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Lesson 15 Hobbies Make people happy Shenyang Normal University Wu na.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 15 Hobbies Make people happy Shenyang Normal University Wu na."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 15 Hobbies Make people happy Shenyang Normal University Wu na

2 Agenda Focus on travel vocabulary Listen to conversation Talk about travel trouble

3 Get ready Do you think Chinese people should have more holidays? Do you think hobbies are good for people? Do Chinese people like traveling more in their free time ?


5 Listen to conversation –scrambled sentences I think gets a day off we need to start making sure everyone □ □ □ □ 1 beautiful places they went by car many and visited we can if they listen become more clever to a lot of music it is a good way sometimes to release our stress 2 □ □ □ □ 3 4 □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □

6 Listen to conversation –scrambled sentences ① I think ④ gets a day off ② we need to ③ start making sure everyone 1 ④ beautiful places ① they went by car ③ many ② and visited ③ we can ① if they listen ④ become more clever ② to a lot of music ② it is ③ a good way ① sometimes ④ to release our stress 2 3 4

7 Helpful language- suggesting and giving answers Let me give you an example. 1234 A case in point is... Let me explain why I think that. For one thing, they could…,and for another,…

8 Speak out


10 Travel trouble Jet lag Long queues at check-in Sitting next to someone who talks non-stop Bad weather Lost or delayed luggage Cancellations Not enough room Sitting next to children Dirty toilets Bad food No trolleys available

11 Interview about Travel 1. Where did you go on your last vacation? ____________________________________________________________________ 2. Who did you go with? ___________________________________________________________________ 3. How did you get there? ____________________________________________________________________ 4. Where did you stay when you were there? ____________________________________________________________________ 5. What did you do while you were there? ____________________________________________________________________ 6. What did you eat and drink? ____________________________________________________________________ 7. Did you meet anyone interesting there? Who? ____________________________________________________________________ 8. Do you like traveling? Why / Why not? ____________________________________________________________________ 9. Do you prefer to go on a package tour or arrange things yourself? ____________________________________________________________________ 10. Where would you really love to visit on vacation? ____________________________________________________________________

12 Model test questions 1. Have you ever been abroad? 2. Where have you been? 3. Are you planning on going anywhere for your next vacation? 4. Do you think it is a good idea to travel with friends, or alone? How about with your family? 5. What is your favorite method of travel at your destination? Train? Bus? Boat? Bicycle? Backpacking? 6. Have you ever considered the disadvantages of travel?

13 Travel guide book

14 Get ready 1 travel vocabulary … Model test 3 extended questions about travel Discussion 2 travel trouble, advantages & disadvantag es of travel Review

15 Assignment

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