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November 2011 Sem1 Wk6 University of Winchester Core 1 Science 2011-2012KP.

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Presentation on theme: "November 2011 Sem1 Wk6 University of Winchester Core 1 Science 2011-2012KP."— Presentation transcript:

1 November 2011 Sem1 Wk6 University of Winchester Core 1 Science 2011-2012KP

2  Revise the components of an effective science lesson  Distinguish between different types of teachers’ questions  Distinguish between teacher’s questions and those of children  Demonstrate use of a range of questions  Evaluate types of questions for their contribution to pupils’ learning  Relate examples of questioning to school experience November 2011 Sem1 Wk6 University of Winchester Core 1 Science 2011-2012KP

3  Read:  Harlen, W. (2006) “Helping children to communicate” in Primary Science Taking the Plunge (2 nd edition). Portsmouth NH: Heinemann  October 2011 Sem 1 Sess 5 Wk 5 Core 1 Session 5 Communicating and Interpreting Data KP

4  Use this writing frame to complete an entry in your reflective journal. Have you seen examples of children communicating and recording in school?  Do you think children always need to make a record on science activities?  Why? Why not?  What does your response suggest about your ideas of science learning?  After reading Harlen and Qualter on questioning – what do you see as the challenges for you as a teacher when developing this very important skill? October 2011 Sem 1 Sess 5 Wk 5 Cor e 1 Ses sion 5 Co mm unic atin g and Inter preti ng Dat a KP

5  In pairs read the hand-out which is a copy from Harlen and Qualter ((2009) Chapter 12 Teachers’ and Children’s Questions.  Make any notes as you go to identify particular points and to help you answer the following questions:  What is the difference between ‘productive’ and ‘unproductive’ questions?  What types of productive question are there?  What is the purpose of each in encouraging children’s scientific enquiry?  What reasons do Harlen & Qualter (2009) present for the use of open and person –centred rather than closed and subject centred questions?  What are the implications from this reading for your planning on SE? November 2011 Sem1 Wk6 University of Winchester Core 1 Science 2011-2012KP

6 Questions asked by teachers can be classified as: Attention focusing Measuring and counting Comparison Action Problem –posing These are called PRODUCTIVE questions because they stimulate productive activity November 2011 Sem1 Wk6 University of Winchester Core 1 Science 2011-2012KP

7  As you complete the activity consider the types of questions that might be raised by both the teacher and the children  Record and be prepared to feedback your findings. November 2011 Sem1 Wk6 University of Winchester Core 1 Science 2011- 2012KP

8  Work in groups of 3  Make a piece of A4 paper float across the classroom.  You are allowed to cut and fold the paper in any way you wish but are not allowed to apply any force when releasing the paper. Consider the forces acting on the paper – what are they?  Spend 5 minutes exploring a number of options as to how the paper could float the furthest.  What have you used / helped you to address this problem? November 2011 Sem1 Wk6 University of Winchester Core 1 Science 2011- 2012KP

9  Make a penguin - by folding according to the instructions on the sheet.  Consider how you might hold the model to help it float or glide across the room.  What happens?  What might you do to the model that would help it to glide better? November 2011 Sem1 Wk6 University of Winchester Core 1 Science 2011- 2012KP

10 November 2011 Sem1 Wk6 University of Winchester Core 1 Science 2011- 2012KP

11  Before carrying out the activity consider a risk assessment! What are the hazards? How will you reduce these to an acceptable level so that the risk is low enough for the activity to take place? November 2011 Sem1 Wk6 University of Winchester Core 1 Science 2011-2012KP

12  Make range of penguins exploring ways to improve the flight pattern, direction and distance, by changing the centre of balance, by adding paper clips or the flow of air, by folding the wings up and down.  Following this exploration discuss what is involved when the paper floats across the room consider:  the movement through the air /and resulting air flow  identify the manner in which the model moves.  identify some questions to develop the investigation further. November 2011 Sem1 Wk6 University of Winchester Core 1 Science 2011- 2012KP

13  Plan a simple investigation to identify the effect changing the wing(s) has on the flight pattern.  Identify inferences (conclusions) that can be drawn from these patterns that can retested or evaluated.  Turn the inferences into explanatory statements like “when a wing / the wings are folded down the flow of air is changed and it causes the flight pattern to change” November 2011 Sem1 Wk6 University of Winchester Core 1 Science 2011- 2012KP

14  A scientific idea is an idea where the evidence supporting the idea has been tested – a question is posed that is tested.  This testing can be replicated.  Scientists use symbols to record and communicate data and ideas.   –p 24-25 Bishops Can Fly November 2011 Sem1 Wk6 University of Winchester Core 1 Science 2011-2012KP

15  Wzp7rYR4 Wzp7rYR4  sojoqk8&feature=watch_response sojoqk8&feature=watch_response November 2011 Sem1 Wk6 University of Winchester Core 1 Science 2011-2012KP

16  How could you link this investigation to other curriculum areas?  What happens if you add clothes to the penguin?  Is this different to making paper aeroplanes? November 2011 Sem1 Wk6 University of Winchester Core 1 Science 2011-2012KP

17 November 2011 Sem1 Wk6 University of Winchester Core 1 Science 2011- 2012KP

18 Employ a range of question forms. Link the question to a scientific outcome Scientific learning outcome + question type = effective question Offer questions and invite children to ask a range of questions in a variety of scientific contexts November 2011 Sem1 Wk6 University of Winchester Core 1 Science 2011-2012KP

19 Present questions in a written form as well as orally. Ask questions that encourage dialogue between children as well as between adults and children. Ensure that children are secure in the knowledge that their questions will be valued and that they will be given opportunities, where appropriate, to answer them. November 2011 Sem1 Wk6 University of Winchester Core 1 Science 2011-2012KP

20 You can improve children’s responses by using the following strategies: a) Pause, allow the children time to think. b) Prompt, to help them start their answer. c) Redirect, clarify or refocus, to make your question clear. d) Reflect on their answer to give them a chance to extend it. November 2011 Sem1 Wk6 University of Winchester Core 1 Science 2011-2012KP

21 Effective questions can:  Direct children to worthwhile activities  Cause children to reason, predict, hypothesise  Uncover how children view a situation  Indicate the level at which children are operating  Disclose their understanding or misunderstanding  Enable children to express ideas  Expose children’s feelings about an idea November 2011 Sem1 Wk6 University of Winchester Core 1 Science 2011-2012KP

22 “If you want interesting answers you’ve got to ask interesting questions. The more demanding questions can really make children think, pull out their knowledge, then analyse it, spin it round, solve problems, use their imagination. A variety of questioning techniques will elicit a wider and higher range of response than a diet of short, factual, recall questions.” Ted Wragg April 2006 (no longer available) November 2011 Sem1 Wk6 University of Winchester Core 1 Science 2011-2012KP

23 November 2011 Sem1 Wk6 University of Winchester Core 1 Science 2011- 2012KP Create a Mind Map of your views – reflect on how your ideas have changed since starting the Science Module.

24  Tutors recognize the demanding nature of the course – How are you developing your time management skills?  There are good contributions to discussions in sessions – What is your role in discussions? Could you develop this to contribute more to group / whole group sessions?  There is good participation in practical sessions – Are you proactive in undertaking the investigations? Do you make notes regularly as a record of work undertaken in sessions? November 2011 Sem1 Wk6 University of Winchester Core 1 Science 2011- 2012KP

25  Many of you show evidence of following up sessions with reading – Is there evidence of that reading in your portfolio? Have you made notes from your reading? Do you need to catch up with your reading?  Many of you have been pro-active in identifying areas for your own development – Have you identified your targets in science?  Most of you recognise the need for safe working practice in science – What are the issues for you personally? Have you concerns? How might these be addressed? November 2011 Sem1 Wk6 University of Winchester Core 1 Science 2011- 2012KP

26  Most of you understand the importance of scientific enquiry in developing knowledge and understanding in Science – Have you demonstrated this in your assignment?  The development of reflection and the use of reflective learning journals is good – Are there issues for you? What are these? Why are they issues and how might you seek to address them?  There has been a positive and enthusiastic atmosphere in science sessions – well done! We hope you continue to enjoy getting to grips with the teaching and learning of Primary Science. Thank you! November 2011 Sem1 Wk6 University of Winchester Core 1 Science 2011- 2012KP

27  We would like now for YOUR feedback.  On each slip of paper write 2 comments about how the module has benefited you and 1 comment as to how we can support you in the second part of the module. November 2011 Sem1 Wk6 University of Winchester Core 1 Science 2011- 2012KP

28 November 2011 Sem1 Wk6University of Winchester Core 1 Science 2011-2012KP  Make sure your science file is up to date. Reminder sheet on LEN. The science module continues in Semester 2  Well done and enjoy SE!

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