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10/15/20151. 2 Welcome  Introductions  Norms / Housekeeping.

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Presentation on theme: "10/15/20151. 2 Welcome  Introductions  Norms / Housekeeping."— Presentation transcript:

1 10/15/20151

2 2 Welcome  Introductions  Norms / Housekeeping

3 10/15/2015 3 Goal  Administrators, Curriculum Leaders, and Teacher Leaders will understand the components of CSCOPE and how to support its implementation.

4 10/15/2015 4 Objectives  You will be able to: Explore the components and uses of the CSCOPE Curriculum System. Support teacher implementation and monitor instructional delivery of CSCOPE Ensure that all students have access to a TEKS based curriculum Develop a common vocabulary

5 10/15/2015 5 Understand  Importance of vertical alignment  Specificity and clarity to standard

6 10/15/2015 6 And be able to do the following:  Navigate CSCOPE website  Use existing lessons  Create a lesson plan  Use CSCOPE as a leadership tool

7 10/15/2015 7 Guiding Questions  Why CSCOPE? Why do we need curriculum?  What is CSCOPE? What are the parts of the district curriculum?  How do school leaders support high quality teaching and learning using CSCOPE?

8 10/15/2015 8 Why?

9 10/15/2015 9 Road Map for Student Success  CSCOPE Clearly articulates the student expectations identified in the TEKS  Concepts and understandings  Performances and products  Instructional delivery Provides the tools for teachers to teach the TEKS

10 10/15/2015 10 What are the benefits?  Provide a guaranteed, viable curriculum to teachers  Provide a common language, structure, and process for curriculum implementation  Align the written, the taught, and the tested curriculum

11 10/15/2015 11 What is Curriculum?  With your group on poster paper answer the following-- What does curriculum mean to you?  Post It  Share & Discuss in Group

12 10/15/2015 12 Question  Does Curriculum change?  Why or why not?

13 10/15/2015 13 Three BIG Ideas Curriculum is about  Communication – ongoing conversations  Customization – making it our own  Connection – cumulative effects

14 10/15/2015 14 The forces are demanding:  New TEKS  New tests  New standards  New teachers  New graduation plans

15 10/15/2015 15 Student Learning Issues  Missing learning  Incomplete learning  Inaccurate learning  Competing learning

16 10/15/2015 16 Let’s think about a TAKS item  Why would so many students miss this item?  How can this be a curriculum issue?  How can this be a staff issue?  How do you know the difference?

17 10/15/2015 17 The School Factors that Affect Student Learning  Guaranteed and viable curriculum  Challenging goals and effective feedback  Parent and community involvement  Safe and orderly environment  Collegiality and professionalism Robert Marzano, What Works in Schools

18 10/15/2015 18 What does it mean?  Guaranteed  Viable

19 10/15/2015 19 Guaranteed Viable Curriculum  Opportunity to Learn If students do not have the opportunity to learn the content expected of them, there is little chance that they will.  Time Given the massive amount of content to be taught, we don’t have time in our busy school calendars for redundancies.

20 10/15/2015 20 Student groups  General education Struggling Excelling  Supplementary Education Special Education English Language Learners

21 10/15/2015 21 Marzano’s Action Steps 1. Identify & communicate the essential content for all students 2. Ensure that the essential content can be addressed in the amount of time available for instruction 3. Sequence and organize the content to provide ample opportunity to learn 4. Ensure teachers address the essential content 5. Protect the instructional time available

22 10/15/2015 22 What?

23 10/15/2015 23 Your District Curriculum powered by CSCOPE  Developed by the system of ESCs with content area expert writers and developers  Online system that is customizable to your district needs  Curriculum – Assessment – Instruction – Professional Development

24 10/15/2015 24 ESC Development Team

25 10/15/2015 25 A Systemic Curriculum Model Underlying Assumptions  Student achievement can only be increased if students master the student expectations delineated in the TEKS.  The TEKS alone do not give enough specificity to teachers.  The only way to ensure that all students have access to this curriculum is to standardize the content and assessments.

26 10/15/2015 26 Research Base  Curriculum Design, Standards, Instructional Design Robert Marzano Fenwick English Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe Heidi Hayes Jacobs John Crain James Barufaldi H. Lynn Erickson  Learning Theory Reuven Feurstein Lev Vygotsky  Professional Development Thomas Guskey Linda Hammond

27 10/15/2015 27 Content Areas/Grade LevelsHigh School Courses K-45-8High School Science K1234K1234 56785678 Integrated Physics/Chemistry Biology Chemistry Physics (lag) Social Studies K1234K1234 56785678 World Geography World History US History Government and Economics (lag) Math K1234K1234 56785678 Algebra I Algebra II Geometry Math Models and Applications ELA K1234K1234 56785678 English I English II English III English IV

28 10/15/2015 28 Curriculum Difference between Curriculum and Instruction Why HowWhat When Curriculum Instruction

29 10/15/2015 29 WHAT The WHAT - the “stuff” TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills)

30 10/15/2015 30 WHAT The WHAT  What we want students to know and be able to do Content Standards clearly articulated Skills Standards appropriately applied The Verbs  Identify, Describe, Explain, Compare, Analyze, Evaluate  Application / Analysis / Synthesis / Evaluation (Bloom )

31 10/15/2015 31 The WHY  The performance standard  What we want the student to do with ‘the stuff’  What we expect the students to do at the end of the unit of instruction  Performance indicators and unit tests

32 10/15/2015 32 WHEN The WHEN  The Sequence ensures all student expectations are taught to the appropriate rigor  Timeframe when each concept will be taught

33 10/15/2015 33 The HOW  The instruction What the teacher will do to teach  Instructional activities What the students will be doing to learn

34 10/15/2015 34 Difference Between Curriculum and Instruction (Crain)  What (SCOPE) The stuff Knowledge and skills  Why What we want the kids to do with the stuff Performance Indicator  When (SEQUENCE) Sequence and duration of instruction  How Instruction component How do we design instructional activities so that students learn the stuff and are able to perform at the level indicated in the performance indicator?

35 10/15/2015 35 CENTRALIZED TESTING CENTRALIZED CURRICULUM TIGHT FIT (no slack) Slack in the System (Fenwick English) Requires SLACK is the presence of “space” within the three elements of quality control that creates ambiguity and erodes a tight linkage between the three elements

36 10/15/2015 36 Aren’t the TEKS good enough?

37 10/15/2015 37 TEKS and the Curriculum  So, do the TEKS provide all that we need to know in order to create a guaranteed viable curriculum?  Can the TEKS be the curriculum?  Would a first year teacher know what to teach from just looking at the TEKS?  Do the TEKS alone tell us how they will be tested on TAKS?

38 10/15/2015 38 TEKS  The TEKS are a framework for curriculum development. They were NEVER intended to be the curriculum.  The TEKS lack specificity.  The TEKS are not sequenced into units of instruction  TEKS statements have including and such as statements for a few TEKS.

39 10/15/2015 39 5 th Grade Science 39 Student Expectations *Unique Examples

40 10/15/2015 40 6 th Grade Math 35 Student Expectations *Unique Examples

41 10/15/2015 41 ELA and Punctuation  What should be taught if the TEKS said … 1 st Grade-Use basic punctuation. 4 th Grade-Punctuate correctly to clarify and enhance meaning. 8 th Grade-Punctuate correctly to clarify and enhance meaning.

42 10/15/2015 42 Punctuation Marks  Period (2 rules)  Question mark (3 rules)  Comma (23 rules)  Colon (4 rules)  Semicolon (6 rules)  Apostrophe (2 rules)  Quotation marks (9 rules)  Hyphen (7 rules)  Dash (4 rules)  Parentheses  Brackets  Ellipsis dots

43 10/15/2015 43 True Alignment  Every student expectation should have an including statement. We need the specificity to be sure that everyone understands their responsibilities in the TEKS and gets to the heart of the curriculum for student learning.

44 10/15/2015 44 What do teacher bring to the teaching and learning environment?  Instruction  Different levels of success  Different levels of content knowledge  Knowledge of students  Resources  Accommodation  Differentiation

45 10/15/2015 45 How…

46 10/15/2015 46 How can you best use CSCOPE?  Addition to “tool bag” – tool to teach the TEKS  Courses available  Courses to be added  Student learning issues  Guaranteed, viable curriculum (relate to RTI)  Instructional Sequence  Opportunity to learn  Time to learn  Vertical alignment  Example/exemplar lessons  Communication regarding curriculum

47 10/15/2015 47 CSCOPE Components  Vertical Alignment Documents Specificity for each Student Expectation  Year at a Glance  Instructional Focus Documents Six weeks bundles that organize the specified student expectations into logical units  Units of Study Overview of learning that include standards Rationale, lessons, misconceptions and much more

48 10/15/2015 48 Start with the standards…

49 10/15/2015 49 CSCOPE Components  Vertical Alignment Documents Specificity for each Student Expectation

50 10/15/2015 50 CSCOPE Components  Vertical Alignment Documents Specificity for each Student Expectation

51 10/15/2015 51 Vertical Alignment Documents

52 10/15/2015 52 Vertical Alignment Documents  Campus leaders use the vertical alignment documents to: Monitor instruction by ensuring that the specified content is actually being taught at the correct time Give new to profession and new to grade level teachers a deeper understanding of what is to be taught Lead conversations about how the curriculum standards are integrated and supported. Ensure that the level of rigor presented in the standard is being implemented

53 10/15/2015 53 How do school leaders use the Vertical Alignment Documents?  Content clarity  Backload TAKS items  Scope  Teacher content knowledge  START HERE and stay here for a while!

54 10/15/2015 54 VADS  What are they?  TEKS specificity  True alignment When alignment is possible Clarification when alignment is not possible

55 10/15/2015 55 Explore – sample VAD documents  Verbs  Topics  Bulleted items  Notes  Shading

56 10/15/2015 56 Can you find parts that are new?  What did I not know was in my grade content?  What specificity helped me evaluate what I have been doing?  Can you find parts that you have done well?  What is tested?  What does the color coding mean?

57 10/15/2015 57 VAD Activity  Use item analysis and released test items locate the SE/specificity what other SEs does the item measure?  What do we have lots of resources to teach/few resources?  What do my kids just not get?

58 10/15/2015 58 District Negotiable/Non Negotiables  Make a list

59 10/15/2015 59 CSCOPE Components  Year at a Glance

60 10/15/2015 60 CSCOPE Components  Year at a Glance

61 10/15/2015 61 Year at a Glance  Campus leaders use the Year at a Glance to: Monitor instructional pacing by grade levels and departments Communicate with parents about the scope and sequence of the curriculum Plan regularly with teachers to ensure proper pacing. Ensure availability of resources

62 10/15/2015 62 How do school leaders use the Year at Glance?  Pacing  Teaching before TAKS  Sequence  District Resources and sharing  Mix and match within 12 weeks

63 10/15/2015 63 Year at a Glance Activity  Highlight my favorite units to teach  Circle new units  Let’s look at pacing Do we do this at a different time? If we have 12 weeks at a time, how can we make CSCOPE work for that difference? (think in 12 week chunks)  Love units > new Love units

64 10/15/2015 64 District Negotiable/Non Negotiables  Make a list

65 10/15/2015 65 CSCOPE Components  Instructional Focus Documents Six weeks bundles that organize the specified student expectations into logical units

66 10/15/2015 66 Instructional Focus Documents  The TEKS are not organized for instructional delivery. Arranged in strands, NOT coherent units of instruction Not arranged on a time-line  Instructional Focus Documents place TEKS in a coherent, rational sequence of instruction Indicate the TEKS and the specificity that will be addressed in the instructional unit Refocus teacher planning time Ensure learning to performance indicators Provide rationale

67 10/15/2015 67 How can we teach so much?  Bundling of the TEKS  Organized into coherent sets of material  Organized so taught before the test  Evaluate any units that you currently do that no longer fit … gain time

68 10/15/2015 68 CSCOPE Components  Instructional Focus Documents Bundles that organize the specified student expectations into logical units

69 10/15/2015 69 Parts of the IFD  Unit name  Number of days  Rationale  Performance Indicators  Concepts  Key Understandings  Specified TEKS Strikethroughs = not taught yet!

70 10/15/2015 70 IFD Activity  Use one of the IFDs from your grade level Add to the rationale Create a new rationale Which performance indicators are best to use? Could there be other performance indicators?  CAUTION – remember rigor and relevance

71 10/15/2015 71 Instructional Focus Document  Campus leaders use the Instructional Focus Documents to: Lead conversations about the standards taught in each six week period and how they will be evaluated through the performance indicators Support teacher development in the integration of the standards into a complementary system of instruction Monitor high quality instruction Benchmark student progress

72 10/15/2015 72 How do school leaders use the Instructional Focus Documents?  STAY HERE  Use this for instructional leadership  Pay attention to rationale  Performance indicators  TEKS + Specificity + Strikethrough  SE + SE + SE = 1 learning element

73 10/15/2015 73 District Negotiable/Non Negotiables  Make a list

74 10/15/2015 74 Maintaining the right discussions  Use the IFD as the starting point  Don’t jump to lessons

75 10/15/2015 75 Let’s log on!

76 10/15/2015 76 CSCOPE Online Curriculum Management System  address:  username: cscopedemo  password: cscopedemo

77 10/15/2015 77 NOW… Let’s talk instruction!

78 10/15/2015 78 The parts of the Units of Study  Concepts  Key Understandings and Guiding Questions  Specified TEKS  Performance Indicators  Sequence of Lesson Activities  Reference to State Lessons  Customizable District Lessons  Key Content, Skills, Materials, Vocabulary

79 10/15/2015 79 CSCOPE Components  Units of Study Overview of learning that include standards Rationale, lessons, misconceptions and much more

80 10/15/2015 80 CSCOPE Components  Lessons Stand-alone, state developed, customized district lessons – all built on research based lesson design

81 10/15/2015 81 Units of Study  Campus leaders use the Units of Study to: Lead conversations about the standards taught in each six week period and how they will be evaluated Focus on the rationale and misconceptions to ensure that early learning is complete and accurate. Review the concepts, key understandings, and guiding questions for the instructional unit in order to monitor instructional delivery Begin conversations regarding the performance indicators and Unit Assessments to ensure the alignment of quality instruction to assessment Evaluate teacher weekly lesson plans Identify misconceptions in a prerequisite grade that impact student learning and performance in subsequent grades resulting in an achievement gap. This component alerts those using the system to these issues

82 10/15/2015 82 Sequence of Lesson Activities

83 10/15/2015 83 Lessons  Built on the 5E Model Engage Explore Explain Extend/Elaborate Evaluate

84 10/15/2015 84 Lessons

85 10/15/2015 85 Lesson Activity  Let’s define! Use the vocabulary list Make a t-chart (Instructional Vocabulary | TEKS/TAKS Vocabulary) Put the vocabulary on the t-chart Put a star by any vocabulary that is used across content areas Box words that are used across grade levels  Star words (vocabulary that is used across content areas) What is our definition? Why is this important?  Boxed words (vocabulary that is used across grade levels) What is our definition? Why is this important?

86 10/15/2015 86 Lesson Activity  Exploring Background Knowledge Read the background knowledge from each lesson Make a K|W|L chart to organize the background information (if enough)

87 10/15/2015 87 Lesson Activity  Misconceptions/Underdeveloped concepts Look through the lessons  Are there any?  Why are they important?  What is the impact if we don’t address this?

88 10/15/2015 88 How do school leaders use the lessons?  Exemplars  Vocabulary  Background Knowledge  Notes to teacher  Other resources  Customize, critique, communicate, collect

89 10/15/2015 89 More Lessons  State Lessons  District Lessons  Make it yours!

90 10/15/2015 90 Lessons  Campus leaders use the lessons to: Provide all teachers with a resource for instruction Ensure that instruction is rigorous and relevant Customize the lessons to unique campus initiatives and resources Provide mentors a tool to use with new to

91 10/15/2015 91 District Negotiable/Non Negotiables  Make a list

92 10/15/2015 92 Let’s log on!

93 10/15/2015 93 CSCOPE Online Curriculum Management System  address:  username: cscopedemo  password: cscopedemo

94 10/15/2015 94 Other CSCOPE Components  Lesson Planner  TEKS Verification Matrix Ensure all of the state curriculum is included in the CSCOPE curriculum system Provide documentation for value added components of CSCOPE, state, and district resources  Unit Tests Common assessments including items in TAKS format for each six weeks  Statewide professional development Provide job-embedded professional development Maintain curriculum conversations among campus leaders  Customized professional development

95 10/15/2015 95 CSCOPE is YOUR Curriculum  Customizable  Placeholder for your resources  Tool for communication about curriculum

96 10/15/2015 96 Carrying on conversations

97 10/15/2015 97 District Supports  What district/campus supports can you utilize? Technology Instructional coaches Team meetings

98 10/15/2015 98 Professional Development  Teachers Region XIII  Web Casts  8 Days of training District  Administrators Quarterly sessions at Region XIII and Cluster Sites

99 10/15/2015 99 Region XIII Contacts CSCOPE Teaching and Learning ELA Cindy Hamilton Rebecca Lang Karen Harris Math Carol Gautier Susan Hemphill Jo Peters Science Jennifer Shinners Jennifer Jordan Social StudiesTina Melcher CSCOPE Jennifer Drumm – 512-919-5459 Your District

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