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Kristin Bernet Johns Hopkins University E-books A Work In Progress.

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1 Kristin Bernet Johns Hopkins University E-books A Work In Progress

2 E-books In The Library Accessing E-books Over 1 Million e-books available in our catalog Circulating blank dedicated e-readers Multiple Access Points: Catalog, LibGuide, Vendor Apps, etc… Student Expectations Anywhere/ Anytime e-books Interactivity: Enhanced e-books with video and audio Multiple devices Student responses to poll on e-book LibGuide

3 E-books In the JHU Sheridan Libraries

4 The Challenges Formats: ePub, HTML, PDF, Mobi, AZW, BBeB,.LIT, Daisy, RTF, and more!! Dedicated Devices Vs. Multifunction: iPads, Nooks, Kindles, Sony’s, & Smartphones E-book Vendors = Different rules for all! DRM Constraints = Adobe Digital Editions (ADE)


6 LibGuides

7 Accomplishments E-book LibGuide Single platform for multiple e-book vendors Multiple Access points for e-books Intuitive and easy to manipulate platform for informing patrons about e-books.

8 Wisdom From Experience The world of e-books is a mine field! See what others have done with e-books; don’t try to re-invent the wheel Not an infomercial for LibGuides

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