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YOUTH Smoking Prevention Presented by Colleen Whitmore, FNP, MS Adolescent Health Officer Maternal and Family Health Administration District of Columbia.

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Presentation on theme: "YOUTH Smoking Prevention Presented by Colleen Whitmore, FNP, MS Adolescent Health Officer Maternal and Family Health Administration District of Columbia."— Presentation transcript:

1 YOUTH Smoking Prevention Presented by Colleen Whitmore, FNP, MS Adolescent Health Officer Maternal and Family Health Administration District of Columbia Department of Health

2 Maternal and Family Health Administration at a Glance Mission The mission of the Maternal and Family Health Administration is to provide leadership, in partnership with key stakeholders, to improve the physical and mental health, safety and well-being of the maternal and child health population which includes all the District’s women, infant, children, adolescents and their families, including fathers and children with special health care needs.

3 DIRECT SERVICES: Oral Health Initiative, Home Visits, DCHS Project, Genetics Program, Woodson Adolescent Wellness Ctr. ENABLING SERVICES: DC HOOPS, TMTC, DC CAN, Nutrition Program, HEALTHLINE, Intercultural Health Access Program, Newborn Initiative, A Safe Start Program, Transportation, DCHS Project, Family Advocacy Program and Health Promotion and Education, UNHS, Folic Acid Initiative, SIDS Bereavement&Education POPULATION-BASED SERVICES: School Health Program, Sickle Cell Disease Program, Abstinence Education Program, Family Planning Program, Way-too-Cool to Smoke Anti-Smoking Initiative, Folic Acid Initiative, UNHS, Newborn Metabolic Screening Program, Childhood Lead Program, Birth Defects Prevention and Surveillance Program, SIDS Bereavement&Education Program, A Safe Start Program, Perinatal HIV Transmission Program INFRASTRUCTURE BUILDING SERVICES: Oral Health Initiative, Violence Prevention Program, Perinatal HIV Transmission Program, Birth Defects Prevention and Surveillance Program, State Systems Development Initiative, Early Childhood Comprehensive Systems Initiative, PNSS, PRAMS, Oral Health Initiative, DC CAN, Nutrition Program Maternal and Family Health Administration at a Glance

4 District of Columbia Demographics

5 Demographics





10  Out-of-school time programs for school-age children and youth,  Youth entrepreneurship programs, and  Early childhood development strategies for parents. Children and Youth Investment Trust Corporation

11 American Legacy Foundation  Grants  Technical training and assistance  Youth activism  Strategic partnerships  Counter-marketing and grass roots marketing campaigns  Public relations, and community outreach to populations disproportionately affected by the toll of tobacco.

12 Washington Area Youth “W.A.Y.” Too Cool to Smoke!  Youth Led-Tobacco Education  Awareness Building  Three-Year Program  Leadership Skills  Mentoring  Technical Assistance

13 Program Components  Youth Teams  Youth Board  Social Marketing/Public Awareness Campaign  Mini Grants  Outreach  Technical Assistance

14 Impact  5 Special Events  13 Targeted Populations Events  325 Ad Spots on MTV and BET  400 Hits on the W.A.Y. Too Cool! Website

15 Impact  434 Youth recruited through Neighborhood Team Events  2,500 Youth engaged through Targeted Population Events  3,068 Washington Area Youth exposed to the lies of Big Tobacco and the W.A.Y. Too Cool To Smoke! Message

16 Outcomes  Positive Outcomes  Increased Self-Efficacy  Increase Leadership Skills

17 Outcomes  Increased Communication Skills  Increase Empowerment Skills  Increased Tobacco-Related Knowledge

18 Challenges  Fostering Adult and Youth Partnerships  Level of Sustained Commitment  Bureaucracy

19 Lessons Learned  Youth can be key stakeholders in determining effective approaches to the promotion of health and wellness  The same opportunities for training, coaching and encouragement given to youth are also necessary for adults

20 Lessons Learned  Many youth, given the opportunity, will choose positive involvement in their communities  Investment in youth and adult partnerships is worthwhile and helps to build capacity within the community

21 Lessons Learned  Cultural competency of the technical assistance providers is important  Be clear  Youth can be community leaders

22 Conclusion  Assets  Opportunities  Supports

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