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VOCABULARY BUILDING Reviewing Affixes Presenter Janet Sennet, MRT, M.ED.

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2 VOCABULARY BUILDING Reviewing Affixes Presenter Janet Sennet, MRT, M.ED.

3 ADDING AN AFFIX  To change the meaning of a base word one would add a prefix,or suffix. For example, knowledge means to know something. When the prefix pre is added, the word becomes pre-knowledge, means one has knowledge already about subject.

4 ENLARGING YOUR GRAY MATTER  Vocabulary is a very important tool for Fourth Grade teachers:  Writing literary pieces require a wide range of word knowledge:  My App was created with that thought in mind:

5 MY APP  I created an app where students will be able to select a base word and to that base word add a prefix and, or suffix:  A talk button was incorporated to enhance global learning:


7  Build vocabulary:  Enhance student’s reading comprehension:  Develop a higher level of writing skills:


9  Become Stronger Readers  An Excellent Writers

10 “YOU IS SMART YOU IS KIND YOU IS IMPORTANT” Thanks to all the helpers; A special thank you goes to David Hemmenway

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