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The American Colonies Emerge.  1519 Conquered Aztec Empire in Mexico.

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Presentation on theme: "The American Colonies Emerge.  1519 Conquered Aztec Empire in Mexico."— Presentation transcript:

1 The American Colonies Emerge

2  1519 Conquered Aztec Empire in Mexico

3  1535 conquered Inca Empire in Peru

4  1. Spanish had better weapons  2. Aztecs and Incas had never seen fair- skinned people or horses  3. They thought that they were gods  4. Lacked immunity to European diseases

5  1507 America named after him  A German mapmaker mistakenly gives him credit for discovering the New World

6  1513 discovered Florida while searching for the Fountain of Youth

7  1513 discovered the Pacific Ocean  Called it the South Sea

8  1521 leader of the first expedition to circumnavigate the world  Gave the world physical proof that the Earth was round

9  1540-1542 discovered the Grand Canyon while searching for the “Seven Cities of Gold”  Explored the Southwest (United States)

10  1539 began an exploration of the southeastern section of the United States  Discovered the Mississippi River

11  1565 – present day Florida  Settled by the Spanish  First permanent European settlement in the Americas  Purpose – protect Spanish trade at sea

12  Revolt by the Pueblo people against the Spanish in New Mexico  Leader was Pope’

13  Interested in settlement  Many desired religious and political freedom

14  Italian navigator who sailed for King Henry VII of England  Opened the way for English claims to the New World

15  Founded Greenland  Discovered the Hudson River

16  Most famous English “sea dog”  Pirate who stole Spanish treasures  First British explorer to circumnavigate the world

17  Tried to start a colony off the coast of North Carolina known as Roanoke Island  All settlers vanished  Called Lost Colony

18  1607 established by the English  Main interest was to find gold  First Permanent English settlement  Established by the London Company  joint-stock company chartered by the King

19  Group of investors who share in the colony’s profits and losses

20  Leading figure of Jamestown  Demanded every colonist work  1609 had to return to England

21  Winter of 1609-1610  Only 60 of 600 settlers survived in Jamestown

22  Named governor of Virginia  Helped get the colony back on its feet

23  1610 credited for developing the strain of tobacco  Became Virginia’s staple crop  Married Pocahontas

24  Anyone who paid for their own or another’s passage to Virginia received 50 acres of land  Caused large increase in immigration to Jamestown  Many landowners imported indentured servants

25  Person who agrees to work for another in exchange for transportation, food, and shelter  Term of service – 4 to 7 years  Usually lower class citizens in English society  Reasons for coming: Enclosure movement Religious and political freedom

26  Arrived in Jamestown in 1619  Only about 20  Brought to Jamestown by the Dutch  Treated as indentured servants

27  Bacon’s Rebellion Led by Nathaniel Bacon Disagreed with Governor Berkley’s policies in Jamestown (high taxes, Led a rebellion against the Governor Berkley and Indians on the frontier Seized Jamestown Died one month after Governor regained control of Jamestown

28  1. Showed settlers frustrated with a government concerned only with the wealthy  2. showed poor colonist unwilling to tolerate such a government

29  Left the Church of England

30  1620  Plymouth, Massachusetts  Mayflower Compact  William Bradford – leader Started the Plymouth Colony – 2 nd Permanent English Colony  Squanto – taught settlers about the Americas  First Thanksgiving

31  Massachusetts Bay Colony  Leader – John Winthrop “City Upon a Hill”

32  Disagreed with Puritan Leaders Believed that land belonged to Native Americans Believed gov’t officials should not punish colonists for religious beliefs Fled Massachusetts before arrested and returned to England Started the colony of Providence (Rhode Island) 1636

33  Different Religious Beliefs than Puritans Preached that worshippers did not need the church or ministers to interpret the Bible Banished in 1638

34  First major conflict in Connecticut in 1637  Colonists formed an alliance with the Narragansett (old enemies of Pequot)  Set fire to Pequot village  Massacre of 500-600 Pequot men, women, and children

35  Led by King Phillip or Metacom  1675  Final attempt to push the English out  Failed because Food shortages Disease Heavy casualties Metacom killed

36  William Penn – leader  Founded Pennsylvania  Philadelphia “city of brotherly love”

37  Royal  Proprietary  Joint-Stock  Penal

38  MA, RI, CT, NH  Puritan  Shipbuilding and distilling

39  NY, PA, NJ, DE  mixture  Farming – wheat  Tread colonies

40  MD, VA, SC, NC, GA  Anglican  Farming – tobacco, rice, indigo

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