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Online Safety and Compliance Electronic Reporting System The O.S.C.E.R. System (

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Presentation on theme: "Online Safety and Compliance Electronic Reporting System The O.S.C.E.R. System ("— Presentation transcript:

1 Online Safety and Compliance Electronic Reporting System The O.S.C.E.R. System (

2 Current Situation D.O.T. compliance audits are on the rise –New Federal legislation – get tough on safety –Much steeper fines – same fees regardless of severity of infraction –Potential criminal charges – owner of firm –Company shutdown and seizure Insurance costs rising – need to get measurable results from safety efforts

3 Current Situation Fleets WANT to be compliant, but it is difficult due to varied issues: –Frequent driver turnover –Decentralized control of hiring –Numerous locations (communications gap) –Diverse operations or subsidiaries –Use of leased, casual and temporary drivers

4 The O.S.C.E.R. System A Web Based Application designed to: –Manage driver/employee data –Diary and report on key expiration dates –Facilitate self-audits of D.O.T. compliance –Maintain driver qualification (DQ) files –Streamline accident record keeping –Identify employees who are “at-risk” of having an accident

5 Why Web-Based? O.S.C.E.R. replaces several individual software packages and can import data from current spreadsheets or programs Initial set up can be measured in minutes

6 Why Web-Based? The system runs continuously looking for impending anniversary dates and AUTOMATICALLY sends email action notices to the responsible location manager If the issue is not addressed in a timely fashion, a reminder notice will escalate to a higher level of management!

7 Why Web-Based? Any recent/current web browser can access the web site - hardware does not matter Automatic, instant upgrades and system maintenance performed by our staff without having to deal with diskettes or multiple versions running on multiple machines Does not require the installation or expansion of a client-server network It is easy to install and use

8 Important Notes on Security Each management level “sees” and can modify their own level and below One client can not see another client’s data Client maintains own ID/Passwords Data is not “ON THE INTERNET” – it is on a SECURE web server behind a firewall Your driver data is not going to be found at “Yahoo” or AOL, etc. Security is a paramount concern to us

9 A Quick Tour You can check out O.S.C.E.R. live at: – –Enter “demo” as ID and as Password The next few slides cover some of the data that we currently capture, and an overview of the reports OSCER can provide

10 Driver Record - Data OSCER captures: –Type of driver –Status (active, quit, terminated) –Driver’s unique qualifications (endorsements) –Anniversary dates (medical, annual review, license expiration, training certifications) –Date hired, departed, reason for leaving, re-hire indicator, etc. Actually, we capture a lot more….

11 Driver Record – Special Forms OSCER can add state specific forms that detail unique requirements for qualification We can accommodate unique concerns: –Criminal clearance checks –Special training requirements –Orientation packages

12 Driver Record – DQF Checklist Driver Qualification File checklist tied to each driver record –Forty-nine items that need to be verified in each DQF – per Part 391 –Two columns of checkboxes – location that hired driver and corporate (for audits of locations) –Management reports available to identify drivers with missing check marks

13 Driver Record - Events All drivers have events: good or not-so-good A few of the OSCER event categories are: –Training –Moving Violations –Driver Observation reports –Accidents –Safety Awards –Cargo Claims We can add events as needed

14 Driver Events - Accidents Accident events can include insurance company reporting via email Presently OSCER supports commercial auto accident reporting, and will soon feature complete workers compensation and cargo/theft forms

15 Vehicle Record O.S.C.E.R. tracks physical assets, too: –Owner –Lease expiration date (reminder reports) –Plate state, number, expiration –VIN, Make, Model, Year –Class (1-8) –Tire size –Location assigned

16 Reporting The OSCER System provides meaningful management reports (including): –Accident Register (DOT only v. All Accidents) –List active employees and/or independent contractors –List drivers with missing checklist items –Accident analysis by type, driver, age, tenure… –Asset value reports –Tenure/Turnover analysis Custom reports can be built as needed

17 Reports – Accident Potential Index Accident Potential Index (low, medium, high) can be assigned to each driver based on combination of tickets, accidents, age, tenure and driver observation reports When the driver who is most likely to have an accident is coached for behavior change, accidents will decrease by 15-30% or more

18 Reporting – Four Levels Typical Customer  Corporate  Division  Region  Location Can develop reports at any level, including “roll up” reports

19 OSCER System Summary An easy to use tool that enables: –Driver qualification management –Self audits of qualification documents –Accident recordkeeping –Accident trend spotting –Identification of “At-Risk” drivers Easy, electronic loading of most data

20 OSCER System Summary Timely information pushed, automatically, to the location supervisor Escalation of reminder reports Detailed management reporting Track driver events, email report of accidents No software to update Not hardware or network specific Low up front cost to implement

21 Contact Us for More Information ContactPaul Farrell Dir. Of Marketing SafetyFirst 201.816.9200 & SafetyFirst – Because Results Count

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