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1 Pertemuan 24 Understanding Internet as a Content Resources Matakuliah: J0324/Sistem e-Bisnis Tahun: 2005 Versi: 02/02.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Pertemuan 24 Understanding Internet as a Content Resources Matakuliah: J0324/Sistem e-Bisnis Tahun: 2005 Versi: 02/02."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Pertemuan 24 Understanding Internet as a Content Resources Matakuliah: J0324/Sistem e-Bisnis Tahun: 2005 Versi: 02/02

2 2 Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : memilih strategi penerapan pengembangan konten pada/bagi suatu institusi

3 3 Outline Materi Source of Content : People as Publishers Types of Content : The Role of Technology Purposes of Content : Implications for the Marketing Mix Cautions for Content

4 4 More Types of Content Types that enable interactivity –Online help –Contests –Games

5 5 Factors That Influence Content Complexity

6 6 Different Purposes for Interactive Content

7 7 Purposes of Content Mix applications of content –Product The Internet can influence product strategy by changing the nature of the need for a product. This situation occurs when the technologies pioneered through the Internet make existing products that fulfill a similar need less desirable. For example, consumers can have music on demand by purchasing a compact disc, a cassette, a record, or even an eight-track tape. Content as product Content to create product Content to describe/communicate product

8 8 –Price The ready availability of information on the Internet makes it easier for consumers to acquire price information about products and services. This price transparency has advantages and disadvantages for marketers. For instance, when a marketer has a competitive price, it is advantageous to have that information easily accessible to consumers. Suppose, however, that the price is substantially higher than that of the competition. Even if product characteristics, such as extra features or performance capabilities, cause or merit the higher price, customers shopping on the Internet may tend to focus on the price. Comparisons with competition Next…..

9 9 Place: content creates a context –Two ways in which the Internet as a content resource affects decisions about the place component of the mix are (1) by serving as a source of information about consumption locations, and (2) by creating contexts for consumption, or virtual places. –Whether the product is digital or physical, a marketer can use Internet content to guide customers to purchase opportunities. For instance, e-mail marketing is content created to directly market to a delimited set of targets. Alternatively, a Web site might contain a list of locations from which a product is available, perhaps divided into geographic regions. –Virtual people (avatars) Next…..

10 10 Promotion –The Internet has received attention as a means for promoting goods and services. It is a channel of communication with potential for reaching a global audience. In addition, the technologies that comprise the Internet make it possible for marketers to create promotional content in forms capable of addressing a wide range of promotional objectives. We will look at the use of content for the three objectives of image, improvement, and incentive. The vehicles used to deliver the content to users, such as banners, buttons, and mailing lists. –Content as image For product For company –Content as improvement –Content as incentive Next…..

11 11 Issues with Content What happens when people interact with technology to create content? –Consumer issues for content User characteristics affect info search and use –Marketer issues for content Format control, comparison effects –Policy issues for content Source of content: copyright concerns Nature of content: indecent, illegal –Technology issues for content Bandwidth in general Bandwidth in specific (last-mile problem)

12 12 Source : Coupey, Eloise (2001). Marketing and The Internet. Conceptual Foundations. Prentice Hall. PPT for Chapter : 10

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