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Making Successful Presentations Nae-Dong Yang FE2012S.

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2 Making Successful Presentations Nae-Dong Yang FE2012S

3 Making Presentations 1. Preparing the presentation 2. Useful phrases for making presentations 3. Beginning 4. Language 5. Using visuals 6. Tips for Making Effective PowerPoint Presentations 7. Body language 8. Voice and pronunciation 9. The ending

4 Preparing the Presentation  Why –The general purpose to inform to persuade –The specific purpose The result you want to achieve State it in one sentence--clearly and concisely

5 Preparing the Presentation  What : Good organization –Helps you remember –Helps them remember –Helps them understand –Helps you keep to the point –Helps you reduce your nervousness

6 The Beginning  Say hello  Say who you are  Give purpose and main points  Give schedule  Handout?  Questions?

7 The Middle  Have 3 or 4 main points –They will not remember more than 4 points!  Take 80% + of the time  Have signposts and summaries

8 The Ending  Summarize main points  Relate conclusion to them  Don’t present new ideas  Be interesting  Be brief

9 Rehearsal  Rehearsal is the most important part of preparing  Run through your presentation at least twice  Check timing

10 The Beginning Capture interest Relate subject to the audience Be brief

11 Useful Phrases — Beginning  Saying hello –Good morning, ladies and gentlemen –Good afternoon, everyone. –Right, …  Expressing purpose –My purpose/objective/aim today is … –What I want to do this morning is … –I’m here today to …

12 Useful Phrases — Beginning 2  Signposting –This talk is divided into four main parts: first, …etc. –Let me begin with/To start with/Firstly, I’d like to look at … –Then/Secondly, I’ll be talking* about … –Thirdly, … –My fourth point will be about … –Finally, I’ll be looking at … * These are examples of the future continuous.

13 Useful Phrases — Beginning 3  Schedule –My presentation/talk/lecture will take/last about 20 minutes. –We’ll be having a coffee break at about … –We’ll be stopping for lunch at …

14 Useful Phrases — Beginning 4  Inviting questions –If anyone has any questions, please feel free to interrupt at any time. –If you have any questions, please stop me at any time, and I will be happy to answer them. –Please stop me at any time if you have any questions.  Discouraging questions –At the end of my talk, there will be a question and answer session. I would appreciate it if you could keep your questions until then. –I’ll be happy to answer any questions you have at the end of my presentation.

15 Language “the person who uses a lot of big words is not trying to inform you; he’s trying to impress you.” O. Miller

16 Language — the Don’ts  Avoid jargon  Avoid complex phrases  Avoid being too formal  Avoid long sentences

17 Language — the Dos  Use everyday language  Use concrete words  Use rhetorical questions  Use dramatic structures So what can we do?

18 Signposting  Signpost  Summarize  Use check-up questions

19 Useful Phrases — Language  Moving on –Let’s now move on to/turn to … –I now want to go on to … –This leads/brings me to … –I’d like to move on to/turn to … –So far we have looked at …. Now I’d like to …

20 Useful Phrases — Language 2  Asking check-up questions –Are you with me so far? –Is everyone with me? –Is that clear to everyone? –Before I go on, are there any questions about …?  Using rhetorical questions –What should we do ? (pause) –How much would it cost? (pause)

21 Useful Phrases — Language 3  Dramatic structures –We have a revolutionary product.  What we have is a revolutionary product.  Giving examples –Let me give you an example. –Such as … –For instance …

22 Useful Phrases — Language 4  Summarizing –What I’m trying to say is … –Let me just try and sum that up before we move on to …  Making Comparisons –It’s like … –Its’ as if …  Painting word pictures –Imagine … –Suppose …

23 Visual Aids and Body Language

24 Flip Chart & Whiteboard bold  Big & bold  Use drawings  Use colors  Face audience, talk, write, talk  Flip over/wipe off when finished

25 Using PowerPoint  Show one point at a time  Use a pointer on the slide  Switch it off so they focus on you

26 Making PowerPoint  Max. 8 lines  Use keywords  Use pictures  Use colors KISS: Keep It Simple and Short

27 Slide Structure – Bad   This page contains too many words for a presentation slide. It is not written in point form, making it difficult both for your audience to read and for you to present each point. Although there are exactly the same number of points on this slide as the previous slide, it looks much more complicated. In short, your audience will spend too much time trying to read this paragraph instead of listening to you.

28 Fonts – Bad   If you use a small font, your audience won’t be able to read what you have written  CAPITALIZE ONLY WHEN NECESSARY. IT IS DIFFICULT TO READ  Don’t use a complicated font

29 Colour - Bad   Using a font colour that does not contrast with the background colour is hard to read  Using colour for decoration is distracting and annoying.  Using a different colour for each point is unnecessary –Using a different colour for secondary points is also unnecessary  Trying to be creative can also be bad

30  直接貼 PDF 檔

31 Claude Shannon  The Father of Modern Information Theory  Published a”A Mathematical Theory of Communication” in 1948: Before Shannon, it was commonly believed that the only way of achieving arbitrarily small probability of error in a communication channel was to reduce the transmission rate to zero. All this changed in 1948 with the publication of A Mathematical Theory of Communication, where Shannon characterized a channel by a single parameter; the channel capacity, and showed that it was possible to transmit information at any rate below capacity with an arbitrarily small probability of error. His method of proof was to show the existence of a single good code by averaging over all possible codes. His paper established fundamental limits on the efficiency of communication over noisy channels, and presented the challenge of finding families of codes that achieve capacity. The method of random coding does not produce an explicit example of a good code, and in fact it has taken fifty years for coding theorists to discover codes that come close to these fundamental limits on telephone line channels.  Created the idea that all information could be represented using 1s and 0s. Called these fundamental units BITS.  Created the concept data transmission in BITS per second.  Won a Nobel prize for his master’s thesis in 1936, titled, “A Symbolic Analysis of Relay and Switching Circuits”, it provided mathematical techniques for building a network of switches and relays to realize a specific logical function, such as a combination lock.  Created the idea that all information could be represented using 1s and 0s. Called these fundamental units BITS.  勿頂天立地

32 Claude Shannon  The Father of Modern Information Theory  1948 Published ”A Mathematical Theory of Communication”  Created the idea that all information could be represented using 1s and 0s. Called these fundamental units BITS.  Won a Nobel prize for his master’s thesis in 1936, titled, “A Symbolic Analysis of Relay and Switching Circuits

33 Graphs - Bad 

34 Parents Underestimate Their Influence  Teens: Who Most Influences Your Decisions About Sex?  Parents: Who Most Influences Teens’ Decisions About Sex? With One Voice 2003: Parents Underestimate Their Influence ParentsFriends ParentsTeens’ Friends

35 Useful Phrases — Presenting Visuals  I’d like you to look at this …  Let me show you …  As you can see …  Let’s have a look at …  Let’s look at …  If you look at the screen, you’ll see …  This table/diagram/Chart/slide shows …  On the right/left you can see … More dramatic  Have a look at …  Look at …  I’ll let you read this one. (pause)

36 Tips for Making Effective PowerPoint Presentations 1. Be consistent 2. Limit the number of words on each screen 3. Limit punctuation & avoid putting words in all capital letters 4. Use contrasting colors for text and background.

37 Tips for Making Effective PowerPoint Presentations 2 5. Avoid the use of flashy transitions 6. Avoid overuse special effects 7. Use good quality images 8. Have content appear on the screen 9. Limit the number of slides.

38 Tips for Making Effective PowerPoint Presentations 3 10. Learn to navigate your presentation in a non-linear fashion. 11. Know how to and practice moving 12. Make sure your slides on the screen are readable 13. Have a Plan B 14. Practice with someone & ask for feedback

39 Tips for Making Effective PowerPoint Presentations 4 15. Do not read from your slides 16. Do not speak to your slides 17. Do not apologize for anything in your presentation 18. When possible, run your presentation from the hard disk rather than a floppy disk

40 Important Elements Content Tone of voice Body language  7%  38%  55% “ To sway (move) an audience, you must watch them as you speak. ” C. Kent Wright

41 Body Language—the Dos  Move hands & arms  Move around the room  Move towards audience  Move your eyes around the audience  Moving is normal

42 Body Language –the Don’ts  Don’t point at anyone  Don’t rock backwards and forwards  Don’t stand rooted to the spot  Don’t leave your hands by your sides  Don’t avoid eye contact

43 Voice & Pronunciation  Project your voice –Aim for the back  Emphasize importance –Say some words louder –Repeat important words

44 Making it Interesting  Go faster to excite  Go slower to show importance  Pause often & look around audience  Give emphasis with voice & body

45 The Ending  Finish on time  Cut out, but not summing up or conclusion

46 Ending  Sum up  Conclude  Handouts?  Any questions?  Close

47 Useful Phrases —Ending  Making a Recommendation –So, what I would suggest is that we … –So, I would recommend that the …  Handouts –I’ll be distributing the handouts in a few moments. –The handouts are over by the door. –Copies of my slides are on the table by the door.

48 Useful Phrases — Ending 2  Questions –If you have any questions or comments, I’ll be happy to answer them. –If there are any questions, I’ll do my best to answer them. –Are there any more questions? –I’ll be happy to answer any questions, but I’d like to hold the last few minutes for a summary. –If anyone has any questions or comments to start us off …

49 Useful Phrases—Ending 3  Closing –Thank you for your attention/time. –Thank you for listening. –Thank you very much. –Thank you.

50 Making it Interesting  A visual  A quotation  A story/anecdote  A question  A call for action

51 Good Luck to Your Presentation  Body language is important  Talk to your audience, don’t read it  KISS: Keep It Simple, Stupid.  End on time  Practice makes Perfect!

52 Any Questions?

53 References  Professional Presentations, 1998. Cambridge University Press  謝寶煖, 2006. 簡報輕鬆做.

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