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Produced by Natalie Wyatt - Head of Conference Conference Update Presented by: Jane Seddon Director of Tourism.

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Presentation on theme: "Produced by Natalie Wyatt - Head of Conference Conference Update Presented by: Jane Seddon Director of Tourism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Produced by Natalie Wyatt - Head of Conference Conference Update Presented by: Jane Seddon Director of Tourism

2 Produced by Natalie Wyatt - Head of Conference Conference Guide 7,500 ‘New’ Conference Guides have been printed. The guide has a two years shelf life and was launched at the National Venue Show on the 25 th September. A downloadable guide from the website is also being addressed. First joint guide produced in collaboration with the L&BTB

3 Produced by Natalie Wyatt - Head of Conference Conference Guide Cont… Focus of the guide is very much about ‘Destination Sell’, promoting a different look and feel to conference guides produced in previous years.

4 Produced by Natalie Wyatt - Head of Conference Conference Website The new conference website is now ‘live’ and has been developed in line with the conference guide. Several new features have been incorporated such as, request for proposal links (in line with rival destinations). Website was also launched at the National Venue Show on the 25 th September 2007.

5 Produced by Natalie Wyatt - Head of Conference Conference Website cont… To view the website please look at the following link:

6 Produced by Natalie Wyatt - Head of Conference


8 Information Management Systems A ‘New’ Chaser system has been purchased. This can be accessed by both Lancashire and Blackpool conference teams and allows one set of ‘accurate’ reports to be produced for the destination. Purpose of the new system is to ensure the conference organiser is not confused by there being two conference desks. Two 0845 numbers have also been purchased allowing both offices to take conference enquiries.

9 Produced by Natalie Wyatt - Head of Conference Conference Accommodation The Conference Team will have purchased a new ConferenceBookings system and will be responsible for delegate accommodation from 1 st November 2007 Recently appointed an Accommodation Booking Assistant Great gains have been made since September 2006 in relation to the service provided such as online bookings, production of accommodation booking forms.

10 Produced by Natalie Wyatt - Head of Conference Conference Accommodation Ensures accredited hotels ‘ONLY’ are being promoted (Quality). All Conference organisers wanting to benefit from ‘Subvention’ at the Winter Gardens will be able to do so under the proviso they use this service.

11 Produced by Natalie Wyatt - Head of Conference Exhibitions The Conference team recently exhibited at the National Venue Show along with a number of stand partners. Both the conference guide and the website was launched there in order to ensure conference buyers understand change is happening, in the hope of generating ‘new’ business. The Conference Team will also be exhibiting at Confex in February 2008 – This is a key Business Tourism show and will provide the team with an excellent platform to promote a new ‘vision’ for Blackpool message.

12 Produced by Natalie Wyatt - Head of Conference


14 Sales Campaign To commence 15th October 2007. Aim to target ‘new’ business within both the corporate and association markets. Ensure the Winter Gardens is heavily promoted but not to the detriment to the rest of the town. Use e-marketing in order to promote the destination.

15 Produced by Natalie Wyatt - Head of Conference Ambassador Programme The team are hoping to launch a Lancashire and Blackpool Ambassador programme early 2008. This project is time intensive and relies on research. Promotional material is also required to ensure the success of the project.

16 Produced by Natalie Wyatt - Head of Conference Revenue The Conference team generated approximately £40,000 in relation to the production of the new conference guide. Venue Location Service (VLS) is working well and to date there is over £7,500 commission on the books. The teams promotion of the Accommodation Booking Service has also generated over £20,000 commission for the department. Income is also generated via other opportunities such as exhibition stand partners.

17 Produced by Natalie Wyatt - Head of Conference Lancashire and Blackpool Tourist Board Over the past 15 months the teams has built a stronger relationship with the LBTB. Ensuring that Blackpool leads on Business Tourism. Represent Blackpool within the region at NWDA and North West Conference Research Unit meetings.

18 Produced by Natalie Wyatt - Head of Conference Conservative Party Conference Debrief to take place in November but feedback to date good. Talks to commence in relation to the possibility of Blackpool hosting ‘Spring’ conferences during the next four years.

19 Produced by Natalie Wyatt - Head of Conference Letters of Support To be included in Future bid documents. Letters from both the T&R portfolio holder and the Mayor.

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