1992). Long-term follow-up of behavioral self-control training. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 53, 249-261.  National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. (2004a). Alcohol abuse increases, dependence declines across decade.  Sobell, M. B., & Sobell, L. C. (2000). Stepped care as a heuristic approach to the treatment of alcohol problems. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 68, 573–579.

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