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REWARDS Reading Program. Prefixes Go at the beginning of a word.

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Presentation on theme: "REWARDS Reading Program. Prefixes Go at the beginning of a word."— Presentation transcript:

1 REWARDS Reading Program

2 Prefixes Go at the beginning of a word

3 dis

4 disassemble Not, opposite of

5 mis

6 Partly, mistake MIS

7 ab

8 abdomen Away from, from

9 ad

10 addition To, toward

11 in

12 incline In, not, opposite of, into

13 im

14 imposter Not, without, into, towards

15 com

16 complaint With, jointly, completely

17 con

18 continent With, jointly, completely

19 be

20 beside All over, completely, having, covered with, Cause to be Green book is beside the pink book

21 de

22 deposit From, Down, out, completely

23 re

24 reread again

25 pre

26 predict Before, order of importance

27 pro

28 promote Acting for, favoring, in support of

29 per

30 permit Through, throughout, for each

31 un

32 unclean Not Not clean

33 a

34 a across no, absence of, without, lack of, not

35 ex

36 exercise Out of, free from

37 en

38 engaged In, With in, before

39 Suffix Go at the end of a word

40 s Plural-more than one

41 birds parents Experts pretends S

42 ing Present participle- doing it

43 ing running climbing poking talking

44 ed Past tense-did it

45 ed landed moved walked

46 ate Plural-more than one

47 ate migrate segregate liquidate

48 less without

49 less worthless useless hopeless heartless

50 ness State of, condition of

51 ness softness weakness sickness

52 ic Having characteristics of

53 ic classic ethnic exotic

54 ish Plural-more than one

55 ish foolish abolish famish

56 ist One who practices

57 ist Pianist elitist artist

58 est most

59 est largest fullest biggest

60 ism Belief, Doctrine of

61 ism optimism mechanism realism

62 ful Full of

63 ful regretful ungrateful truthful respectful

64 al Having characteristics of

65 al formal professional refusal

66 er Person connected with

67 er dancer taller discover

68 or Person connected with

69 or tailor favor author doctor editor

70 age Action or process

71 age drainage postage stage message

72 less

73 mindless defenseless heartless

74 tion Act or process

75 tion motion lotion fiction potion fraction action

76 sion State or quality of

77 sion expression invasion discussion

78 tive Adjective, showing characteristics of

79 tive active addictive relative reactivefugitive

80 sive

81 exspansive repulsive permissive

82 y Characterized by

83 y Energy tasty rusty

84 ry Place for

85 ry celery grocery injury

86 ary Place for

87 ary ordinary diary voluntary dictionary

88 ity State or quality of

89 ity pity city similarity oddity personality

90 ant

91 pant chant scant assistant

92 ent

93 different continent permanent

94 ment

95 compliment unemployment enjoyment

96 ance

97 dance chance prance attendance importance

98 ence

99 fence difference hence dependence

100 ous

101 enourmous tremendous marvelous

102 ture

103 picture puncture fracture

104 able

105 capable enjoyable table cable

106 ible

107 impossible responsible incredible

108 ize

109 stabilize civilize memorize sterilize normalize

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