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This is... FINAL Now entering the studio are our Contestants!!! Group 1 Group 2 Group 3.

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Presentation on theme: "This is... FINAL Now entering the studio are our Contestants!!! Group 1 Group 2 Group 3."— Presentation transcript:


2 This is... FINAL

3 Now entering the studio are our Contestants!!! Group 1 Group 2 Group 3

4 Your host … Miss Hayes

5 One person from each group steps up to answer the question.One person from each group steps up to answer the question. Contestants will choose a category and question.Contestants will choose a category and question. Contestants raise hand if they know the answer.Contestants raise hand if they know the answer. If no one knows answer then contestants will be told to go to their groups.If no one knows answer then contestants will be told to go to their groups.

6 Here are the categories...



9 Cold War


11 1st Contestants step up and prepare for the first question

12 WWII Cold War $100 $200 $300 $400 $100 $200 $300 $400 $100 $200 $300 $400 $100 $200 $300 $400

13 Political ideology that stresses nationalism

14 Fascism

15 Oops… click above to go back

16 Policy exemplified by Britain and France giving into Hitler in order o avoid war

17 Appeasement

18 Oops… click above to go back

19 Why Japan imperialized Asia

20 Natural Resources (iron ore, coal)

21 Oops… click above to go back

22 British man who warned of giving into Hitler at the Munich Conference

23 Winston Churchill

24 Oops… click above to go back

25 Condition of Post- WWI Europe that enabled Hitler to rise to power

26 Economic crisis brought on by the Depression

27 Oops… click above to go back

28 Nation in which militarists and emperor ruled during WWII

29 Japan

30 Oops… click above to go back

31 Why Hitler wanted to invade and take Poland

32 Port city of Danzig

33 Oops… click above to go back

34 Strategy in which Allies targeted easily defeated islands in the Pacific

35 Island Hopping

36 Oops… click above to go back

37 Mastermind of the island hopping strategy

38 Douglas MacArthur

39 Oops… click above to go back

40 Leader who won China’s civil war in 1949 and what he established

41 Mao Zedong; People’s Republic of China

42 Oops… click above to go back

43 Economic system established by Mao and its long-term effect

44 Communism; economic failure

45 Oops… click above to go back

46 $200 $100 $300 $400 $200 $100 $300 $400 $200 $100 $300 $400 $200 $100 $300 $400 GeographyPeopleConceptsVocabulary Bet how much you are willing to risk

47 Effect of Britain, US, and France unifying their zones in Germany

48 Berlin Blockade

49 Oops… click above to go back

50 Two ways in which Truman carried out containment

51 Marshall Plan and Truman Doctrine

52 Oops… click above to go back

53 Event that Indicated to Khrushchev that the US was weak, and the USSR could continue expansion in Cuba

54 Bay of Pigs

55 Oops… click above to go back

56 2 reasons why the US did not trust the USSR; 1 from WWII, and 1 from Post-WWII

57 Nonaggression Pact Stalin failed to hold free & unfettered election in Eastern Europe

58 Oops… click above to go back

59 Russia’s first elected president in 1991, after the collapse of the Soviet Union

60 Boris Yeltsin

61 Oops… click above to go back

62 Double Jeopardy


64 WWII … Again

65 Ice Ice Baby

66 Why doesn’t want more Vanilla Ice?

67 $200 $400 $600 $800 $200 $400 $600 $800 $200 $400 $600 $800 $200 $400 $600 $800DoubleJeopardy

68 Order in which Japan tried to build a Pacific Empire?

69 ManchuriaChina Southeast Asian colonies

70 Oops… click above to go back

71 How Japan reformed its government after WWII?

72 The Diet (legislative body) elected the prime minister

73 Oops… click above to go back

74 How much are you and your team willing to risk?

75 Why the Nazis lost at the Battle of Stalingrad

76 # of Russian troops Russian winter

77 Oops… click above to go back

78 How the Allies planned to defeat the Nazis

79 Defeat Nazis in Northern Africa, then move to Southern Europe (Operation Torch)

80 Oops… click above to go back

81 How the US reacted to Japan aggression in SE Asia

82 Oil Embargo

83 Oops… click above to go back

84 Why the US interned Japanese Americans on the West Coast

85 The US falsely believed they could be enemies

86 Oops… click above to go back

87 The event that marked the end of WWII

88 Bombing of Hiroshima & Nagasaki; Japanese surrender

89 Oops… click above to go back

90 What MacArthur wanted to do in the Korean War that Truman did not

91 Bomb China with nuclear weapons

92 Oops… click above to go back

93 Who were the Vietminh?

94 Vietnamese communists in the North

95 Oops… click above to go back

96 Who were the Vietcong?

97 Vietnamese communists in the South

98 Oops… click above to go back

99 Who received aid with the Truman Doctrine

100 Turkey & Greece

101 Oops… click above to go back

102 Why Truman fired General MacArthur

103 MacArthur went over the president to Congress

104 Oops… click above to go back

105 Where the Chinese student protest for democracy and against the Communist govt occurred, and it’s effect

106 Tiananmen Square; embarrassed China, remained Communist

107 Oops… click above to go back

108 What followed when fighting in the Korean War got close to China

109 Chinese troops entered the war on the North’s side

110 Oops… click above to go back

111 The theory that is one nation falls to Communism, others will, and thus we should use containment

112 Domino Theory

113 Oops… click above to go back

114 How much are you and your team willing to risk?

115 What was the Warsaw Pact, and why was it created?

116 Military alliance between the Soviet Union and its satellite nations; in response to NATO

117 Oops… click above to go back

118 Final Jeopardy You’ll have 60 seconds

119 Cold War Policies Make your wagers now

120 Gorbachev’s policy to allow some private enterprise into the Soviet Union?

121 CW Policies

122 Now, lets see your answers starting with the last place team… Perestroika

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