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To what extent did entertainment affect the layout of Richmond in the 1900’s? By: Anthony Pierri.

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Presentation on theme: "To what extent did entertainment affect the layout of Richmond in the 1900’s? By: Anthony Pierri."— Presentation transcript:

1 To what extent did entertainment affect the layout of Richmond in the 1900’s? By: Anthony Pierri

2 How did it affect the layout of Richmond socially? The MCG as well as other entertainment venues was a place where people could go to relax and be entertained by performing arts, sport and music. People would work as hard as possible throughout the week and would also go to these venues to have a good time and also be social with other people. These venues were places where people could enjoy themselves and also get their minds off the war which was going on at the time. These entertainment venues were places where people would congregate collectively or individually to get there minds off what was happening in reality. These venues were a public outlet that provided people with fun and enjoyment which had a large contribution to the social layout of Richmond in the 1900’s The average crowd attendance for a football game from 1910 to 1915 was 45,087.

3 How did it affect the layout of Richmond Economically? Entertainment in Richmond came in many forms consisting mainly of sport, arts and drama. The main sports played were cricket and football which entertained supporters and made them feel part of the event. Drama performances were also entertaining and people would attend them for enjoyment, the most popular plays would be the action ones. The money made from entertainment largely contributed to Australia’s economy, also the money that was made largely contributed to creating better public facilities around Richmond such as better sporting fields. The increase in entertainment venues also affected the economy by creating more jobs for people all around Richmond. Ticket prices would vary depending if people were intending to stand or intending to sit, to sit a ticket would cost approximately 10 cents whereas a standing ticket would cost approximately 5 cents. There was also a large amount of people that would jump the fence to watch the games because the security was not as organised as it is now days.

4 How Did Entertainment Affect people in the 1900’s In the 1900’s entertainment rapidly came popular all over Richmond. New radios, T.V’S and movie cinemas were established in Richmond in the hope of getting people’s thoughts off the war. In this period of time people would try and go to theatres and cinemas to try and get away from all the troubles that were occurring in reality. For people that could not afford to go to places such as cinemas they would also be able to get away from the troubles that were occurring in reality, they would go to clubs and pubs and dance to the swing and jazz music. This was a place for the less fortunate to be entertained and also be social with others who were also suffering.

5 Bibliography australia/australianstory/highlights-in-austn-theatre-history

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