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Just a few elements, (usually bonded with other elements in compounds), make up most the matter on Earth.

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Presentation on theme: "Just a few elements, (usually bonded with other elements in compounds), make up most the matter on Earth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Just a few elements, (usually bonded with other elements in compounds), make up most the matter on Earth.

2 75 % of Earth is covered by…. saltwater. Saltwater is a mixture of two compounds. Water = H 2 O Salt = NaCl Based on this…what are the two most common elements in our oceans?

3 Decode the compound formulas – Water – H 2 O H = Hydrogen O = Oxygen Salt – NaCl Na = Sodium Cl = Chlorine

4 Percentage of Elements in the Hydrosphere / Oceans Element% Oxygen (O) 85.84 Hydrogen (H) 10.82 Chlorine (Cl) 1.94 Sodium (Na) 1.08 Magnesium (Mg).13

5 This graph shows the composition of our… Atmosphere

6 Is Oxygen (O) the most important element in our atmosphere? Is Oxygen (O) the most abundant element in our atmosphere? Only if you like breathing. NO! N – (N) Nitrogen = 78% O – (O) Oxygen = 21% About 1 % of the atmosphere includes traces of other element and… two important compounds. CO 2 Carbon Dioxide…plants need this. H 2 O Water Vapor (gas)…amount is variable.


8 The Earth’s Lithosphere /crust is dominated by 5 compounds. Compound% mass Silicon dioxide SiO 2 43% Magnesium oxide MgO 35% Ferrous oxide FeO 9% Aluminum oxide Al 2 O 3 7% Calcium oxide CaO 4% What do they all have in common? Oxygen (O)

9 Crust Elements % by mass Oxygen (O) 47% Silicon (Si) 28% Aluminum (Al) 8% Iron (Fe) 5% Calcium (Ca) 4% Compound% mass Silicon dioxide SiO 2 42% Magnesium oxide Mg O35% Ferrous oxide FeO9% Aluminum oxide Al 2 O 3 7% Calcium oxide CaO4% These are the elements found in the abiotic (non living) parts of Earth’s Lithosphere / Crust.

10 Common Elements for Biotic Matter Bio = life In the BIOSHPHERE Life ? Life = Grow Reproduce Respond Use Energy

11 C Carbon H Hydrogen N Nitrogen O Oxygen Four elements are always found in living systems.

12 C 6 H 12 O 6 sugar / carbohydrate CO 2 H2OH2O NN This is the chemistry of PHOTOSYNTHESIS !

13 C Carbon H Hydrogen N Nitrogen O Oxygen Remember “CHNOPS” (“ sha nops” ) “ORGANIC COMPOUNDS” are bonded with the following elements P Phosphorus S Sulfur

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