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Endocrinopathies and DBA

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Presentation on theme: "Endocrinopathies and DBA"— Presentation transcript:

1 Endocrinopathies and DBA
Mandy Whitehead Children’s Endocrine Specialist Nurse Leeds General Infirmary

2 Overview The Endocrine System Growth and growth hormone Puberty
Adrenal glands and adrenal crisis

3 The Endocrine System

4 Feedback mechanism in the endocrine system

5 ICP phases of growth Growth Hormone Thyroid Nutrition & Love
Oestrogen & Testosterone Growth Hormone Thyroid Nutrition & Love

6 What is normal growth? Growth is a luxury Accurate measurements
Serial measurements Growth charts Parental heights are important

7 Growth hormone Secreted by the pituitary gland, pulsatile fashion.
Metabolic hormone Sugar and fat metabolism Body composition (lean/fat mass) Bone health ? Cardiac muscle effect

8 What factors may affect growth in DBA?
Chronic illness Regular blood transfusions Steroid treatment ? Other factors

9 Growth hormone deficiency
Small for parents Falling away from centiles Cherubic features Mid facial hypoplasia Excess adipose tissue

10 Puberty Release of GnRH Pulsatile release of LH and FSH
Stimulates gonads to release sex hormones

11 What is delayed puberty?
Absence of development of secondary sexual characteristics by: 13yrs in girls (breast development) 14yrs in boys (testicular enlargement) Pubertal arrest Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism/delayed puberty Treatment and fertility

12 Adrenal glands Sit on top of each kidney Essential for life
Extremely complex Produce cortisol Help to maintain blood sugar and blood pressure Regulate salt balance Sex hormones, testosterone and oestradiol

13 Adrenal Insufficiency
AdrenoCorticoTropic Hormone (ACTH) deficiency (pituitary) Feedback mechanism High dose steroids Replacement (hydrocortisone/prednisolone)

14 What is an adrenal crisis?
When the bodies physiological need for cortisol outstrips its ability to produce it Potentially fatal Illness Injury Surgical procedure

15 How to recognize an adrenal crisis
Hypoglycaemia Pallor Sweating Irritable/confused Nausea and/or vomiting Seizures Hypotension Lightheaded/dizziness Headache Conscious level Shock

16 How to avoid it / treat it
Extra steroids when unwell (double/treble) Glucogel Hydrocortisone injections Education Medic alerts

17 Questions?

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