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Can you think of anything in our life that is not affected by age?

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Presentation on theme: "Can you think of anything in our life that is not affected by age?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Can you think of anything in our life that is not affected by age?

3 How we look…

4 How we feel…

5 What we can accomplish in our life…

6 Relationships…

7 How we approach each day…

8 Since the days of the Yellow Emperor, the Chinese have been using medicinal herbal formulas to combat the effects of ageing.

9 Cleopatra, the ruler of Egypt in the First century BC bathed in milk to help her skin maintain its youthful appearance.

10 1513, Ponce de Leon discovered Florida while looking for the Fountain of Youth. Special waters that would cure his ageing and return him to his youth.

11 For 2,500 years, we have been searching for the secret to ageing.

12 Consider the financial size of these industries: Weight Management$65.5 Billion Exercise$27 Billion Supplements$30 Billion Beauty & Appearance$300 Billion Fashion$1.08 Trillion Cosmetic Surgery$12 Billion

13 TOTAL MARKET VALUE OF OVER $2,500,000,000,000,000.00 ¥300,000,000,000,000 NT$82,500,000,000,000.00 €2,200,000,000,000.00

14 What are the main concerns about getting older? Declining Health Appearance Financial Worries

15 84 % of people believe they have the ability to stay healthy longer.

16 83 % Are receptive to products, ideas and services to help them live younger, longer

17 A.G.E. RESEARCH …has answered questions about ageing that we have wondered about for hundreds of years.

18 Stroke/Brain Eye Health/Cataracts Blood Pressure/Flow Vessel/Atherosclerosis Skin/Psoriasis/Healing Heart Obesity Diabetes II Kidney Health Immunity/Cancer

19 A.G.E.s steal YEARS from us A.G.E.s steal ENERGY and HEALTH from us A.G.E.s make us LOOK and FEEL OLD

20 TrūAge TIPPING POINT 0 20 40 60 80


22 A.G.E.s on the Market

23 Knowledge of A.G.E.s will grow dramatically in the coming years in every part of our life Skin and Hair Care Supplements and Nutrition How we cook How we sleep How we function mentally Recreation and Entertainment

24 The demand for A.G.E. products, services, and education will grow dramatically.

25 …is perfectly positioned to be the leader in A.G.E. products, services, and education

26 That is how we are carving out our share of the Ageing Market.

27 The TrūAge Scanner is the only device to measure A.G.E.s

28 TrūAge Core is the only daily product regimen designed to manage and prevent A.G.E.s


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