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SELL Meeting, June 2010, Bordeaux SELL 2010 France Country Report Catherine Etienne & Mariette Naud Couperin Consortium Couperin.

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Presentation on theme: "SELL Meeting, June 2010, Bordeaux SELL 2010 France Country Report Catherine Etienne & Mariette Naud Couperin Consortium Couperin."— Presentation transcript:

1 SELL Meeting, June 2010, Bordeaux SELL 2010 France Country Report Catherine Etienne & Mariette Naud Couperin Consortium Couperin

2 SELL Meeting, June 2010, Bordeaux AGENDA Context – 2009 Negotiations Various projects

3 SELL Meeting, June 2010, Bordeaux I – CONTEXT (2009)

4 SELL Meeting, June 2010, Bordeaux Higher education : 1 501 255 students, 10 190 permanent researchers CNRS : 11 600 permanent researchers, 7 600 non permanent researchers (PhD students, postgraduates, associated researchers…) Schools : 7 000 researchers, 230 000 students Public spendings for STI 100 millions € Including 50 millions for high education libraries (+30 millions for associated libraries) GENERAL DATA

5 SELL Meeting, June 2010, Bordeaux No significant cuts in the budgets of academic institutions so far But no significant decrease from the publishers either IMPACT OF THE CRISIS ?

6 SELL Meeting, June 2010, Bordeaux Created in 1999 by 4 universities 31/05/10 : 210 members 78 schools 1 French institute abroad (Greece) 2 agencies 1 hospital 13 « grands établissements » 24 research organisations 91 universities MEMBERS OF COUPERIN

7 SELL Meeting, June 2010, Bordeaux General Assembly (210 members) Administration council Professional Board Prospective department Groupes de veille E-books division Coordination of negociations 6 thematic divisions Negotiators

8 SELL Meeting, June 2010, Bordeaux II - NEGOTIATIONS

9 SELL Meeting, June 2010, Bordeaux 64 negotiators, from all types of institutions, volunteering to negotiate. At the moment : 147 « active » resources 126 have been (re)negotiated in 2009 About 150 resources not negotiated anymore / waiting to be negotiated / not successfully negociated. GENERAL DATA

10 SELL Meeting, June 2010, Bordeaux STATISTICS (2008) 203 members 131 negotiations 16 grouping of orders (ACS, Proquest Databases, BSP + Econlit, CAIRN, CNRC, Dalloz, Le Doctrinal, Science Direct, IOP, Jstor, Lamyline, LexisNexis, SciFinder Scholar, Springerlink, WOS, Wiley). Number of contracts : Average number of contracts per institution : 20042005200620072008 11721548180319682096 01-1011-2021-3031-4041-50 16,7%42,3%26,7%9,5%3,5%1,5%

11 SELL Meeting, June 2010, Bordeaux SCIENCEDIRECT Negociation at the moment Help of JISC Collections / training with professional negotiators A negotiation concerning many institutions : Couperin’s members, CNRS, CEA, INRA, INSERM… Hard to communicate on this specific negotiation as only two meetings have taken place so far

12 SELL Meeting, June 2010, Bordeaux III- VARIOUS PROJECTS

13 SELL Meeting, June 2010, Bordeaux Necessity to renovate the consortium’s communication Collaboration between the two departments Four profiles of connexion/information : administrator, negotiator, contact, member of the monitoring groups A modernisation of the appearance of the Website Confidential documents available only after authentification of the visitor Documents for the negotiators A NEW WEBSITE

14 SELL Meeting, June 2010, Bordeaux MONITORING GROUPS MESR used to supervise monitoring groups Reorganisation of the ministry : Couperin volunteered to supervise the groups Open to everybody, including non members of the consortium Five themes : humanities, health and life sciences, sciences and technics, politics and law, economics. Goals : Provide new arguments to negotiate the resource Be a help for librarians when chosing to buy the resource or not Be a place of discussion and exchange

15 SELL Meeting, June 2010, Bordeaux E-BOOKS WORKSHOP A very active department Produces many documents, statements, and provides help and support to negotiators of E-books Two days of meeting in Lille in May : « What services, for what uses? » An E-books comparer on Couperin’s website

16 SELL Meeting, June 2010, Bordeaux 25-28 october 2009 130 colleagues 29 countries Positive feedbacks ICOLC IN PARIS

17 SELL Meeting, June 2010, Bordeaux Participation in the organisation of the conference of Berlin 7 Redaction of the national report on the state of Open Access in France with INIST and MESR (more tomorrow !) Participation in the director board of SPARC Europe European project Open AIRE Partnership with the University of Lund for the DOAJ since May 2010. OPEN ACCESS

18 SELL Meeting, June 2010, Bordeaux A more detailed presentation tomorrow Writing of the book of specifications Call for tender at the end of April 2010 A pilot starting in September 2010 THE ERMS

19 SELL Meeting, June 2010, Bordeaux PROJECTS FOR 2010-2011 ERMS Feedbacks on the new Website OpenAIRE Monitoring groups Efficient training of the negotiators Creation of a statistics workshops

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