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Overview Why are we here?Why are we here? What do we need?What do we need? What do we have?What do we have? Overall PlanOverall Plan.

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Presentation on theme: "Overview Why are we here?Why are we here? What do we need?What do we need? What do we have?What do we have? Overall PlanOverall Plan."— Presentation transcript:


2 Overview Why are we here?Why are we here? What do we need?What do we need? What do we have?What do we have? Overall PlanOverall Plan

3 Football Field Ashford Parking Lot Ashford South Campus Destination Recreation Trail Wellness Station

4 Healthy physical activities and taking responsibility and caring for minor illness and chronic medical needs

5 Social Wellness Ideas from Survey Camp FiresCamp Fires Movie NightsMovie Nights Winter Festival, i.e. Snow Sculptures, Sledding, Snowball Fights, Cross Country Skiing, etc.Winter Festival, i.e. Snow Sculptures, Sledding, Snowball Fights, Cross Country Skiing, etc. Outdoor activities sponsored by campus clubs and organizationsOutdoor activities sponsored by campus clubs and organizations Social Awareness Events, i.e. Aids WalkSocial Awareness Events, i.e. Aids Walk ShowsShows Parties – BBQParties – BBQ GamesGames

6 Student Involvement PurposePurpose CreationCreation ManagementManagement Student OrganizationsStudent Organizations ClubsClubs

7 Enhancements for AU & Students SpaceSpace Promotional OpportunitiesPromotional Opportunities Natural Campus AreaNatural Campus Area ▫Help attract prospective students

8 Materials TablesTables ShelterShelter Platform/StagePlatform/Stage GrillsGrills

9 Prices Home Depot PricesHome Depot Prices ▫ $ 100.00 - Slate Fire Pit ▫ $ 45.00 - Pre Assembled Portable Charcoal Grill

10 Cost benefit Fire PitFire Pit ▫Help keep students warm during chilly events ▫Great place to talk and interact with others GrillsGrills ▫Some events will want to offer grilled food. ▫If you cook it, they will come.

11 Video Model

12 Winter Activities

13 Spring Activities

14 Ability to manage and express feeling and demonstrate self-awareness, self-acceptance, and the ability to make good personal choices


16 SimplicitySimplicity Rest and RelaxationRest and Relaxation Enjoy the outdoorsEnjoy the outdoors Enhancements for AU & Students

17 Fire pits: Cooking, warmth, and fun.Fire pits: Cooking, warmth, and fun. Great way to relax and socialize.Great way to relax and socialize. Very popular idea, according to surveys.Very popular idea, according to surveys. Enhancements for AU & Students



20 Healthy physical activities and taking responsibility and caring for minor illness and chronic medical needs

21 Recreation: Prioritize the order 1 through 6, with 1 being the best idea and 6 being your least favorite idea, rank the following ideas for the use of the extra land by south campus. Frisbee Golf Ultimate Frisbee Soccer Football Outdoor Trail Bike Path Other Suggestions: Survey Questions

22 Survey Conclusions Flag Football

23 Basketball Survey Conclusions

24 24 Ultimate Frisbee Survey Conclusions

25 Kickball Survey Conclusions

26 Dodgeb all Survey Conclusions

27 Nature Trail

28 Survey \ Conclusions Nature Trail Stations

29 Other Activities 29

30 Costs ItemDescriptionUnitsUnit CostTotal Cones 9 in. in height Orange Spectrum come in set of 6 1214$170 E-Z Slot Rope Stakes Flat (25 posts per case) 18 in. height and 29 lbs, color- Evergreen 8145$1,172.50 Rope 1/4 slope, Model Dimension- 1/4" dia. / 1000ft. weight: 10 lbs 276$92.34 Discs Ace Ultimate Disc: pick 10 Discraft Ultra- Star Discs 5 blue, 5 red, 5 orange, 5 glow 275$150 Basketball Hoops50 inch shatter proof2279.99$559.98 $2,144.82

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