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MONEY, MONEY, MONEY!!!! Presented by Margaret DeClouette Rosemary Landry-Mundy Karen Wheat.

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Presentation on theme: "MONEY, MONEY, MONEY!!!! Presented by Margaret DeClouette Rosemary Landry-Mundy Karen Wheat."— Presentation transcript:

1 MONEY, MONEY, MONEY!!!! Presented by Margaret DeClouette Rosemary Landry-Mundy Karen Wheat

2 GLE Calculate the value of a combination of bills and coins and make change up to $5.00 (N-6-E) (M-5-E)

3 THE BIG IDEA MONEY The value of it plays an important role in our everyday lives.

4 Task #1 The students will see money for what it is really worth and have an opportunity to better understand the value of money.

5 TASK # 2 In Task 2, the students will be aware of the changes in the value of money and be placed in a real life situation where the student must purchase items and receive change for their transaction.

6 TASK #3 In Task 3, the students will create and write a word problem for selected items giving the total price and calculate the change to be returned.

7 ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS 1.Do students understand the value of money? 2.Can students recognize and make change with money up to $5.00? 3.How does using money help us in our daily lives?

8 Click on your group Group One Group Two Group Three

9 Click on the website for extra practice!! http://www.woodlands- res.htm#Moneywww.woodlands- res.htm#Money

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