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Chapter 11 The Promised One. Vocabulary insight – understanding prophet – someone whose inspired teachings and leadership speak out for justice; from.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 11 The Promised One. Vocabulary insight – understanding prophet – someone whose inspired teachings and leadership speak out for justice; from."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 11 The Promised One

2 Vocabulary

3 insight – understanding prophet – someone whose inspired teachings and leadership speak out for justice; from a Greek word meaning “one who speaks before others” synod – a gathering of Church leaders, usually bishops, to discuss issues confronting the Church nabi – Hebrew prophet idols – false gods

4 repent – to regret or be sorry for doing or saying something wrong and to turn back to God exile – to be sent away from one’s homeland messiah – the Hebrew word for God’s anointed; “Christ” in Greek

5 Notes

6 Introduction “They have eyes but do not see.” Insight = special vision that helps see beneath surface Without insight, injustice flourishes Prophets help us look beneath surface: Call attention to realities we would rather ignore Help us connect with our past

7 Introduction (ctd.) Help us deal with injustice: Point out injustice Explain causes Call us to correct it

8 Some Who Saw Modern U.S. prophets John Carroll Priest who saw needs of American Catholics in 1770s Petitioned pope to appoint bishop to new nation Pope appointed Carroll himself Called first American synod in Baltimore Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton Converted to Catholicism after husband died Started schools for poor children to give them a way out of poverty

9 Some Who Saw (ctd.) Dorothy Day Journalist who fought for social & political rights of poor Began Catholic Worker movement Martin Luther King, Jr. Dreamt of racial equality Peaceful protesting César Chávez Worked to improve lives of migrant farm workers Each of these were concerned about needs of others, especially poor; worked to bring justice

10 Baltimore 1 st Catholic diocese in U.S. Played major role in history of Church in U.S. John Carroll = 1 st bishop of Baltimore, buried in Basilica Basilica’s name: National Shrine of the Basilica of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

11 Early Prophets of Israel Prophets always existed in ancient Israel Spoke for God & revealed God’s will Included great leaders such as Abraham, Moses, Deborah, Samuel After kingdom was divided, prophets multiplied Not all were God’s messengers Some were false seers – only told kings what they wanted to hear

12 Early Prophets of Israel (ctd.) Elijah did not bless land & king but warned of upcoming drought Elijah called “disturber of Israel”

13 New Messengers from God People again turned from God Worshiped idols Dishonored Temple Treated poor unjustly God continued to send prophets: North Amos criticized wealthy for ignoring poor Hosea pointed out Israel’s unfaithfulness for turning from God Micah called for leaders to repent

14 New Messengers from God (ctd.) South Isaiah predicted punishment for two kingdoms Jeremiah did not marry or have children, to show that future was in danger People still did not change Jerusalem fell to Babylonians People of Judah sent into exile

15 Prophecies of Hope Ezekiel’s “Vision of the Dry Bones” showed exile & what would happen after Prophecy showed that Israelites would one day return to their land Most prophets spoke of their own times, but some pointed to future Spoke of a messiah to lead people to never-ending kingdom We believe these prophecies refer to Jesus

16 Prophecies of Hope (ctd.) Examples in Isaiah, Zechariah, Ezekiel, Micah Major prophets have longer books; not more important than minor prophets Characteristics of all prophets Called by God Reveal God’s will Remind people of covenant with God Warn of punishment Call for justice Offer reason for hope

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