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JINR DOCUMENT SERVER: Current Status and Future Plans (From Open Access Repositories to Digital Libraries and to the Knowledge Infrastructure) I.Filozova.

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Presentation on theme: "JINR DOCUMENT SERVER: Current Status and Future Plans (From Open Access Repositories to Digital Libraries and to the Knowledge Infrastructure) I.Filozova."— Presentation transcript:

1 JINR DOCUMENT SERVER: Current Status and Future Plans (From Open Access Repositories to Digital Libraries and to the Knowledge Infrastructure) I.Filozova JINR, Dubna JINR (DUBNA), OCTOBER 24-28, 2011

2 Contents Scientific Research  New Knowledge Repositories and Archives Open Access to Research From Repositories to Digital Libraries JINR Document Server (JDS) What’s further?

3 New Knowledge Generation Search for Available Information Data Processing & Data Generation Knowledge Generation Scientific Activity

4 New Knowledge Generation Search for Available Information Data Processing & Data Generation Knowledge Generation Scientific Activity Publications: printed articles digital archives repositories Tables Data Bases etc

5 Repositories and Archives Repository — place for storage and support any data. Archive — collection of the information resources + classification system (catalog) From Traditional Publishing  Digital Archive-based approach Open Access Initiative  Growing number of institutional repositories with open access (OA)

6 Open Access (OA) to Research What is OA? way of the scientific communication by realization of the author right of the product on publication in such a manner that any person can get access to product from any place and at any time at an own choice. What about copyrights? does not cancel the copyright and does not contradict OA; How is OA realized? public scientific archives and repositories — Green road publication in open access journals — Gold road Where does OA idea come from? 1. Budapest Declaration Open Access Initiative; 2. Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities

7 Open Access Benefits Scientists and Researchers: expansion readership and increasing readability; increasing publication citation; scientific impact; growth of the author popularity and fastening of a scientific priority. Organization: management of their digital resources; increasing the scientific prestige of the organization. Society: return on investment in research; removing barriers to information sharing; creation of additional information services for different users categories.

8 OAI Repositories over the World Archives USA397 UK218 Germ.134 Japan138 Brazil112 Spain93 Canada68 France60 Australia65 India75 China24 Archives Italy70 Sweden65 Nether36 Russia35 Portugal47 Taiwan72 Belgium29 Greece21 Colombia26 Malaysia22 S.Africa27 Number of Repositories — 2453 Number of Records ~ 21,000,000 according to the Registry of Open Access Repositories ROAR –

9 Growth of the records number by year Open Access Statistics

10 Repository type Open Access Statistics

11 OAI-Protocol for Metadata Harvesting HTTP OAI-PMH 2 types of requests: 1. SELECT ALL RECORDS; 2. SELECT RECORDS WHERE 6 commands: GetRecord, Identify, ListIdentifier, ListMetadataFormats, ListRecords, ListSets BASIS SUPERSTRUCTURE


13 From Repositories to Digital Libraries Field of research and development aiming to promote the theory and practice of processing, dissemination, storage, search and analysis of various digital data. Way of informational support of science, education, culture. "The time has come," the Walrus said, "To talk of many things:... “ Lewis Carroll. Through The Looking-Glass And What Alice Found There.

14 Guidelines on Developments of Digital Libraries

15 Motivations Information preservation and digital archives. Interoperability and integration of information. Technology standards. Information security. User-friendly interfaces, human factors. Scientometrics. Motivations Information preservation and digital archives. Interoperability and integration of information. Technology standards. Information security. User-friendly interfaces, human factors. Scientometrics. Guidelines on Developments of Digital Libraries

16 DL Expansion DLs in grid-environment. DLs in virtual research environments. DLs in social nets. DLs in science, education, culture, medicine and economics. DL Expansion DLs in grid-environment. DLs in virtual research environments. DLs in social nets. DLs in science, education, culture, medicine and economics. Guidelines on Developments of Digital Libraries

17 Development Tools Methods and models for information representation. Tools for digital collections creation. Methods and technologies of working with text, multimedia, physical data and other semistructured information. Methods of visualizaion of search and navigation. Metadata, ontologies and tools for knowledge representation. Development Tools Methods and models for information representation. Tools for digital collections creation. Methods and technologies of working with text, multimedia, physical data and other semistructured information. Methods of visualizaion of search and navigation. Metadata, ontologies and tools for knowledge representation. Guidelines on Developments of Digital Libraries

18 Open Access Idea Digital Libraries Tools Scientific and Educational Activity Institutional Repositories in the form of Open Access I. Digital Collection. Collection and preservation of intellectual output of organization. II. Set of services for the collaboration members in order to manage and distribute digital resources.

19 Jinr Document Server (JDS) JDS has created and developed as an institutional repository with following content: 1. The research and scientific-related documents:  Publications issued in coauthorship with JINR researchers;  Archive documents that describe all the essential stages of the JINR research activity; 2. Documents providing informational support for scientific and technological research performed in JINR.

20 JDS: Information Services search and navigation, creation of the user’s groups, saving search results, individual and group bookshelves, manuscripts deposition, discussions on the publications, sending out alerts and messages.

21 JDS: Collections and Tools

22 JDS: Content Filling and Update


24 Visualization and Digital Libraries Identification of search results, the discovery of relationships between these documents and improving of the search engine; Review and navigation by library; Results presentation of the user interaction with the available tools of the digital library.

25 The visual presentation of JDS information resources by tree map method

26 The visual presentation of JDS information resources with the radial graph method

27 JDS: Future Plans JDS – PIN data synchronization (development of the application to download bibliografic records and fulltexts from JDS to PIN); Visualization of search results (continue); Visualization of statistics and monitoring; Reseach of JINR social science network.

28 What is further? 1. The Concept of Information Object Extension Publication + Author’s profile Proposals Projects Grants Results 2. Semantic Search (QA) Inside local repository Over OAI repositories over the world 3. Visualization of Search and Navigation 2D 3D 4. Social Networks of Scientists

29 What is further? Integration of Digital Libraries Information HUBs (regional and national) Open Information Spaces

30 What is further? Information HUBs Sophisticated Model of the information data structure. Effective schema of update and synchronization of Metadata Arrays. Standardization of import and export metadata flows.

31 Open Information Space 1. Integration of Information HUBs standardized information resources 2.Visualized search and navigation 3. Semantic search

32 International Scientific Information Spaces Project «DIS» - Data and Information Spaces: “…to develop methods and tools to make digital, cultural and scientific content available, searchable and accessible for all kinds of users. Interoperability should be achieved on schema levels, repository levels as well as system levels.”

33 Evolution of Digital Library Extension of the DL concept: Extension of document types deposited in DLs. DLs  Knowledge infrastructure with shared resources and services and computational resources. Integration of DLs with GRID technology.

34 Evolution of Digital Libraries Full text Archives Repositories of digital texts Digital Libraries Universal Knowledge Environment Local OrganizationVirtual Organization

35 Evolution of Digital Libraries The Knowledge Grid The Information Grid The Computation / Data Grid Data to Knowledge Knowledge to Data

36 Evolution of Digital Libraries Some Projects: BiblioGrid ( Working platform VO ─ Consortium BiblioGrid) DELOS  DELOS Association Diligent  D4Science  D4Science II KrCrisOAR – Knowledge Exchange+Current Research Information System+Open Access Repositories

37 Thank you for your attention!

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