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Scales of larval settlement in marine fishes and invertebrates Elizabeth Madin and Robin Pelc November 5, 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Scales of larval settlement in marine fishes and invertebrates Elizabeth Madin and Robin Pelc November 5, 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scales of larval settlement in marine fishes and invertebrates Elizabeth Madin and Robin Pelc November 5, 2004

2 Outline 1)Life history characteristics 2) Larval settlement correlations - spatial - temporal 3) Suggestions for future avenues

3 Life history characteristics: Matrix Natural mortality of adults (m) Spawning season Fecundity (# larvae/female) Spawning character Spawning cues/habitats Larval PLD Precompetency period Competency period Larval dispersal locations Form(s) of density-dependence Sources

4 Life history characteristics: Other data collected Habitat Reproductive mode Duration of releases Realized dispersal distance Spatial scale of releases not sure these data exist for most species

5 Life History Characteristics: Rockfish ^^^ = peak fertilization *** = peak spawning PLD: generally ~1-3 mos.; Black: up to 180 days; Blue: up to 130 days Spawning type: most are viviparous or ovoviviparous

6 Life history characteristics: Cabezon Habitat: demersal; hard bottoms Reproduction: oviparous, males guard eggs Spawning season: Dec–Jan (CA), Mar–Apr (WA) Egg duration: 2-3 weeks PLD: 3-4 mo. Realized dispersal distance: unknown? Spawning cues/drivers: unknown? Duration of releases: spawns at least twice per season Spatial scale of releases: unknown?

7 Life history characteristics: Kelp Bass Habitat: benthopelagic Spawning type: broadcast spawners Spawning season: June-Sept./Oct. PLD: 1 mo. Competency period: 1-2 days Realized dispersal distance: unknown? Spawning cues/drivers: unknown? Duration of releases: female produces eggs approx. continuously over spawning season Spatial scale of releases: unknown? Larval dispersal locations: near surface

8 Life history characteristics: Abalone (Haliotis rufescens) Habitat: benthic Spawning type: synchronous broadcast spawning, multiple times/year; non-feeding veligers Spawning season: year-round (S. CA); Oct.-Feb. (N. CA) PLD: 7-10 days (CA); 6-11 days (Aus.) Realized dispersal distance: <15 m? Spawning cues/drivers: metamorphosed conspecifics; corraline algae; bacterial films Duration of releases: unknown? Spatial scale of releases: unknown?

9 Life history characteristics: Abalone (Haliotis rufescens) Natural mortality of adults (% die/year): m = 0.139 Fecundity (#larvae/female): varies with size Precompetency period: 7-10 days Competency period: 2 hours - 2 weeks Form(s) of density-dependence: unknown?

10 Life history characteristics: Lobster Habitat: benthic; rocky reef and kelp forest to 240 feet depth. Berried females and juveniles found in shallow water (to 30 feet) Spawning type: once yearly; females carry eggs Spawning season: June – August (eggs released) PLD: 5-9 months Realized dispersal distance: unknown? Spawning cues/drivers: unknown? Duration of releases: unknown? Spatial scale of releases: unknown?

11 Life history characteristics: Urchins Habitat: benthic (mobile) Spawning type: synchronous broadcast spawning Spawning season: (central CA) Jan-May/July (S.purpuratus) ; Feb-July ( S.franciscianus ) PLD: (CA) 66 days (S.purpuratus) ; 48 days (S.franciscianus) Realized dispersal distance: unknown? Spawning cues/drivers: chemical (assumed); photoperiod? Duration of releases: unknown? Spatial scale of releases: unknown?

12 Settlement decorrelation scales: Datasets Datasets used: 1)PISCO SMURF (ongoing) Location: California Species: Pacific fishes; some invertebrates 2)Caffey (1985) Location: Australia (NSW) Species: barnacles (Tesseropora rosea) 3)Ebert, Schroeter, Dixon and Kalvass (1994) Location: California Species: urchins (Strongylocentrotus franciscanus and S. purpuratus) 4)Robertson (unpublished data) Location: Panama (San Blas) Species: Acanthurus bahianus 5)PISCO high frequency intertidal/mooring plates/tuffy (unpublished data) Location: Channel Islands (Prisoners and Valley) Species: intertidal invertebrates 6)Myers, Mertz and Bridson (1997) Location: global Species: 11 marine fish species

13 Settlement decorrelation scales: Datasets Other potential datasets: 1)PISCO intertidal (ongoing) Location: Channel Islands Species: intertidal inverts 2)Gaylord and Morgan (unpublished data) Location: California Species: pier piling community (urchins; other intertidal inverts) 3)Gaines (unpublished data) Location: New England Species: intertidal inverts

14 Settlement decorrelation scales: PISCO smurfs (CA)

15 Channel Islands Sea Surface Temperature Map

16 Channel Islands SST over Time Hazards vs Pelican – evidence of lags in temperature pattern? Willow vs. Valley – patterns appear more similar

17 Settlement decorrelation scales: PISCO smurfs (CA) BA D C

18 Raw data: (sample)

19 Settlement decorrelation scales: PISCO smurfs (CA) A. Rockfish (Kelp, Black, Gopher)

20 Settlement decorrelation scales: PISCO smurfs (CA) A. Rockfish (Kelp, Black, Gopher) B

21 Settlement decorrelation scales: PISCO smurfs (CA) B

22 A. Rockfish (Kelp, Black, Gopher) D

23 Settlement decorrelation scales: PISCO smurfs (CA) D

24 Settlement decorrelation scales: PISCO (CA) smurfs B. Rockfish (Yellowtail, Olive)

25 Settlement decorrelation scales: PISCO smurfs (CA) B. Rockfish (Yellowtail, Olive) A

26 Settlement decorrelation scales: PISCO smurfs (CA) A

27 C. Cabezon

28 Settlement decorrelation scales: PISCO smurfs (CA) C. Cabezon B C

29 Settlement decorrelation scales: PISCO smurfs (CA) BC

30 C. Cabezon

31 Settlement decorrelation scales: PISCO smurfs (CA) D. Kelp Bass

32 Settlement decorrelation scales: PISCO smurfs (CA) D. Kelp Bass

33 Settlement decorrelation scales: PISCO smurfs (CA) Summary -Spatial decorrelation plots may inform the probability distribution (kernel) of larval dispersal in specific regions -Larval dispersal in the Channel Islands is determined in part by competing oceanographic intrusions

34 Settlement decorrelation scales: PISCO smurfs (CA) Decorrelation of Settlement - KGBs -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 0246810 Time Lag – 2 week periods Correl Decorrelation of Settlement - Yellowtail/Olive -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 0246810 Time lag – 2 week periods Correl Decorrelation of Settlement - Kelp Bass -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 0246810 Time Lag – 2 week periods Correl 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 0246810 Time Lag – 2 week periods Correl

35 PISCO intertidal (CA): Sites and Temperature Regime, SCI Figures from Broitman, Blanchette and Gaines, in press Figure 1. Map of the Southern California Bight and the California Channel Islands. The western part of the Santa Barbara Channel is under the influence of the large upwelling center located at Point Conception. The inset shows Santa Cruz Island and the location of the intertidal monitoring sites. Figure 2. Long-term mean (±1 SE) of sea surface temperature derived from 1-km resolution AVHRR satellite imagery between 1996 and 2002. Note the large thermal gradient between sites located less than 20 km apart.

36 PISCO intertidal (CA): Settlement Decorrelation Scales, SCI Figures from Broitman, Blanchette and Gaines, in press Figure 4. (A) Spatial time series of log 10 -transformed larval recruitment rates around Santa Cruz Island between 1997 and 2000 for Chthamaloid barnacles, and (B) between 1996 and 2000 for Mytilid mussels. Figure 3. Mean temporal autocorrelation of the time series of all eastern (dashed lines) and western (solid lines) sites. The dotted line is the confidence interval for significant correlation corrected for the degrees of freedom at each time lag.

37 Caffey: Barnacle settlement (NSW, Australia)


39 Settlement decorrelation scales: Caffey (barnacles; Australia)

40 Spatial correlation of barnacle recruitment R 2 = 0.3879 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0100200300400500600 Distance between sites (km) Correl Red: Scott’s Head vs. other sites Green: Nobby’s Head, Green Point, and Cape Banks vs. Warden Head Blue: Nobby’s Head, Green Point and Cape Banks vs. Dolphin Point or Nundera Point Orange: Dolphin Point and Nundera Point vs. Warden Head

41 Settlement decorrelation scales: Caffey (barnacles; Australia)

42 Settlement decorrelation scales: Ebert et al. (urchins; California) D: Gaviota E: Ellwood Pier F: Stearn’s Wharf G: Dana Point H: Scripps Institute of Oceanography I: Ocean Beach

43 Ebert et al.: Purple Urchin settlement (California)

44 Ebert et al: Red Urchin Settlement (California)

45 Settlement decorrelation scales: Ebert et al. (urchins; California) PLD: Purple = 66 days Red = 48 days

46 Settlement decorrelation scales: Ebert et al. (urchins; California) Spatial correlation of red urchin settlement R 2 = 0.1977 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 050100150200250300350 Distance (km) Correl Red: Ocean Beach (I) vs. other sites D: Gaviota E: Ellwood Pier F: Stearn’s Wharf G: Dana Point H: SIO I: Ocean Beach

47 Settlement decorrelation scales: Ebert et al. (urchins; California)

48 Recruitment decorrelation scales: rockfish in CA current Species: chilipepper, widow, yellowtail John Field and Stephen Ralston. Spatial variability in California current rockfish recruitment events.

49 Recruitment decorrelation scales of rockfish (Field and Ralston, in press) e-folding scale: 690 kilometers

50 Settlement decorrelation scales: Robertson Acanthurus bahianus (Panama)


52 Settlement decorrelation scales: PISCO barnacle settlement (SCI) Valley Prisoner’s

53 Settlement decorrelation scales: PISCO barnacle settlement (SCI) Decorrelation Scales of Settlement: Cyprids on Intertidal Plates -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 0510152025 Time lag – 2 day period Correl prisoners valley Decorrelation Scales of Settlement: newly metamorphosed barnacles on intertidal plates -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0510152025 Time lag – 2 day period Correl prisoners valley Temporal Decorrelation Scales of Settlement: Cyprids on Mooring Plates -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0510152025 Time lag – 2 day period Correl prisoners valley Decorrelation Scales of Settlement: Newly Metamorphosed Barnacles on Mooring Plates -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 0510152025 Time Lag – 2 day period Correl prisoners valley

54 Settlement decorrelation scales: Meyers et al. (1997) analysis


56 Settlement decorrelation scales: General conclusions Summary -Spatial decorrelation plots may inform the probability distribution (kernel) of larval dispersal in specific regions -Larval dispersal appears to be influenced by oceanographic features -(Channel Islands; S. Cal. coast; New South Wales coast) -PLD may influence the scales of spatial and temporal decorrelation in larval settlement

57 General Discussion Is this information useful to the F3 model? How can this information be incorporated into the model? What information is most useful to the model? Future analyses/directions?

58 Settlement decorrelation scales: PISCO smurfs (CA) A. Rockfish (Kelp, Black, Gopher)

59 Settlement decorrelation scales: PISCO smurfs (CA) B. Rockfish (Yellowtail, Olive)

60 Settlement decorrelation scales: PISCO smurfs (CA) C. Cabezon

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