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Lesson 52-53 – Numbers 16–36 Brazen Serpents and Talking Donkeys.

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1 Lesson 52-53 – Numbers 16–36 Brazen Serpents and Talking Donkeys

2 2 Stories The rest of the book of Numbers tells of the rest of the wanderings of the Israelites. More of the same, murmuring, warring, trying to handle 600,000 We are going to talk about two stories that really stand out. A strict reading doesn’t do the stories justice, we need help interpreting from other prophets.

3 Numbers 21:4-9 Someone retell the story in their own words, according to this passage. Israelites complain Lord sends His wrath People start dying, Moses prays for them The Lord provides a way for them to be healed. Is that all?

4 Alma 33:19-20 What does Alma add to this story? v21-22 – Bring it back to us (Application) What are some of the easy things we are asked to do? The hard things? What about the pioneers? People love to accomplish great feats in the name of the Lord, but what really matters? That we turn to him.

5 Story #2: Balaam Numbers 22 Each person will read 3 verses Explain what is happening to the rest of the class in your own words. In the end, Balaam still helps them and is killed as a result.

6 What did Balaam do wrong? He never cursed Israel. He listened to the word of the Lord, even prophesied of the Messiah. But he kept entertaining the ideas, and asking the Lord to let him curse Israel for the money he would get out of it. Can you think of any similar story, where after continual pleading, the Lord relents to disastrous effects? – Martin Harris and the lost pages of the Book of Mormon

7 “The Story of a Prophet’s Madness” “I wonder how often some of us get our direction from the Church and then, like Balaam, plead for some worldly rewards and finally receive an answer which says, in effect, If you are determined to be a millionaire or to gain this or that worldly honor, then do it with the understanding that you will continue to serve the Lord. Then we wonder why things don’t go as well for us as they would have done if we had put first in our lives the things of God’s kingdom?” Elder Bruce R. McConkie Numbers 22–24

8 “The Story of a Prophet’s Madness” “What are the rewards of unrighteousness? Do they not include seeking for worldly things when these oppose the interests of the Church? And don’t we all know people who, though they were once firm and steadfast in testimony, are now opposing the Lord’s purposes and interests on earth because money and power have twisted their judgment of what should or should not be? Balaam, the prophet, inspired and mighty as he once was, lost his soul in the end because he set his heart on the things of this world rather than the riches of eternity” Elder Bruce R. McConkie Numbers 22–24

9 Costly Mistakes These two stories involve costly mistakes Not remembering the simple task of looking to Christ Trying to be righteous but putting worldly desires first There is certainly much of these books that was meant more for the Israelites of old, but these two stories are very pertinent to our gospel living.

10 Notebook Ideas In what simple ways can you look to the Lord and live, spiritually? Is it possible to be wealthy and righteous at the same time? If so, how do you do it? What are the pitfalls?

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