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Company Confidential Registration Management Committee (RMC) 1 NASA’s Joint Audit Planning Committee (JAPC) Complements Other Party Audits Atlanta, GA.

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Presentation on theme: "Company Confidential Registration Management Committee (RMC) 1 NASA’s Joint Audit Planning Committee (JAPC) Complements Other Party Audits Atlanta, GA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Company Confidential Registration Management Committee (RMC) 1 NASA’s Joint Audit Planning Committee (JAPC) Complements Other Party Audits Atlanta, GA July 22, 2010 Buck Crenshaw, JAPC Deputy - Chairman Tony Gutierrez, JAPC Manager NASA Auditor Workshop Atlanta, GA July 22-23, 2010

2 Registration Management Committee (RMC) Atlanta, GA July 22-23, 2010 2 JAPC Latest Activity  Joint audit activity continues to engage member organizations and suppliers.  Second Phase of the supplier invitation process  Supplemental Oversight  MOU Revision “B” new changes  Nadcap and the Space Industry - Business case  Auditing Titanium suppliers  Oversight of Independent Distributors  To validate JAPC goals and objectives

3 Registration Management Committee (RMC) Atlanta, GA July 22-23, 2010 3 JAPC Suppliers’ invitation  Suppliers that did not accept the initial invitation by NASA Headquarters.  Second phase of the invitation process  Member organizations, with an active contract, contacts supplier and sets an audit date.  Extends a second invitation to the supplier indicating that JAPC members will be participating.  Joint audit is accomplished and the supplier is notified that the results will be shared with JAPC member organizations as well as the RMC.

4 Registration Management Committee (RMC) Atlanta, GA July 22-23, 2010 4 JAPC supplemental oversight effort  JAPC ready to perform supplemental oversight in accordance with AS9104-2  IAQG/AAQG member orgs. within the JAPC have committed to provide support.  Will provide one audit team member who will perform this function.  Perform JAPC joint audits and Supplemental Oversight concurrently.  Identify ICOP process strengths and weaknesses.  Integrate this effort with RMC’s surveillance sub-team using the OASIS database.

5 Registration Management Committee (RMC) Atlanta, GA July 22-23, 2010 5  Continuous improvement of the aerospace and defense industry’s quality management performance and enhancement of JAPC confidence in the certification schemes  Validate effectiveness of the ICOP Certification Body (CB) process  Accreditation Body (AB), CBs, Registration Management Committee (RMC)  Allow CBs to adjust their processes, procedures and training  Help identify CBs with systemic issues  Obtain corrective action (if required)  Keep JAPC members apprised Long-term goal to maintain oversight and drop off of second party audits

6 Registration Management Committee (RMC) Atlanta, GA July 22-23, 2010 6 MOU Revision B  MOU section 4.c revised – include (Certification Body supplemental assessments are defined as IAQG/AAQG member companies conducting additional oversight…)  Identify CBs with JAPC supplier clients, 16 currently  A few JAPC members were identified having trained and qualified supplemental auditors.  Determine JAPC supplemental audit scope – client validations in concert with joint audits only?  Determine method for choosing which joint audit shall also include a supplemental audit and who will perform.

7 Registration Management Committee (RMC) Atlanta, GA July 22-23, 2010 7 Nadcap and the Space Industry – Business case  Discussion within JAPC members – do we have enough members interested in supporting this effort?  Are there enough space requirements to build a case?  Determine whether it makes business sense to add space requirements to proven Nadcap processes.  Nadcap welcomes collaboration with JAPC members.

8 Registration Management Committee (RMC) Atlanta, GA July 22-23, 2010 8 Auditing Titanium suppliers  Topic of discussion to reach consensus whether the need justifies auditing Titanium suppliers.  Do we need to build a list of trusted Titanium suppliers?  A JAPC member has taken the lead to identify reliable Titanium suppliers including benchmarking other organizations.

9 Registration Management Committee (RMC) Atlanta, GA July 22-23, 2010 9 To validate JAPC goals and objectives  Validate whether the JAPC has met its goals and objectives.  Are we doing everything possible to minimize the number of individual audits performed by JAPC member orgs?  Determine if the suppliers have experienced a reduction of QMS audits.  What do we need to change to improve JAPC direction.  Do suppliers understand what the JAPC is about.  Encourage all of you to mention that the JAPC’s intent is to reduce the number of individual audits!!!!

10 Registration Management Committee (RMC) Atlanta, GA July 22-23, 2010 10 Questions?

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