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16 May 2014IS&T Archiving Conference, Berlin1 Michael Buckland Barry Pateman University of California, Berkeley. Patrick Golden Ryan Shaw Univ. of North.

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Presentation on theme: "16 May 2014IS&T Archiving Conference, Berlin1 Michael Buckland Barry Pateman University of California, Berkeley. Patrick Golden Ryan Shaw Univ. of North."— Presentation transcript:

1 16 May 2014IS&T Archiving Conference, Berlin1 Michael Buckland Barry Pateman University of California, Berkeley. Patrick Golden Ryan Shaw Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Saving Working Notes for Future Use IS&T Archiving Conference, Berlin, 16 May 2014

2 16 May 2014IS&T Archiving Conference, Berlin2 A Case Study: Documentary Editions Berkeley: Papers of Emma Goldman, 1869-1940, Anarchist. New York: Papers of Margaret Sanger, 1879-1966, Birth control activist.

3 16 May 2014IS&T Archiving Conference, Berlin3 Problems of Documentary Editions Requires specialized expertise for many years. Funding is difficult. Much of the editors’ research not included because inconclusive or marginally relevant to the publication. Limitations of the printed edition: Costly. Limit on number of pages, so editors’ notes reduced. Small editions bought by libraries. Not widely available. Relatively isolated work. Working notes and unpublished notes discarded. The return on investment far less that it could be.

4 Gain in efficiency through collaborative, shared access to working notes among related projects. Increased return on investment by making editors’ notes promptly and more fully available through Web publication. More effective interoperability with archival finding aids, library pathfinders, and other scholarly infrastructure as all become more closely associated in digital environment. Concerned with notes whether or not annotations. Inspired by Notes & Queries genre. 16 May 20144IS&T Archiving Conference, Berlin Project Objectives

5 16 May 2014IS&T Archiving Conference, Berlin5 A Collaborative Project How might the Web be used to help? “Editorial Practices and the Web” – started summer 2010. Focus on evolving editorial work practices more than on technology. Notes on web

6 16 May 2014IS&T Archiving Conference, Berlin6 Participants Emma Goldman Papers, Berkeley. Feminist and anarchist, 1869- 1940. Margaret Sanger Papers, New York University, Feminist and birth control advocate, 1879-1966. Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony Papers, Rutgers University: 19th century reformers, votes for women. Labadie Collection, University of Michigan Library: Collection of Radical literature. Why a library collection? California State Archives. Archivists’ notes? Maritime Buddhism. Led by the Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative, School of Information, University of California, Berkeley.

7 16 May 2014IS&T Archiving Conference, Berlin7 A Digital Remedy Save as.html ! Make working notes available soon on a webpage as well as published edition. Immediately available. Indexed by Google, etc. Notes in memory or handwritten Notes, clippings, images. in folders, boxes, Brief notes in published volume Notes keyed or scanned Files in digital repositories Detailed notes rapidly web accessible More a change in work practice than a technical challenge. Published on the Web Published Ideas Working notesNotes

8 How do projects take notes? 16 May 2014IS&T Archiving Conference, Berlin Patrick— Lenin: Had any of his family members beside his brother, been imprisoned? What was the book he had written on ‘political economy’ that was used in Russsian Universities? New York (Evening?) Post, September 1918 editorial on IWW verdict for the huge IWW trial in Chicago. 8

9 How do projects take notes? Sources consulted, notes taken based on findings. Notes stored in a Word documents? Yellow notebook? Email? Negative conclusion reached to question, but no one will ever know. 16 May 2014IS&T Archiving Conference, Berlin9

10 During Phase 1 -- 2010-2012 Increase move to digital notes. Create shared website for working notes: Editors’ working notes openly available August 2012. Library special collection curators’ notes also. 16 May 201410IS&T Archiving Conference, Berlin Editors notes are quite varied in form Narrative notes on paper. Narrative notes in digital formats. Name authority files, chronologies, itineraries, membership lists, etc. Photocopies, scans of documents, newspaper clippings,...

11 16 May 2014IS&T Archiving Conference, Berlin11

12 16 May 2014IS&T Archiving Conference, Berlin12

13 16 May 2014IS&T Archiving Conference, Berlin13

14 16 May 2014IS&T Archiving Conference, Berlin14

15 Phase 2 Agenda 2013 - 2015 Horizontal interoperability with archivists’ working notes. Projects end, scholarship continues. Archiving of editors’ notes when project ends. Work practices preprocess for archival deposit. Predispose for later continued scholarship. Sleeping Beauty and the “hibernating archive”. Introduce digital humanities tools. Map displays. Chronologies, time-lines. Biographical networks. Prosopography. Very low effort mark-up and linking. 16 May 201415IS&T Archiving Conference, Berlin

16 16 May 201416IS&T Archiving Conference, Berlin Data Model Person, institution, place, event, subject. Structured, linked data. RDF Narrative explanation. Scope note. Bibliographical record, etc.

17 16 May 2014IS&T Archiving Conference, Berlin17 Repurposed notes: Lecture Tours of Emma Goldman

18 Django Python web framework PostgreSQL using native support for XML fields ElasticSearch for full-text searching for presenting high resolution scans Zotero for input and editing of bibliographic data Open Refine (prev. Google Refine) for duplicate detection 16 May 201418IS&T Archiving Conference, Berlin Software: All open access

19 16 May 2014IS&T Archiving Conference, Berlin19 Environment like a shared office. Liberate the notes! Notes as a primary resource. Published volumes as derivative. Preserve the ‘workshop’. Value and use. Looking Forward We thank the A. W. Mellon Foundation and of the Coleman Fung Foundation for support and the project collaborators. Editors’ Notes: Project URL: 2013 paper:

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