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Agricultural Routine Data System (ARDS)

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1 Agricultural Routine Data System (ARDS)
ASDP M&E Thematic Working Group 14 March, 2012

2 Contents of presentation
Background (ASDP, ASDP M&E TWG & ARDS) why improve ARDS Rationale Steps Guiding principles Challenges Future Plan

3 Background The Agricultural Sector Development Programme (ASDP), started to be implemented in 2006, is a program to revive the Tanzanian agriculture through the transformation from subsistence to commercial agriculture. In order to implement the ASDP efficiently and effectively, seven thematic working groups (TWGs) were formed. One of the TWGs is the ASDP Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Thematic Working Group.

4 Background…cont. The primary task of the M&E TWG was to develop and operationalize the ASDP M&E framework and consequently improve the Agricultural Routine Data System (ARDS) The Framework was developed in 2007, ever since the M&E TWG has been working hard to improve the ARDS which envisaged to plays an important role in tracking the progress of the ASDP.

5 BUT what is ARDS? …what is improve ARDS
ARDS is a system whereby agricultural performance information are collected and transmitted from LGAs to the Agricultural Sector Lead Ministries (ASLMs) through regions. ….improving the ARDS involve a series of activities:- Scrutinising the current ARDS from villages to national level,

6 …what is improve ARDS…cont.
Streamlining the common reporting formats of the provisional model of the ARDS by coordinating ASLM’s routine data systems, Development of Standardized Reporting Formats, Development of Software for Data Delivery from LGAs to ASLMs, Providing training in operating the provisional model of the ARDS for officials in ASLMs, RSs and districts (including ward and village agricultural extension officers).

7 …why improve ARDS It has been difficult for Agricultural Sector Lead Ministries (ASLMs) to receive technical agricultural reports / information from LGAs. To obtain data, ASLMs have had to send a number questionnaires to LGAs or visited them. For Regions, it has been difficult to receive technical agricultural reports / information from LGAs regularly.

8 …why improve ARDS… cont.
For LGAs, they receive a number of questionnaire from ASLMs and other national institutes. Responding to each questionnaire has been a lot of work. LGAs’ response rates have been low. Sometimes questions are overlapping.

9 …why improve ARDS… cont.
Within LGAs, extension officers submit village / ward monthly reports to districts, but… No standard form Difficult to aggregate them into district level figures. Keeping agricultural data in order at district has also been a challenge.

10 Rationale for ARDS improvement
There was a need to improve the ARDS in which: LGAs find it easy to keep key agricultural information in order for their own uses. LGAs’ workload to fill in the questionnaire from ASLMs / Regions is reduced.

11 Rationale for ARDS improvement…cont.
There was a need to improve the ARDS in which: Regions receive agricultural reports regularly from LGAs for effective monitoring and supervision. ASLMs receive agricultural reports regularly from LGAs through regions for effective planning and policy making.

12 Steps in ARDS improvement
MAFC started consolidating data needs of each department (2007). With the establishment of the ASDP M&E Thematic Working Group, it took over the task and it became a sectoral effort (2008). JICA started a Technical Cooperation to support ARDS improvement (2008).

13 Steps in ARDS improvement…cont.
Integrated the data needs of ASLMs (2008). Selected pilot regions/districts (2008) Morogoro: Morogoro Rural and Kilosa. Dodoma: Kondoa and Mpwapwa. By harmonizing the data needs of ASLMs with those of regions/LGA, developed a draft Integrated Data Collection Format ( ).

14 Steps in ARDS improvement…cont.
Developed a draft VAEO/WAEO format to be used at village / ward level (2009). It feeds data into the Integrated Data Collection Format. The two formats were piloted in the four districts (2009 – 10).

15 Steps in ARDS improvement…cont.
The two formats were also shared with all regions/LGAs, and their comments were incorporated ( ). Developed a web-based computer software (LGMD2 ) to transmit data in the Integrated Data Collection Format from districts to ASLMs via region (2009 – 10)

16 Steps in ARDS improvement…cont.
PMO-RALG DMIS (DCIT) approved LGMD2 development in November 2008. Bitz’ study (2009) conducted jointly by PMO-RALG and DPs recommended that they should promote the use of Local Government Performance Monitoring System (a.k.a LGMD2) as the M&E solution for sectors not undertaking harmonization activities. LGMD2 developed in 2009, ever since has undergone a series of tests and now it is complete

17 …LGMD2 cont… LGMD2 operates at any of three levels: District Level
Regional Level National Level

18 …LGMD2 major function at each Level

19 Agricultural Routine Data System

20 Steps in ARDS improvement…cont.
Developed training guide for each format (2010).

21 Steps in ARDS improvement…cont.
The pilot implementation was completed and the two formats were finalized (Nov. 2010). Roll-out for remaining LGAs in Morogoro and Dodoma done in March 2011. Roll-out for 5 regions in Lake zone done in September 2011

22 Impact of the improved ARDS in the pilot districts
In the pilot districts, relevant data can be easily retrieved from LGMD2; officers do not have to rush to field to collect data, when requested. Previously, district officers were required and submit a number of agricultural reports. However, the improved ARDS has reduced the number of reports. Data collected are used for DADPs planning and other interventions in agricultural sector.

23 The rate of report submission by VAEO/WAEO has been improved.
Source: Morogoro DC, 2010

24 Impact of the improved ARDS in the pilot districts cont…
In Kondoa DC, quality of data submitted has been improved because the district officers (SMS)provide feedback to extension officers regularly. In Morogoro DC, motivation of extension officers has been enhanced because the district officer prepares feedback report and distributes to all officers.

25 Guiding Principles Participatory approach ASLMs, regions, LGAs
Consistent with GoT reporting flows (LGA – regions – ASLMs) Start small and simple Review regularly and improve as need arises.

26 Key Challenges for ARDS
Number of extension officers and their transportation facilities. Use of computers (e.g., computer virus) and access to internet at LGAs. Office equipment and electricity at each administrative level.

27 Key Challenges for ARDS…cont.
Tight budget at LGA. Regular change of LGA officials participating on ARDS LGAs relocate to other uses the equipment meant for ARDS

28 Responsibilities for District
Regular train newly posted WAEO/VAEO. Budget for duplicating monthly WAEO/VAEO formats and distribute to extension officers at Village and Ward. Ensure equipments (computer, motocycle, modern etc.) are used for ARDS purposes.

29 Future Plan Currently, ARDS has already been rolled out in all districts of Morogoro, Dodoma, Mwanza, Mara, Shinyanga, Kigoma and Kagera. In fy 2011/12 the ARDS will be rolled in Iringa, Mbeya, Ruvuma and Rukwa. Roll out in the remained 10 regions will be done in fy 2012/13.

30 Now let’s see how LGMD2 works!

31 mwisho Ahsanteni Sana

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