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End Show Writing a computer program involves performing the following tasks. 1. Understanding the problem 2. Developing an Algorithm for the problem 3.

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Presentation on theme: "End Show Writing a computer program involves performing the following tasks. 1. Understanding the problem 2. Developing an Algorithm for the problem 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 End Show Writing a computer program involves performing the following tasks. 1. Understanding the problem 2. Developing an Algorithm for the problem 3. Writing a Computer Program 4. Testing the Computer program Different steps in solving a problem Solving a problem IT Department - National Institute of Education

2 End Show Lets take a problem and try to solve the problem Add two numbers and display total. Problem : IT Department - National Institute of Education

3 End Show How do you solve that problem ? The first task is to understand the problem clearly STEP 1 – Understand the problem Here the input should be two numbers. Find out the inputs ? IT Department - National Institute of Education

4 End Show That is Process. Find outputs ? Total. So there must be some calculation to get the total. IT Department - National Institute of Education

5 End Show STEP 2 – Developing an Algorithm for the problem The method that used to solve the problem is called algorithm Algorithm can be represented in two ways 1. Graphically 2. Textually IT Department - National Institute of Education

6 Boil water Add some sugar Put tea powder to mug Start Stop Serve A Graphical representation of making a cup of tea This Representation is called as Flow Chart IT Department - National Institute of Education End Show

7 A graphical representation of the sequence of operations in a program is called Flow Chart. Flowchart flowchart shows how data flows and operates IT Department - National Institute of Education

8 End Show Symbols used in Flow chart Start/Stop Input/Output Decision Flow line Process YesNo IT Department - National Institute of Education

9 Calculate total Start Stop A Graphical representation to add two numbers This Representation is called as Flow Chart Input two numbers Display total IT Department - National Institute of Education End Show

10 Draw a flow chart to find adult or child. Stop Input Age If age>=18 Adultchild Start YesNo IT Department - National Institute of Education

11 End Show Draw a flow chart to cross the road. Are clear both ways? Go to pavement No Cross the road Wait Yes Start Stop Look at left & right IT Department - National Institute of Education

12 End Show Draw a flow chart to find the correct key from a bunch keys to open the door. Can the door be opened Tryout a key No Try the next key Yes Start Stop IT Department - National Institute of Education

13 End Show Input name, Maths and Science marks and calculate Total. Display Name & Total Marks. Solve & design the above problem in Flow chart. Problem Solving 1 IT Department - National Institute of Education

14 Start Input Name, Maths Mks, Science Mks Total= Maths + Science Display Name,Total Stop Conti.. IT Department - National Institute of Education End Show

15 Problem Solving 2 Draw Flow chat to input Average Marks and display Pass or fail (If Average>= 60, “Pass” otherwise “Fail”) IT Department - National Institute of Education

16 End Show Start If Avg>=60 No PASS Display Grade FAIL Stop Yes Input Average IT Department - National Institute of Education

17 End Show 75 - 100 “A” 65 - 74 “B” 55 - 64 “C” 45 - 54 “S” 0 - 44 “F” Draw a flow chart to input Average Marks and find the grade according to the grade System given below. Problem Solving 3 IT Department - National Institute of Education

18 End Show Input Avg If Avg>=75 If Avg>=65 If Avg>=55 If Avg>=45 Stop Start Display A Display B Display C Display S Yes No Display F IT Department - National Institute of Education

19 End Show Start Is Number < =10 No Print Number Stop Yes Number=1 Number=Number+1 Draw a flow chart to print numbers from1 to 10 IT Department - National Institute of Education

20 End Show One of the textual representation of algorithm is Pseudo code. Pseudo Code IT Department - National Institute of Education

21 End Show Begin Pseudo Code for adding two numbers End. Input first number and second number Total = first Number + Second Number output Total IT Department - National Institute of Education

22 End Show Begin Input Maths Marks,Science Marks Total = Maths + Science Average = Total / 2 If Average >= 60 then Grade= “PASS” Else Grade= “FAIL” End if Display Total, Average, Grade End Write a pseudo code to take maths and science marks, calculate total, average and display grade. (If average >=60, “Pass” otherwise “Fail”. IT Department - National Institute of Education

23 End Show 75 - 100 “A” 65 - 74 “B” 55 - 64 “C” 45 - 54 “S” 0 - 44 “F” Write a pseudo code to input Average Marks and find the grade according to the grade System given below. IT Department - National Institute of Education

24 End Show Begin Input Avg Mks If Avg >=75 then Grade = “A” Else If Avg >=65 then Grade =“ B” Else If Avg >=55 then Grade = “C” Else If Avg >= 45 then Grade =“ S” Else Grade = “W” End if Display Grade End IT Department - National Institute of Education

25 End Show Begin Number=1 Do While Number <=10 Print Number Number=Number + 1 End while End Write a Pseudo code to display numbers from 1 to 10 IT Department - National Institute of Education

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