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The Moon. Formation Surface Features: Geology Surface Features – The Far Side.

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Presentation on theme: "The Moon. Formation Surface Features: Geology Surface Features – The Far Side."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Moon

2 Formation

3 Surface Features: Geology

4 Surface Features – The Far Side

5 Surface Topography

6 Internal Structure Iron Liquid Iron

7 Lunar Atmosphere Atmospheric Pressure: 3 × 10 −15 atm (.000000000000003 times smaller than the Earth’s) ~Nearly a Vacuum~ Sources of atmosphere come from Sputtering: bombardment of solar winds ions that release atoms of Sodium and Potassium Outgassing: Argon – 40, Polonium – 210, and Radon - 222 released during radioactive decay in the crust and mantle Capture: of Helium – 4 from the solar wind


9 Exploration

10 The Apollo Mission

11 Lunar landing Sites

12 LRO

13 Liquid Water???

14 Lunar Orbit and Spin Rate

15 The Sun Earth Moon System

16 Phases of the Moon Phases of the Moon Simulator: /animations/lps.html Phases Image: http://www.moonconnecti ml http://www.moonconnecti ml Libration simulation: ile:Lunar_libration_with_ph ase_Oct_2007_450px.gif

17 Earthshine

18 What time does the moon at a particular phase rise and set?

19 Lets do the Moon Dance: A kinesthetic approach to learning the times that the phases of the moon rise, set and are highest in the sky. Rules – Your right hand is the sun – Your left hand is the Moon – To your left is East – To your right is West – The angle between the SUN – EARTH – MOON system must stay constant for a given lunar phase.


21 Eclipses Solar and Lunar eclipse interactive applet: http://highered.mcgraw- ::600::/sites/dl/free/0072482621/78778/Eclip ses_Nav.swf::Eclipse%20Interactive http://highered.mcgraw- ::600::/sites/dl/free/0072482621/78778/Eclip ses_Nav.swf::Eclipse%20Interactive

22 Tides Bay of Fundy: High TideBay of Fundy: Low Tide

23 Tides Gravitational Tides: des.html Tidal Attractions: Reading earthmoon.html Tide Applet multimedia/unit3/tides/tides.html multimedia/unit3/tides/tides.html

24 Which type of Tide has the greatest change in max and min levels?

25 Tidal Effect of Phobos 1/Gravity/phobos.html 1/Gravity/phobos.html

26 In Summary How does the position of the Sun Earth moon system affect – Tides – Eclipses – Phases of the Moon

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