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ESCalate Funding Workshop how to give yourself the best chance of success Student Conference April 2009 Dr Alexis Taylor.

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Presentation on theme: "ESCalate Funding Workshop how to give yourself the best chance of success Student Conference April 2009 Dr Alexis Taylor."— Presentation transcript:

1 ESCalate Funding Workshop how to give yourself the best chance of success Student Conference April 2009 Dr Alexis Taylor

2 Introductions Dr Alexis Taylor ESCalate Projects Manager Teresa Nurser Projects Administrative Coordinator

3 The Higher Education Academy Academy subject centres ESCalate – the Subject Centre for Education is one of 24. Many – but not all - have some small or mini grant funding.

4 Student Grants Launched in Spring 2006 Dedicated to learning and teaching projects by students Available to all students in UK universities and colleges delivering HE programmes in Education- related studies (including HE in FE) Proof of student status in UK is required

5 Annual rounds of application 18 th June 2009

6 Funding Maximum amount = £2000 Seed funding so you can explore a topic related to teaching and learning/work with other students and staff For example, organise regional workshop develop a seminar series undertake a small-scale research project

7 Themes Open but Web-site lists some higher education, vocationalism, pedagogy, widening participation, employability

8 How read the web-site carefully register with ESCalate submit an application form on line (which has to have HOD approval) you can add to your proposal anytime up until the deadline date

9 Submission 500 word submission Aims : clear ? realistic ? does it fit with current Education contexts ? Proposed Activities : detailed ? schedule ? who ? what ? appropriate design and method ? Outcomes : clear ? plans for sharing ? Budget : realistic ? departmental support ? Mentor ?

10 Support From ESCalate Informal discussion of your ideas From Your Institution Discuss your ideas with a member of staff Support from institution (e.g. time/space) Ask them to act as mentor to you during the project

11 Costings Consumables ( eg paper, photocopying, refreshments for meetings) Travel Subsistence NOT ICT equipment of hardware Note FEC VAT

12 Evaluation and Outcome Internally evaluated by us. Can only fund projects that have direct relevance to the Education Community You will be sent notification of the outcome, usually within 4-6 weeks Timing – patience is a virtue; slippage does happen! feedback offered to all once we receive the Agreement Form the project is activated and you will have your own Project Page you may invoice us for the first instalment of the agreed costs

13 Running the project The responsibility for invoicing is YOURS! The final instalment is paid once we have received a final report and it has been approved and we have received an invoice for the amount Stay in touch – especially if you need to adjust/ change details etc. Discuss administration issues with Teresa Email or phone Alexis over substantial issues over the content etc.

14 From You… Project Report : Short (2 pages); What you did; What you learnt Acknowledge ESCalate in any events, workshops, materials etc Present your work at an ESCalate event if requested

15 Some final points… Our remit is to encourage good practice in teaching and learning wherever it is found An ESCalate project often leads to other things….!

16 Examples of Bids and Process Hand over to the student speakers

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