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Serving Children and Youths with Physical and/or Mental Disabilities “I Can Fly” Cathay Pacific Staff Volunteers Jennifer Suen Vocational Rehabilitation.

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2 Serving Children and Youths with Physical and/or Mental Disabilities “I Can Fly” Cathay Pacific Staff Volunteers Jennifer Suen Vocational Rehabilitation Officer Employment Service

3 Workshop Schedule 2:00-2:10 p.m.Introduction 2:10-2:20 p.m.Warm-up games 2:20-3:00 p.m. Understanding the characteristics and needs of children/youths with mental / physical disabilities 3:00-3:15 p.m.Group Activity 3:15-3:45 pmTips for activities planning and suggested activities 3:45-4:00 p.m.Conclusion and Q&A

4 Objectives To have a better understanding of the characteristics and needs of children and youths with mental and/ or physical disabilities To be familiar with their strengths and limitations To be aware of their special needs in planning activities To be supportive, effective and helpful

5 Common Types of Mental Disabilities Down’s Syndrome Autism Range of IQ score

6 Down’s Syndrome Since 1866 by John Down. Chromosomes: Human cells normally have 46 chromosomes which can be arranged in 23 pars. However, people with down’s syndrome have 47 chromosomes.

7 Autism Social: Difficulty in mixing with other children, litter or no eye contact, sustained odd play, prefer to be alone, may not want cuddling, inappropriate attachment to objects, etc.

8 Language: Inappropriate laughing and giggling, echolalia, not responsive to verbal cues and acts as deaf, difficulty in expressing needs, use gestures or pointing instead of words, etc. Autism

9 Behavioral : Resists changes in routine, extremely overactive, spin objects, displays extreme distress for no apparent reason, no real fear of dangers, apparent insensitivity to pain, etc. Ref: Autism

10 IQ scores 70-85: Borderline 50-69: Mild 35-49: Moderate 20-34: Severe less 20 Profound.

11 Special Needs of Children/Youths with Mental Disabilities “New language” More pictures, signs, demonstrations Assisting Facilities (eg. Money vs. Octopus) Clear and straight forward guideline Ask before you help / Tell them what you’re going to do

12 Special Needs of Children/Youths with Physical Disabilities due to ….. Poor walking stability Poor sitting balance and posture Poor hand function Limited self-care ability and flexibility Associated impairments

13 Group Activity

14 Background Hospitalization: “illness, abnormal, isolated” Developmental: Focus on limitations and skills training Community Rehabilitation: Focus on needs, social inclusion, networking, support

15 Person Centered Approach “Is a process whereby persons with disabilities, with the support of families, direct the planning and allocation of resources to meet their own life vision and goals.”

16 Person Centered Approach “Is based on a person’ s preferences, dreams and needs, and discovers what the person loves and dislikes.” Ref: John O’ Brien

17 Quality of Life Physical well-being Emotional well-being Material well-being Interpersonal Relations Personal Development Self-Determination Social Inclusion Rights

18 Tips For Activities Planning Open-minded Listening is the key Less Authority, More Support Age appropriate Choices Self-Determination Acceptance and Respect

19 Conclusion I Individual C Care A Ability N Network F Freedom L Listen Y “Why not”—Be open minded

20 Thank you & have fun!






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