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Petri Net Markup Language (PNML) Nickolas Paladino Oct. 9, 2002 University of Central Florida.

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Presentation on theme: "Petri Net Markup Language (PNML) Nickolas Paladino Oct. 9, 2002 University of Central Florida."— Presentation transcript:

1 Petri Net Markup Language (PNML) Nickolas Paladino Oct. 9, 2002 University of Central Florida

2 Outline PNML History Considerations for Standard Specification Example Petri Net Sample PNML

3 Outline Application Deficiencies Current State Future Direction Conclusion References

4 PNML History Petri Net Tools - variety e.g. Artifex, CPN-AMI, HiQPN-Tool, Renew, PACE Each has unique internal representation and saved/exported file format definition

5 PNML History Reasons to move to a standard - Useful to move Net Models from tool to tool, not redesign from scratch - Make available libraries or toolkits of predefined Petri Net pieces - Moving project to different tool obsolete tool, stronger analysis, better graphics capability

6 PNML History Obstacles to a standard - Additional development by tool designers - don’t want to loose advanced features specific to any tool - problems with extensibility e.g. Java – Sun vs Microsoft, HTML – Netscape vs Microsoft

7 Considerations for Standard Standard should be: - simple - include only necessary technology Reference parsers should be available Need converters from old formats Experience from tool developers

8 Considerations for Standard Why XML (Extensible Mark-up Language)? - able to use robust parsers - large choice of XML tools - flexible, for easy extension of formats - parsers can ignore unknown parts

9 Specification ISO 15909 High-level Petri Nets – Concepts, Definitions and Graphical Notation Final Draft Version 4.7.1 October 28, 2000

10 Sample Petri Net

11 Sample PNML Sytle Sheet CSS Syntax place { shape: ellipse; } place name { font-size 12pt; } transition { shape : box } transition name { font-size: 11pt; }

12 Sample PNML Entities extended with class information Input InItem Get Next Item

13 Sample PNML Petri Net mathematical description Input InItem iitem Get Next Item Idle M m...

14 Sample PNML Petri Net layout description 10.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 20.0 10.0...

15 Application Must communicate adequate detail of Petri Net Definition Hold meaning of common notations Extend for special features of varied tools Allows Petri Net use on different tools Varied strengths and weaknesses of tools e.g. initial design, simulation, editing, analysis, GUI

16 Deficiencies Petri Nets graphical in nature Difficult to capture same look across existing applications Petri Nets can become very large Many existing Petri Net tools Retrofit of each can be time consuming and has cost Converters from old standards needed

17 Current State The Petri Net Interchange Format Mailing List Little activity One comment since 2000 Some tools have moved to XML-based file format

18 Future Direction Should not force developers to use PNML Standards committee to make format freely available Current tools could begin to use own XML, converge to PNML

19 Conclusion Correct direction to pursue Needed by academia and industry Will eventually be adopted No technical problems in XML based PNML definitions Agree on standard and move to implement

20 References [Mai00] Mailund, Thomas (2000). Seperation of Style and Content with XML in an Interchange Format for High-level Petri Nets (Mailund, T., Mortensen, K. H.), Position Paper, 21st International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets Aarhus (2000) [Kum00] Kummer, Olaf (2000). XML and Petri Nets – Following the Forces (Kummer, O., Wienberg, F., Moldt, D.), Position Paper, 21st International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets Aarhus (2000) [Mat00] Matthias, Jungel (2000). Towards a Generic Interchange Format for Petri Nets (Matthias, J., Kindler, E., Weber, M.), Position Paper, 21st International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets Aarhus (2000)

21 References (WWW) The PNK Team: Petri Net Markup Language. Aug. 2002. Petri Net Tools and Software. Oct. 2002. 21st International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets. June 2000.

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