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Presentation on theme: " Welsh Assembly Government Department for Children, Education, Lifelong Learning and Skills Families First Huw Maguire Head of Family Support."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welsh Assembly Government Department for Children, Education, Lifelong Learning and Skills Families First Huw Maguire Head of Family Support

2 Background 3 strategic objectives draft CPS:
Ambitious aim: WAG aspires to eradicate Child Povert by 2020 3 strategic objectives draft CPS: Reduce number of workless households; Improve skill levels in low income families; Reduce inequalities in health, education and economic outcomes for children living in poverty FF integral to range of policies to deliver on objectives

3 What is Families First? New way of working…
, What is Families First? New way of working… focused,integrated services, address key issues in Child Poverty agenda Reduce inequalities in health, education and economic outcomes for children living in poverty

4 Cymorth to Families First
Cymorth to Families First “Episodic” Cymorth ends March 2011 : transition year to Families First Funding Move towards FF principles: bespoke, integrated, pro-active, intensive, local, and Family Focused 4

5 Approaches Preventative – takes account of wider family needs in addressing individual needs through broad range of programmes/interventions Protective – detect/support families which, without intervention, may reach crisis Remedial – support families at/near crisis point – fully integrated support (IFST) FF: typically between preventative/protective 5

6 Scoping: gaps, methods, proposals – family approaches
Pioneers 2 consortia Scoping: gaps, methods, proposals – family approaches Commissioning, communities, duplication, join-up, TAF, disability, C-F schools Innovation/extension Sharing – consortium & Wales Action learning & dissemination 6

7 Much good practice: workforce, systems, programmes
What do we know? Much good practice: workforce, systems, programmes Commonalities: Common assessment, multi-agencies, TAC/TAF One size does not always fit all… Evidence/evaluation framework: impact: families; long-term efficiencies 7

8 Develop systems/services address 3 strategic objectives?
Questions… Develop systems/services address 3 strategic objectives? Not one-size, but what are key characteristics of successful ID & interventions? 8

9 Beyond the pioneers… Guidance supported by FF Funding Close working
Beyond the pioneers… Guidance supported by FF Funding Close working 2nd wave Sharing evidence & information; 2-way process 9

10 Challenge Opportunity WAG/DM priority Increase in headline budget
Challenge WAG/DM priority Increase in headline budget Delivery, monitoring: assess, challenge, support Opportunity 10

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