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Chapter 3-1. Crisis of Socio-Political Development Mweong-Mi? Prof. Jin-Wan Seo, Ph.D. Department of Public Administration University of Incheon, KOREA.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 3-1. Crisis of Socio-Political Development Mweong-Mi? Prof. Jin-Wan Seo, Ph.D. Department of Public Administration University of Incheon, KOREA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 3-1. Crisis of Socio-Political Development Mweong-Mi? Prof. Jin-Wan Seo, Ph.D. Department of Public Administration University of Incheon, KOREA

2 Crises in Socio-Political Development 1.Identity crisis 2.legitimacy crisis 3.Participation crisis 4.Penetration crisis 5.Integration crisis 6.Distribution crisis

3 1. The Identity Crisis Definition: Recognition of their natural territory as being their true homeland (fundamental issue for Nation-Building) Causes: Cleavages by tribes, caste, ideology, religion, ethnic, and linguistic groups. Views: –Pluralism: conveys a variety of cultural segments in the same political unit. –Equilibrium model: intermediate grouping (Kornhauser) or overlapping membership (D. Truman); U.S.A. –Conflict model: different segments, kept together by force of the external agency (Furnwell) -- the end of colonialism meant rise of original cleavages in Africa, South Africa, India, Pakistan, Lebanon –Modernization vs. Political Development: modernization often makes cleavages pronounced, conflict deeper. However, patron client within/between segment is also important.

4 2) The Legitimacy Crisis Definition: the problem of achieving agreement about legitimate nature of authority and the proper responsibilities of government. Cause - Constitutional problems - role of military, bureaucracy: - term and recruitment of president - the primary goals of national effort - order vs. freedom - economic first vs. democracy first - stability vs. change - economic stability vs. religion (the spirit of Islam) - colonial legacy - ruler's personal background - corruption - abuse of power - nationalist vs. internationalist - Origin of Legitimacy (M. Weber): Tradition; Charisma; Legality & Rationality

5 3)The Participation Crisis Political participation: activity by private citizens designed to influence governmental decision making. One dimension of political participation concepts becomes crisis when the influx of new participants creates serious strains on the existing institutions. Cause: - social mobilization (education, communication., urban economy) - emergence of interest groups & the formation of pol. parties - manipulated mass organizations & demonstration politics (mobilized participation) Means - electoral activity: voting turn out- lobbying; organization activity - individual contact with public officials - mass media communications, political parties - Violence - riots, military coups, assassination, guerilla war, terrorism, eventually revolution -frequency & intensity: Developing > Developed > Traditional Why: - rife-raff theory; ban man - return to killer instinct theory - relative deprivation theory - no institutions to substitute violence to participation

6 4)The Penetration Crisis Definition: the problems of government in reaching down into the society and effecting basic policies This is pronounced when the rulers seek to accelerate the pace of economic development & social change; essential for development. –the gap between ruler & ruled, wide –development oriented vs. parochial –dictatorial vs. participants –official language vs. dialects

7 5)The Integration Crisis Definition: the problems of relating popular politics (interest groups parties) to governmental performance (input output) 6)The Distribution Crisis Definition: the problems of relating distribution of goods, services, and values to the public

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