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Daily Written Language

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1 Daily Written Language
DWL Daily Written Language

2 Monday, March 28th Suffixes
Directions: Copy the following notes for SUFFIXES in your Writing Section of your binder. Suffixes SUFFIXES are word parts that come AFTER the root or word base. Suffixes change the meaning of the word. -able/-ible =capable of ex) portable, legible -ac/-ic = like/pertaining to ex) cardiac, aquatic -acious/-icious = full of ex) vivacious, delicious -al = pertaining to ex) magical, practical -ary = like/connected with ex) dictionary, honorary -ate = to make ex) concentrate, migrate

3 Monday, March 28th Suffixes
Directions: Copy the following notes for SUFFIXES in your DOL notebook. Suffixes SUFFIXES are word parts that come at the END of a word. Sometimes a suffix will tell you the part of speech of the word. able= able, can do – teachable ology =study, science-geneology ed= past tense– walked s =plural-backpacks er= one who- greeter sion, tion =state of-motion ess = female– lioness y =inclined to-whiny est= shows superiority– smartest ful= full of– joyful ing= an action or process (usually verbs)– thinking ist= one who– scientist less= not, without – hopeless ly =in some manner-gently ment =act, result-excitement ness =state of-happiness

4 Tues., Mar. 29th Directions: write 2 examples with the suffix and meaning provided. USE YOUR MIND! -eer, -er, -or = person who ____________, _______________ -fic = making/doing - _________________, ______________ -fy = many - ___________________, __________________ Write a sentence using one of the suffix words from above. 4._____________________________________________________ 5._____________________________________________________

5 Wed., Mar. 30th Directions: write 2 examples with the suffix and meaning provided. USE YOUR BRAIN! -ist = doer, dealer - _________________, _________________ -ize, ise = to make - _________________, __________________ -ous = full of - ___________________, ____________________ Write a sentence using one of the suffix words from above. 4. _____________________________________________________ 5. _____________________________________________________

6 Thurs., Mar. 31st Directions: write 2 examples with the suffix and meaning provided. USE YOUR NOGGIN! -acion = which is - __________________, _______________ -osis = condition of - _______________, ________________ -ism = belief - ____________________, __________________ Write a sentence using one of the suffix words from above. 4._____________________________________________________ 5._____________________________________________________

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