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NO VOICE,NOT HEARD…. Questions: 1.What other kinds of creatures or things should have their rights besides human beings? Animals, plants, robots and machines.

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2 Questions: 1.What other kinds of creatures or things should have their rights besides human beings? Animals, plants, robots and machines.

3 2. What rights should they have? Animals : a.Treat them with respect/ care. Not make them work too long or too hard. b. Provide them with enough food and water. c. Housing condition should be comfortable. d. Have right to rest. Plants: a.Good nutrition, enough sunlight and water. b.Not be stepped on.

4 Robots & machines: a.Regular work time b.Enough oil or electricity c.Good care

5 Fast –reading : How many periods are the history of struggles divided? Three periods 16th ~18th 18th~20th Modern times Para.1 Para.2-4 Para.5-6

6 Para 1:what was the struggle for ? For freedom of religion and right to be free in their choice of which god to believe in.

7 Para.2 What made the struggles start ? The ideas of the French Revolution and the American War of Independence. All the people are brothers and sisters,and that all people should be equal. The beginning of the struggle.

8 Para.3-4 Two famous struggles: For the rights of black people For the rights of women Theme Two struggles Participators ( 参与者) Representative person Black people Women Right to vote,choose Where to live,study and work. Nelson Mandela America and Africa New Zealand,US, Canada and most European countries. Right to vote and go to university or choose the jobs. Representative country or continent

9 Para.5 What do all these groups have in common? They ask to be treated with respect, share the rights to work, good housing conditions and education and be treated equally to other people in all ways.

10 Para.6 1.What was the attitude to Samuel Bulter’s chapters? Everybody thought of that as a very funny joke. 2.In all organizations which one is the largest? The animal rights movement that fight for the rights of animals.

11 Choose the best answers : 1.People struggled for their religious belief ____. A. in the 16 th century B. in the 18 th century C. between 16 th and 18 th centuries. D. from the early 19 th century. 2. From the late eighteenth century people began to struggle for their rights _____. A. that all people should be treated equally B. that women should have rights to vote C. that all blacks should have equal rights D. that all workers should not work more than 8 hours a day

12 3. After the American Civil War ____. A. all black people got their political rights B. black people in North America were all set free C. black people in South America were still slaves D. black people in South America could not enjoy the same rights as white people 4. Which was the first country to give women rights to vote? A. China B. New Zealand C. Canada D. the USA

13 5. According to the passage which statement is not true? A. There are still many discriminations in the world. B. Robots and machines should have their rights. C. We don’t have to care about the rights of vegetables because they are not able to speak. D. The rights of everything on earth should be well protected.

14 Important points: one’s choice of : choose. 2. start with : begin with. 3……..slavery was stopped. Stop : abolish 4.racial discrimination : 种族歧视。 5……thought of that as a very funny joke. ………that was ridiculous.

15 1. voice : n. ~ ( in ) the ability to express an opinion, to vote, or to influence other opinions,decisions etc. 表达意见权,发言权;投票权;影响力 I can’t help you to get this job, as I have very little voice in the decision of the directors. 我难以影响董事们的决定。 I have no voice in the management of the firm. 我对公司的经营没有发言权。 voice v.: to express in words,esp. forcefully (以言语,尤指强烈地)表达,吐露;道出 The chairman encouraged us all to ~our opinions. give voice to: to express(feelings, thoughts etc)aloud (正式)吐露,表达(感情,思想等) I gave voice to my anger. 我表明了我的愤怒。

16 2.of the time/times 当时的,当代的,当今的 He is one of the greatest men of the times. the actors of the times 当代 / 现代的演员 off times (言语等)不合时宜的,得罪人的 times 时代 in ancient times 在古代 3. start with 以 … 开始 =begin with His illness started with a slight cold. His speech began with the French Revolution and ended with the situation of their country now.

17 4. Well 副词,表示程度, “ 远远地,大大地,很 ” The apple is well above my head. 很高,高得多 He must be well past forty. 远远超过 The ship was well out of sight. 早就不见了。 The book is well worth reading. 5. prejudice n. 偏见,成见 racial ~ 种族偏见 ~ against/in favour of She has a ~against /in favor of modern music. 她对现代音乐怀有偏见 / 偏爱

18 6.regardless of = despite/in spite of 不理会, 不顾 He says what he thinks, regardless of other people’s feelings. 他想到什么就说什么,毫不考虑别人的感受。 They decorated the house regardless of cost. 不惜工本装修 regardless (非正式)副词 “ 不管怎样 ” They knew it was too expensive, but they went ahead regardless and bought it. But she did not give it up regardless. 但无论如何她还是不死心。 regarding: as regards 介词, “ 关于 ” As regards this point, he is correct.

19 7. sight: have long/far sight have short/near sight at first sight 一开始 乍一看 at the sight of 一看见 ….. 就 catch/get/have sight of 看见, 发现 lose sight of 不再看见 in/within (out of) sight 在视线内 ( 外 ) come in sight 进入视线之内 go out of sight 从视线中消失

20 8. Join hands (with sb. ) 携手 联合 合欢 互相握手 让我们携手和好吧。 Let us join hands in friendship. The three of them joined hands and burst into laughter. 他们三个人互相握手,突然大笑。 The Chinese soldiers joined hands with the American in the war against Germany. 中国士兵与美国士兵在战争中联合对付德国。


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