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Teaching vocabulary to advanced students: a lexical approach.

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1 Teaching vocabulary to advanced students: a lexical approach

2 Nowadays, some authors said that teaching vocabulary has to be the centre of language teaching because language is not lexicalized grammar, but this does not mean that teacher have to teach only vocabulary. Language consists of grammaticalised lexis: Boundaries between conceptual meaning Polysemy Homonymy Homophyny Synonymy Affective meaning Style, register and dialect. Translations Chunks of language Grammar of vocabulary pronunciation

3 Memory Short –term memory Long- term memory No limit of information Limited There are many forms that we can learn vocabulary: Creating mental linkages Applying images Sounds Reviewing well Employing action,and so on.

4 There many kind of task that help learners to retain the information in long-term memory. However learners usually memorize things without understand any word. So it is the teacher’s mission to show students others methods to learn. Also it is the teacher mission to provide authentic and significant tasks in which students feel motivated Ways to deal with discovering vocabulary: Guided discovery Contextual Dictionaries.

5 Not only grammar teaching is important but also vocabulary teaching. On the other hand chunks occupy an important role because gave us the key to fluency, but sometimes we have a good range of vocabulary, however we do not have fluency. To teach a lesson with: Authentic vocabulary Meaningful tasks Dictionaries Group work Contextualized context

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