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Islam Chapter 10, section 1-2.

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1 Islam Chapter 10, section 1-2

2 Background Arabian Peninsula Africa, Europe, Asia
Early people: Bedouins (nomads) 600s Arabs settle in towns Become centers for long distance trade Connected sea and land routes Mecca was important stop on trade routes

3 Muhammad’s background
Born in Mecca Orphaned at 6 Raised by grandfather and uncle Caravan trader Business manager for Khadijah, a wealthy business woman, who later became his wife

4 Muhammad’s Revelation
Meditating in a cave at age 40 Angel Gabriel -told him that he was a messenger of God Muhammad believed he was the last of the prophets Began to teach that the one and only God was Allah 613 Began preaching publically

5 Followers of Muhammad’s Message
Islam “Submission to the will of Allah” Muslim “One who has submitted” Hijrah 622 Muhammad and followers left hostility in Mecca Migrated north to Yathrib, later called Medina “city of the prophet”

6 Key Beliefs Allah is the one and only God and Muhammad is his prophet. People achieve salvation by following the Five Pillars of Islam and living a just life. Monotheistic Qur’an: Holy book Sunna: Muhammad’s example- model for proper living Shari’a: body of law

7 What is Shari’a? –Islamic law -Regulates family life, Moral conduct and business matters
The straight path to God Describes limit of acceptable behaviour Sin - offence against God. Crossing boundary Shirk Zalim Lying, cursing, envy Only God can forgive sin if sincerely repent Judgment day Punishment Deterrance Reform of criminal Protect society

8 Content of Shari’a Body of law Authority for law Family Nation
Dhimmi status for non-Muslims International law Authority for law Qur’an Sunnah Hadith Practices of the Prophet Schools of law

9 Religious matters are not separate from criminal or civil matters
Qadis- Islamic Judges who apply law Imams – interpret law

10 Five Pillars of Islam Faith Prayer 5 x day toward Mecca Mosque
Alms –pay tax for poor (zakat) Fasting: Ramadan Pilgrimage: Hajj (journey to Mecca required to take)

11 Muhammad’s Successors
Muhammad died without naming a successor (632) Abu-Bakr elected the first caliph Four “Rightly Guided” Caliphs all expanded Muslim territory Abu-Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Ali Knew Muhammad and supported his mission

12 Expansion of the Muslim Empire

13 Expansion of the Muslim Empire
Army Success Faith of soldiers, willing to fight to defend Islam Discipline, training, good leadership Weakness of Persian and Byzantine Empire Treatment of Conquered People No forced conversion Qur’an forbade forced conversion Many people converted because of message Economic benefit because no poll tax Special treatment for people of the book (Jews and Christians) Religious tolerance (but not allowed to spread religion)

14 Internal Conflict = Crisis
Conflict over succession Uthman murdered in 656 Division over successor Ali was next caliph (relative of Muhammad) murdered 661 Umayyad Rule Came to power and established hereditary system of succession (ended election of caliph) Moved Muslim capital to Damascus in Syria Rule led to split between Muslims

15 Islamic Sects Sunnis Shi’a “Followers of Muhammad’s Example”
Chosen leader can serve as caliph Did not outwardly resist Umayyad rule Shi’a “Party of Allah” Caliph needed to be a relative of the Prophet, Muhammad Resisted Umayyad rule Islamic Sects

16 What is jihad? Jihad means ‘struggle in the way of Allah.’
Purpose is to establish peace Greater jihad Religious life Perfect self before changing society Lesser jihad Struggle to remove evil, injustice Speak out against injustice Defend Islam from attack Spead Islam by creating environment where easier to convert Majahid - person who dies doing jihad

17 When can war be called jihad?
Started by a religious leader Backing of ummah Defensive Peaceful means exhausted Not to gain converts Religious sites protected Innocent not at risk Not to gain land or power Environment protected

18 Transition and Trade Rebel groups overthrew Umayyads in 750 and Abbasids took control Abbasids moved capital to Baghdad Muslims created a vast network of trade Used the silk road and explored Europe

19 Islamic Contributions and Advancements
Art and Literature: Arabic,calligraphy, poetry Urban Life: cities grew to learning centers, linked through trade network Society: 4 social classes, protected women’s rights, tolerance for other religions Science and Math: House of Wisdom, medical advances, growth of math and astronomy, Algebra

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