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Considerations of Recycling at McDaniel Campus Kevin Jubb Dr. McMillan Environmental Health Bio 2209 01 Group Project 3 How Green is the Green Terror.

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Presentation on theme: "Considerations of Recycling at McDaniel Campus Kevin Jubb Dr. McMillan Environmental Health Bio 2209 01 Group Project 3 How Green is the Green Terror."— Presentation transcript:

1 Considerations of Recycling at McDaniel Campus Kevin Jubb Dr. McMillan Environmental Health Bio 2209 01 Group Project 3 How Green is the Green Terror

2 What is being done?  Paper recycling bins  Recycling cans around dorms  Aluminum recycling cans  Charging cost of paper  Increased use of electronic documents

3 Recycling Bins 8:00 am in the Library Lab3:00 pm in the Library Lab

4 Recycling Cans around dorms

5 Aluminum Recycling Cans

6 $ Charging at Computer Labs $

7 Increase in Computer Files

8 Recyclemania  A competition for colleges and universities to promote recycling and waste reduction.  Looking for: largest amount of recyclables, per student, largest total recyclables, least amount of trash per student, and highest recycling rate.

9 Recyclmania

10 McDaniel College Recyclemania Facts  10 weeks 26,430 pounds of paper, cardboard, bottles, cans 14.13 pounds per person Driving force behind recycle bins at dorms  Reusable grocery bags on sale at Pub

11 Worthwhile Efforts? How this truck looks everyday. Higher participation is vital.

12 Worthwhile Efforts?  Low participation means low results  Physical Plant workers seen throwing recycling into garbage dumpsters  Dorms without elevators still lack recycle bins anywhere on floor  No clear incentive for students to recycle on campus!

13 Who is accountable?  School administration? Free Press: “The school however did not provide a single recycling bin out on the football field area.” Evan Ticknor.  Students? Reduce amount of paper, plastic, glass, and cardboard thrown away every semester.

14 Who is Accountable?  Maintenance / Physical Plant School affiliates are always seen throwing recycling into the trash  Administrative Assistants One of the leading recyclers on campus they too still have a long way to go to reduce the amount of paper thrown away daily.

15 Recycling Opportunities We need more places on campus to recycle! Recycling in cafeteria? ~ Not an option… thousands of plastic utensils thrown away every week.

16 Reference  Examiner. McDaniel College joins schools in green movement. 17 Nov 2008. 1289675~McDaniel_College_joins_schools_in_growing_green_movem ent.html. 1289675~McDaniel_College_joins_schools_in_growing_green_movem ent.html  Environmental Sustainability. McDaniel Homepage. 17 Nov 2008.  McDaniel College Environmental Resource. FAQ McDaniel. 17 Nov 2008.  Ticknor E. More Than Recycling. McDaniel Free Press. 17 Nov 2008. 10(5): 14.

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