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 ESC 3 rd General Meeting November 4 th, 2010. Agenda  Role Call  Facilities Update and Allocations  FiComm Reimbursements and Spring Budgeting 

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Presentation on theme: " ESC 3 rd General Meeting November 4 th, 2010. Agenda  Role Call  Facilities Update and Allocations  FiComm Reimbursements and Spring Budgeting "— Presentation transcript:

1  ESC 3 rd General Meeting November 4 th, 2010

2 Agenda  Role Call  Facilities Update and Allocations  FiComm Reimbursements and Spring Budgeting  Committees  Upcoming Events/Important Dates

3 Role Call  American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)  American Nuclear Society (ANS)  American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)  American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)  Berkeley Engineers and Mentors (BEAM)  Bioengineering Honor Society (BioEHS)  Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES)  Black Engineering and Science Students Association, (BESSA)  Cal Super Mileage Vehicle Team (SMV)  CalSol  Chemical Engineering Car (ChemE Car)  Chi Epsilon (XE)  Community for Graduate Women in EECS (WICSE)  Concrete Canoe  E4K Planning Committee (E4K)  Engineering 98 (E98)  Engineering World Health (EWH)  Engineers Without Borders (EWB)  Environmental Competition Team  Eta Kappa Nu (HKN)

4 Role Call  Formula SAE (FSAE)  Hands-on Engineering DeCal  Hispanic Engineers and Scientists (HES)  IEEE Student Branch  Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE)  Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE)  International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience (IAESTE)  International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE)  Materials Science and Engineering Association (MSEA)  Pi Tau Sigma (PTS)  Pilipino Association of Scientists, Architects and Engineers (PASAE)  Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers (SASE)  Society of Engineering Sciences  Society of Women Engineers (SWE)  Steel Bridge  Tau Beta Pi (TBP)  Theta Tau  Triangle Fraternity

5 Facilities Update  Space Allocations:  REMINDERS:  Access to items in 101 Bridges –  Key to kitchen (107 Bechtel) – Kept with Portia  NO FOOD in Bridges.  Bridges is only to be used for storage, NO MEETINGS & NO INDIVIDUAL STUDY SESSIONS!

6 There are only TWO FiComm Meetings left for this semester!  When: Tuesdays 7:30-8:30PM (every other week: 11/16, 11/30)  Locations: Bridges  Must sign up by 5PM on Monday prior to attending  Sign-up at: Instructions on how to fill out your reimbursements are now available online under the Treasurer’s Page DEADLINE to turn in reimbursement forms: December 1 st Allocations and Reimbursements FiComm

7 Spring 2011 Budgeting Mid-year reports due on December 1 st for Spring 2011 funding allocations. The form is available online on the Treasurer’s Page FiComm

8 Committees The purpose of the committees… Social:  To encourage collaboration between student groups, COE faculty, and staff  To host events and activities that bring everyone together and highlight our common goals Goals:  Organize a monthly mixer, 1 for end of Fall and monthly in the Spring  Host E-Week and organize student group participation  Assess need for a college-wide Town Hall Social, Publicity, FiComm

9 Committees Continued... Publicity:  To inform the entire engineering community what ESC does and who ESC represents  To publicize the amazing achievements of our members (that’s you!) and encourage all students to get more involved on campus Goals:  Complete the transition from EJC to ESC – banners, tabling, plaque, etc.  Publicize monthly socials, E-week, and any other activities Social organizes  Create an online photo album of ESC and its members Social, Publicity, FiComm

10 Committees Continued... FiComm:  To allocate funding to ESC’s members Goals:  Allocate all of ESC’s funding for the year  Create a strong case as to why the engineering community should receive increased funding next year Social, Publicity, FiComm

11 Committees Summary: Why are you asked to send a representative to sit on a committee?  NOT because it is mandatory (although it is…)  7 Execs < # of people needed to accomplish our unified goals  We WANT to provide you with the resources and support you have asked for, but we NEED your help  Representative = Ambassador to your organization What does this mean?  Committee members need to WANT to be there!  Please send someone who wants to be a part of the larger picture and explain why it is important that they attend and participate Social, Publicity, FiComm

12 Upcoming Dates  “Town Hall” with the Dean – survey up this weekend!  Tour of RFS – November 13th, 10AM-1PM (tentative)  November Engineering Mixer – TBA  Space Allocation sign-ups due: December 1 st  Mid-Year reports due: December 1 st  Last day to submit reimbursements: December 1 st

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