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Weld Joints. Butt Joint Corner Joint Outside Inside.

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Presentation on theme: "Weld Joints. Butt Joint Corner Joint Outside Inside."— Presentation transcript:

1 Weld Joints

2 Butt Joint

3 Corner Joint Outside Inside

4 Edge Joint

5 T Joint

6 Lap Joint

7 Electrode Classification

8 Electrode #’s Tensile Strength 60 = 60,000 psi 70 = 70,000 psi 80 = 80,000 psi 90 = 90,000 psi Welding Position 1 = All Positions 2 = Flat/Horizontal 3 = Flat Only Special Characteristics 0 = Deep/DC + / Fast Freeze 1 = Deep/AC/DC + / Fast Freeze 3 = Shallow /AC/DC+/DC- 8 = Medium / AC/DC+/Low Hydro

9 E 60 1 1 Electrode X 1000 lbs sq inch Tensile Strength Position Special Characteristics Current Type Flux Characteristics Metal Type Penetration

10 E 60 11 Electrode 60,000 psi All Position Special Characteristics Deep Penetration Cellulose Potassium flux Fast Freeze AC/DC+ (current)

11 E 60 1 0 60,000 psi All Position Electrode Special Characteristics Deep Penetration Cellulose sodium flux Fast Freeze DC+ (current)

12 E 70 1 8 70,000 psi All Position Electrode Special Characteristics Medium Penetration Iron Powder Low Hydrogen flux AC/ DC+ (current)

13 E 60 1 3 60,000 psi All Position Electrode Special Characteristics Shallow Penetration Titania Potassium flux AC / DC+ / DC - (current)

14 Electrode #’s Quiz Slide Tensile Strength 60 = 60,000 psi 70 = 70,000 psi 80 = 80,000 psi 90 = 90,000 psi Welding Position 1 = All Positions 2 = Flat/Horizontal 3 = Flat Only Special Characteristics 0 = Deep/DC + / Fast Freeze 1 = Deep/AC/DC + / Fast Freeze 3 = Shallow /AC/DC+/DC- 8 = Medium / AC/DC+/Low Hydro E Electrode 80 80,000 psi tensile strength 2 Flat/Horizontal Position 1 Fast Freeze Deep Penetration AC/DC + E Electrode 60 60,000 psi tensile strength 3 Flat Position Only 8 Low Hydrogen Flux Medium Penetration AC/DC +

15 Welding Terminology

16 Arc Length Distance between the tip of the electrode and the base metal. Also known as Arc Gap. Distance between the tip of the electrode and the base metal. Also known as Arc Gap. Long Arc = large Gap Long Arc = large Gap Short Arc = Small Gap Short Arc = Small Gap Shorter the Gap = Cooler the Arc Shorter the Gap = Cooler the Arc Longer the Gap = Hotter the Arc Longer the Gap = Hotter the Arc

17 Shielding Gases Carbon Dioxide (C02) Carbon Dioxide (C02) Co2/Argon Mix (Mixed Gas) Co2/Argon Mix (Mixed Gas) 75%/25% 75%/25% 85%/15% 85%/15% 90%/10% 90%/10%

18 Wire Speed Speed in Inches Per Minute (IPM) that the wire spools through lead cable out the nozzle. Speed in Inches Per Minute (IPM) that the wire spools through lead cable out the nozzle. Changes the Amp in the Circuit (Current) Changes the Amp in the Circuit (Current)

19 Wire Stick-out Distance the wire protrudes past electrode tip/nozzle Distance the wire protrudes past electrode tip/nozzle Can: Can: Increase spatter (Too long or short) Increase spatter (Too long or short) Burn tip/wire together (create too much resistance) Burn tip/wire together (create too much resistance) Be adjusted to get smooth current (Volts/Amps) Be adjusted to get smooth current (Volts/Amps)

20 Gun Angle Angle the Gun/Tip is held from the base metal Angle the Gun/Tip is held from the base metal 1)Base Angle (BA) 1)Base Angle (BA) 2)Direction of Travel Angle (DOTA) 2)Direction of Travel Angle (DOTA)

21 Forehand/backhand Forehand: Pushing the puddle Forehand: Pushing the puddle 80 Degree Push 80 Degree Push Backhand: Dragging puddle Backhand: Dragging puddle 80 Degrees DOT. 80 Degrees DOT.

22 Porosity Gas Pocket in/on the weld that is a defect in the weld. Gas Pocket in/on the weld that is a defect in the weld.Causes: Long arc Long arc Dirty base metal Dirty base metal Shielding Gas Off (needs to be 20 CF) Shielding Gas Off (needs to be 20 CF) Gas Off Gas Off To Low of Pressure To Low of Pressure To High of Pressure (causes Turbulence) To High of Pressure (causes Turbulence) Wind/Weather Wind/Weather

23 Fusion Combining or joining of two materials Combining or joining of two materials

24 Non Ferrous= Metal that does not contain Iron Example: Aluminum/Copper, brass, lead, nickel, tin, titaniumbrass leadnickeltintitanium

25 Ferrous Metal Metal containing Iron Example: mild steel Metal/Stainless, carbon steel/AR plate

26 Welding Electrical Terms

27 Electrical Terms 12. The arc is extinguished every half- cycle as the current passes through zero, usually at the rate of 120 times per second. 12. The arc is extinguished every half- cycle as the current passes through zero, usually at the rate of 120 times per second.

28 Alternating Current Current (electrons) is traveling in both directions back and forth. Current (electrons) is traveling in both directions back and forth. Current is changing from positive-Negative Current is changing from positive-Negative Hertz: sign wave electrical current Hertz: sign wave electrical current

29 DC Current DC: Direct Current DC: Direct Current Current is traveling in one direction Current is traveling in one direction Polarity: Changing direction current flows Polarity: Changing direction current flows Ground to Electrode or Electrode to ground Ground to Electrode or Electrode to ground

30 DC Polarity DC + electrode is Positive and electrons will flow from neg to pos therefore will go from neg Ground to positive electrode. Reverse polarity/DCEP/DC+ DC + electrode is Positive and electrons will flow from neg to pos therefore will go from neg Ground to positive electrode. Reverse polarity/DCEP/DC+ DC - Electrode is negative and electrons will flow from Neg to positive therefore go to the positive ground clamp. Straight polarity/DCEN/DC- DC - Electrode is negative and electrons will flow from Neg to positive therefore go to the positive ground clamp. Straight polarity/DCEN/DC-

31 Amps The measure of Electrical Flow The measure of Electrical Flow 1) electrons traveling 1) electrons traveling 2) Water running out of a garden hose would be compared to Amps 2) Water running out of a garden hose would be compared to Amps 3) Water Flow/Electrical Flow 3) Water Flow/Electrical Flow

32 Volts Measure of Electrical Pressure Measure of Electrical Pressure 1) Force of electrons 1) Force of electrons 2) Compared to your finger over a running garden hose to generate more pressure. 2) Compared to your finger over a running garden hose to generate more pressure. 3) water pressure/Electrical pressure 3) water pressure/Electrical pressure

33 CC Constant Current Constant Current Amps (Current) stays constant (Vary Slightly) and there are change in voltage during welding process. Amps (Current) stays constant (Vary Slightly) and there are change in voltage during welding process. ?? What changes Voltage? ?? What changes Voltage? Typical processes: SMAW/GTAW Typical processes: SMAW/GTAW

34 CV Constant Voltage Voltage stays constant (Varies slightly) and there are changes in Current (Amps) during welding process. ?? What changes Amperage? ?? What changes Amperage? Typical processes: GMAW Typical processes: GMAW


36 Weld Pattern/Movement



39 Out of position Welding

40 D. There are four positions used when welding: Overhead Overhead

41 D. There are four positions used when welding: Horizontal Horizontal

42 D. There are four positions used when welding: Vertical Vertical

43 Flat Flat The flat position produces welds that are stronger than in any other position. The flat position produces welds that are stronger than in any other position. D. There are four positions used when welding:

44 Base metal Prep

45 9. The double V butt joint is excellent for all load conditions and is often used on metal sections over ¾ inch in thickness.

46 7. The single V butt joint is often used on plate steel 3 /8 inch to ¾ inch in thickness. This joint is strong in loads with tension forces but weak in loads that bend at the weld root. The weld root is the bottom of the weld groove opposite the weld face.

47 8. The single-bevel butt joint is used on metals from 1/8 inch to ½ inch in thickness and the bevel is 45 degrees.

48 4. The plug and slot welds are used to join pieces that overlap. The welds are placed in plug or slot holes. These types of welds commonly take the place of rivets in welded structures.

49 GMAW Gas Metal Arc Welding

50 GMAW Spool & Roller Guides Tensioner

51 Wire irregularly fed (rat or bird nest)

52 GMAW Machine/equipment

53 GMAW Torch Parts

54 GMAW Shielding Action

55 GMAW Nozzle/Gun parts

56 GMAW welding

57 Flow meter

58 PAC Plasma Arc Cutting




62 Brands Of plasma Cutters


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