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Production System and Environment Sub-Program HPC applications in the International Potato Center Eng. Gonzalo Cucho-Padin Electronic Engineer,Research.

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Presentation on theme: "Production System and Environment Sub-Program HPC applications in the International Potato Center Eng. Gonzalo Cucho-Padin Electronic Engineer,Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 Production System and Environment Sub-Program HPC applications in the International Potato Center Eng. Gonzalo Cucho-Padin Electronic Engineer,Research Assistant

2  We are part of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR).  We are present in many Regions and in differente countries (Peru, Brazil, Kenya, Ethiopia, India, China)  Our objective is to improve potato (p.e. genetics, remote sensing among others) International Potato Center

3 The Concept  The adquisition of data about an object without aking physical contact. What we do  We work with satellite multispectral imagery (7 bands)  We adquire multispectral images from unmmaned aerial vehicles. (drones)  We establish mathematical models of the potato (growth models, hydro stress models, spread of diseases) Remote Sensing

4 Remote Sensing in two scales Large spatial extensionHigh resolution imagery

5 Why two or more scales?  For prediction/forecasting patterns in the agricultural lands from a small area to a large area.  For these tasks we are working in many mathematical models. One of them is the Multifractal Analysis.  Multifractal Analysis allows us to find a relationship between objects in different scales.  Multifractal Analysis  Logarithm  Power

6 HPC Facility CLOUD HPC  Amazon EC2 HPC  Instance name: cg1.4xlarge  Linux Red hat 7, 64 bits  12 nodes, Intel Xeon x5570 4C HT  2x GPU NVIDIA Tesla M2050 OUR OWN SYSTEM  Hardware We have 5 nodes Intel Xeon E5-2440, 2.4 Ghz, 6 cores RAM : 4GB Memory  Software Rock++ 6 Linux Red Hat 7, 64 bits OpenMP OpenMPI

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