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Kuwait Financial Centre ‘Markaz’ Sukuk Presentation - Update June 2009

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1 Kuwait Financial Centre ‘Markaz’ Sukuk Presentation - Update June 2009
Asset Management | Investment Banking Centred around your success

2 Summary Credit risk (measured by CDS spread) is still high in UAE and Bahrain while Saudi Arabia and Oman is very low. Outstanding Sukuk issues totaled USD 73.6 b spread over 83 Sukuks. UAE dominates with 59% share. Majority of the Sukuks are not rated (65%), Investment grade (72%) with floating coupons (58%). 70% of Sukuks and USD 33.2b will come up for maturity during the next three years Libor (6m) and Libor (3m) are the most popular benchmarks with a combined share of 69% The average yield vary from a low of 3.20%(Ultra conservative) to a high of 55.32% (High octane).

3 Credit Default Swaps Source: Reuters

4 Market Size Source: Reuters Time period: since 2003 to May 2009

5 Issues and Maturity Source: Reuters Source: Reuters

6 Rating and Quality Source: Reuters Source: Reuters

7 Structure Source: Reuters Source: Reuters

8 Coupon & Options Source: Reuters Source: Reuters

9 Average Current Yield Source: Reuters

10 Ultra Conservative Yields
Source: Reuters

11 Ultra Conservative Yields
Source: Reuters

12 Conservative Yields Source: Reuters

13 Conservative Yields Source: Reuters

14 Moderately Aggressive Yields
Source: Reuters

15 Moderately Aggressive Yields
Source: Reuters

16 Aggressive Yields Source: Reuters

17 Aggressive Yields Source: Reuters

18 High Octane Yields Source: Reuters

19 High Octane Yields Source: Reuters

20 Disclaimer This report has been prepared and issued by Kuwait Financial Centre S.A.K (Markaz), which is regulated by the Central Bank of Kuwait. The report is intended to be circulated for general information only and should not to be construed as an offer to buy or sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any financial instruments or to participate in any particular trading strategy in any jurisdiction. The information and statistical data herein have been obtained from sources we believe to be reliable but no representation or warranty, expressed or implied, is made that such information and data is accurate or complete, and therefore should not be relied upon as such. Opinions, estimates and projections in this report constitute the current judgment of the author as of the date of this report. They do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Markaz and are subject to change without notice. This report does not have regard to the specific investment objectives, financial situation and the particular needs of any specific person who may receive this report. Investors are urged to seek financial advice regarding the appropriateness of investing in any securities or investment strategies discussed or recommended in this report and to understand that statements regarding future prospects may not be realized. Investors should note that income from such securities, if any, may fluctuate and that each security’s price or value may rise or fall. Investors should be able and willing to accept a total or partial loss of their investment. Accordingly, investors may receive back less than originally invested. Past performance is historical and is not necessarily indicative of future performance. Kuwait Financial Centre S.A.K (Markaz) does and seeks to do business, including investment banking deals, with companies covered in its research reports. This report may provide the addresses of, or contain hyperlinks to, websites. Except to the extent to which the report refers to website material of Markaz, Markaz has not reviewed the linked site and takes no responsibility for the content contained therein. Such address or hyperlink (including addresses or hyperlinks to Markaz’s own website material) is provided solely for your convenience and information and the content of the linked site does not in any way form part of this document. Accessing such website or following such link through this report or Markaz’s website shall be at your own risk.

21 Kuwait Financial Centre S. A. K. "Markaz" P. O
Kuwait Financial Centre S.A.K. "Markaz" P.O. Box 23444, Safat State of Kuwait Tel: Fax:

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