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COTESOL 2008 Diana Brady-Herndon & Meredith Folley.

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Presentation on theme: "COTESOL 2008 Diana Brady-Herndon & Meredith Folley."— Presentation transcript:

1 COTESOL 2008 Diana Brady-Herndon & Meredith Folley

2 I have used clickers before.  “A” = yes  “B” = no

3 There are three components:  Computer (PC or Mac)  Receiver with flash drive  Remote

4 Immediate Feedback Instructors Students Anonymity (in our programs) Easy to Use Instructors Students

5 1. Click on program 2. Your settings 3. Large or small 4. Set for the session

6 # of students counted start

7 Display graph when polling stops for comprehension checks Click on correct answer to highlight it in green

8  Multiple Choice  Fill in the blank  True False  Reading  Persuasive Issues  Web-based lessons  Games  Student created questions  Sky’s the limit

9 1) Everyday I __________ in the park. a) am run b) run c) runs d) running

10 2) The little girl _____ a pony. a) has b) have c) is have d) having

11 3. He _________ his homework at school. a) do b) doing c) does d) is do

12 Choose a word from the following list and fill in the blanks: Conifer, crowded, i-clickers, COTESOL, interested I came to the ___________ conference today to hear a presentation. I think it is in the _____________ room. I hope it’s not too ____________. The presentation is on ______________. I’m ____________ in them for our program.

13 1.There are 18 different animal shapes in the Animal Crackers cookie zoo.

14 2. The king of hearts is the only king without a moustache on a standard playing card.

15 3. The most popular first name in the world is John.

16 4. The names of Popeye’s four nephews are Pipeye, Peepeye, Pupeye, and Poopeye.

17 5. Dolphins sleep with one eye open.

18 a. “low city.” b. “mile-high city.” c. “flat city.” d. “city of dreams.”

19  Students are polled at beginning of class  Students read about topic  Students discuss/debate topic  Students are polled again  Use forward and back feature of graph to compare attitude/opinion changes

20  Comparison shopping ◦ King Sooper vs. Safeway ◦ Landsend vs. Macy’s  ◦ Top 10  ESL websites

21  Teams discuss question/topic  One designated “clicker” per team  Odd or even questions per team

22  A.  B.  C.  D.

23  Brainstorm with the people in your row  Designate a recorder to write your ideas  Come up with some ways of using i-clickers that were not already presented  10 minute time limit

24  Approximately $26.00 for each i-clicker  $185.00 base unit  1 free base per 100 clickers  No registration fee  No site licenses  Contact for

25  Diana Brady-Herndon  Meredith Folley

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