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There are over 1.2 billion believers from this religion in the world today, living in almost every country in the world. About 3 million live in the USA,

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Presentation on theme: "There are over 1.2 billion believers from this religion in the world today, living in almost every country in the world. About 3 million live in the USA,"— Presentation transcript:


2 There are over 1.2 billion believers from this religion in the world today, living in almost every country in the world. About 3 million live in the USA, about 1.5 million live in Britain, and about 220,000 live in Australia In most of the countries in northern Africa and the Middle East, over half of the population believe in this religion. In Europe, it is the second largest religion after Christianity.

3 In today’s lesson we will find out what a Muslim god is like. Muslims believe that there is someone who is more important than themselves and they obey him… one God, called Allah, from whom all things (including the earth) were ‘created’.  He is one God, called Allah, from whom all things (including the earth) were ‘created’.  Allah exists outside of the universe (this makes him ‘transcendent’).  Allah knows everything - he is sometimes called the ‘All- Knowing’.  Allah is merciful & gracious - but he will judge the world.  Allah requires all people to submit to him.  Allah sent his last & greatest prophet (Muhammad - pbuh) to lead & guide his people.

4 Today’s lesson  We are going to find out about a Muslim God by doing some internet research.  Before we go to an ICT room, everybody needs to copy the next slide into their books – it tells you what you need to find out about.  Only when everybody has copied the next slide into their books can we go to the ICT room.  Then, you need to answer all the questions – in your books.  You can’t leave until all questions are answered.  If you finish the questions sooner, when you have shown me, you can go on the internet.

5 What is a Muslim God like? - Allah Task 1 Use: (Type in ‘Names of God in the Qur’an’) 1.What are the 99 names of Allah also known as? 2.What did Muhammad say would happen to Muslims who believe in all of the names of Allah? Task 2 The 99 names of Allah show the different characteristics of Allah, (the different things that he is like). Draw the table below in your books & fill in which of the 99 names you think matches each characteristic. Characteristic of Allah Name Name 1. is a teacher 6. fights wars 2. is a Judge 7. is a King 3. is honest 8. is strong 4. never dies 9. brings people back from the dead 5. knows everything everything 10. ends people’s lives

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