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 coined by Thorstein Veblem  Marshall McLuhan:“The medium IS the message.”  "Technology determines history" Rosalind Williams.

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3  coined by Thorstein Veblem  Marshall McLuhan:“The medium IS the message.”  "Technology determines history" Rosalind Williams

4  technology drives the development of its social structure and cultural values  society organizes itself in such a way to support and further develop a technology once it has been introduced.

5  follows its own predictable, traceable path

6 Technology created:  “the steam age”  “the electrical age”  “the information age”

7  “Can’t stop progress”  "societies fail to be aware of the alternatives to the values embedded in it [technology]" Merrit Roe Smith

8  The design of technology tends to dictate users' behaviors  “[technology’s] functions follow from its form“ Neil Postman

9  Hard Determinists- We have no choice regarding the outcome. Technology will determine this.  Soft Determinists- Technology is the guiding force of our evolution but we have a chance to make decisions.

10 What are the pitfalls of technological determinism?

11  One-sided perspective  No ‘free will’ because technology will lead us rather than society itself  Fails to consider social and political needs

12  We will not be critical of technology since it is the technology that will determine how society will evolve

13 How viable is this notion-- is there any justification for it? Throughout history technology has impacted, if not directed, the evolution of societies: ◦ Written word ◦ Printing press ◦ Telephone ◦ Internet

14 How viable is this notion-- is there any justification for it? ◦ Most scholars are skeptic of this view of technology ◦ “The relationship between technology and society cannot be reduced to a simplistic cause-and-affect formula. It is, rather, an ‘intertwining’”, whereby technology does not determine but "...operates, and are operated upon in a complex social field" (Murphie and Potts, page 21)

15 References 1.Chandler, D. (unknown). Technological or media determinism. Retrieved June 2, 2009, from det.html det.html 2.Kimble, C. (unknown). Retrieved June 2, 2009, from 3.Murphie, A., & Potts, J. (2003). Culture and technology. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire ; New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 4.Postman, Neil. (1992). Technopoly. Vintage: New York. pp. 3–20.

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